function output = kktqp(interfacedata) %KKTQP Solver for indefinite QP problems using binary optmization % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: kktqp.m,v 1.1 2006/04/04 19:01:38 joloef Exp $ % ******************************** %% INITIALIZE DIAGNOSTICS IN YALMIP % ******************************** K = interfacedata.K; b = interfacedata.F_struc(1+K.f:end,1); A = -interfacedata.F_struc(1+K.f:end,2:end); c = interfacedata.c; n = length(c); if ~all(isinf( if ~isempty(lb) A = [A;-eye(n)]; b = [b;] end end if ~all(isinf(interfacedata.ub)) if ~isempty(ub) A = [A;eye(n)]; b = [b;interfacedata.ub] end end % Lazy... P = polytope(A,b); [B,L,U] = bounding_box(P); [A,b] = double(P); % Formulation here assumes maximization... Q = -2*interfacedata.Q; c = -interfacedata.c; x = sdpvar(n,1); bounds(x,L,U); y = sdpvar(length(b),1); % Duals dy = binvar(length(b),1); % indicater dual ==0 ds = binvar(length(b),1); % indicater slack==0 s = b-A*x; % slack % Derive bounds on primal slack [M,m] = derivebounds(s); % Let us try to derive bounds on the dauls % variables. Hmm... % Ugly, but let's just maximize/minimize linear % relaxations F = set(A'*y == Q*x + c) + set(s>0) + set(y>0);%KKT F = F + set(s < ds.*M); % Big M, we know upper bound on s F = F + set(dy+ds <= 1); % Complementary slackness F = F + set(0 <= sum(dy) <= n); % Find dis-joint constraints (silly way...) for i = 1:length(b) j = findrows(abs(A),abs(A(i,:))); if length(j)>1 S{i} = setdiff(j,i); else S{i} = []; end end [a1,a2,a3,model] = export(F,-y(i),sdpsettings('relax',1)); solvertime = clock; for i = 1:length(b) if isempty(S{i}) model_ = model; model_.c = model_.c*0; model_.c(n+i) = -1; sol = feval(,model_); else k = length(S{i}); Aeq = sparse(1:k,n+S{i},1,k,n+3*length(b)); beq = zeros(k,1); model_ = model; model_.F_struc = [beq Aeq;model.F_struc]; model_.K.f = model.K.f+k; model_.c = model_.c*0; model_.c(n+i) = -1; sol = feval(,model_); end if sol.problem == 0 My(i,1) = sol.Primal(n+i); else My(i,1) = 1e4; end end F = F + set(y <= dy.*My); obj = -0.5*(c'*x+b'*y); % ==cost in optimal points sol = solvesdp(F,obj); % ********************************** %% CREATE SOLUTION % ********************************** output.problem = sol.problem; output.Primal = double(x); output.Dual = []; output.Slack = []; output.infostr = yalmiperror(output.problem,'KKTQP'); output.solverinput = 0; if interfacedata.options.savesolveroutput output.solveroutput.solved_nodes = solved_nodes; output.solveroutput.lower = lower; output.solveroutput.upper = upper; else output.solveroutput =[]; end output.solvertime = etime(clock,solvertime);