function output = cutsdp(p) % CUTSDP % % See also SOLVESDP, BNB, BINVAR, INTVAR, BINARY, INTEGER, LMI % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: cutsdp.m,v 1.5 2006/05/23 21:55:59 joloef Exp $ % ************************************************************************* %% INITIALIZE DIAGNOSTICS IN YALMIP % ************************************************************************* bnbsolvertime = clock; showprogress('Cutting plane solver started',p.options.showprogress); % ************************************************************************* %% If we want duals, we may not extract bounds. However, bounds must be % extracted in discrete problems. % ************************************************************************* if p.options.cutsdp.recoverdual warning('Dual recovery not implemented yet in CUTSDP') end % ************************************************************************* %% Define infinite bounds % ************************************************************************* if isempty(p.ub) p.ub = repmat(inf,length(p.c),1); end if isempty( = repmat(-inf,length(p.c),1); end % ************************************************************************* %% ADD CONSTRAINTS 00 [,p.ub] = tightenbounds(-p.F_struc(1+p.K.f:p.K.f+p.K.l,2:end),p.F_struc(1+p.K.f:p.K.f+p.K.l,1),,p.ub,p.integer_variables); end % ************************************************************************* %% PERTURBATION OF LINEAR COST % ************************************************************************* p.corig = p.c; if nnz(p.Q)~=0 g = randn('seed'); randn('state',1253); %For my testing, I keep this the same... % This perturbation has to be better. Crucial for many real LP problems p.c = (p.c).*(1+randn(length(p.c),1)*1e-4); randn('seed',g); end % ************************************************************************* %% We don't need this % ************************************************************************* p.options.savesolverinput = 0; p.options.savesolveroutput = 0; % ************************************************************************* %% Display logics % 0 : Silent % 1 : Display cut progress % 2 : Display node solver prints % ************************************************************************* switch max(min(p.options.verbose,3),0) case 0 p.options.cutsdp.verbose = 0; case 1 p.options.cutsdp.verbose = 1; p.options.verbose = 0; case 2 p.options.cutsdp.verbose = 2; p.options.verbose = 0; case 3 p.options.cutsdp.verbose = 2; p.options.verbose = 1; otherwise p.options.cutsdp.verbose = 0; p.options.verbose = 0; end % ************************************************************************* %% START CUTTING % ************************************************************************* [x_min,solved_nodes,lower,feasible,D_struc] = cutting(p); %% -- % ************************************************************************* %% CREATE SOLUTION % ************************************************************************* output.problem = 0; if ~feasible output.problem = 1; end if solved_nodes == p.options.cutsdp.maxiter output.problem = 3; end output.solved_nodes = solved_nodes; output.Primal = x_min; output.Dual = D_struc; output.Slack = []; output.solverinput = 0; output.solveroutput =[]; output.solvertime = etime(clock,bnbsolvertime); %% -- function [x,solved_nodes,lower,feasible,D_struc] = cutting(p) % ************************************************************************* %% Sanity check % ************************************************************************* if any(>p.ub) x = zeros(length(p.c),1); solved_nodes = 0; lower = inf; feasible = 0; D_struc = []; return end % ************************************************************************* %% Create function handle to solver % ************************************************************************* cutsolver =; % ************************************************************************* %% Create copy of model without % the SDP part % ************************************************************************* p_lp = p; p_lp.F_struc = p_lp.F_struc(1:p.K.l+p.K.f,:); p_lp.K.s = 0; % ************************************************************************* %% DISPLAY HEADER % ************************************************************************* if p.options.cutsdp.verbose disp('* Starting YALMIP cutting plane for MISDP based on MILP'); disp(['* Lower solver : ' p.solver.cutsolver.tag]); disp(['* Max iterations : ' num2str(p.options.cutsdp.maxiter)]); end if p.options.bnb.verbose; disp(' Node Infeasibility. Lower LP cuts');end; %% Initialize diagnostic infeasibility = -inf; solved_nodes = 0; feasible = 1; lower = -inf; saveduals = 1; % ************************************************************************* %% Add diagonal cuts to begin with % ************************************************************************* savedCuts = []; savedIndicies = []; if p.K.s(1)>0 top = p.K.f+p.K.l+1; for i = 1:length(p.K.s) n = p.K.s(i); newF=[]; for m = 1:p.K.s(i) d = eyev(p.K.s(i),m); index = (1+(m-1)*(p.K.s(i)+1)); newF = [newF;p.F_struc(top+index-1,:)]; end % Clean newF(abs(newF)<1e-12) = 0; keep=find(any(newF(:,2:end),2)); newF = newF(keep,:); p_lp.F_struc = [p_lp.F_struc;newF]; p_lp.K.l = p_lp.K.l + size(newF,1); top = top+n^2; end end goon = 1; rr = p_lp.integer_variables; rb = p_lp.binary_variables; only_solvelp = 0; pplot = 0; % ************************************************************************* % Crude lower bound % FIX for quadratic case % ************************************************************************* lower = 0; if nnz(p.Q) == 0 for i = 1:length(p.c) if p.c(i)>0 if isinf( lower = -inf; break else lower = lower + p.c(i)*; end elseif p.c(i)<0 if isinf(p.ub(i)) lower = -inf; break else lower = lower + p.c(i)*p.ub(i); end end end end %lower = sum(sign(p.c).*(; if isinf(lower) | nnz(p.Q)~=0 lower = -1e6; end % ************************************************************************* % Experimental stuff for variable fixing % ************************************************************************* if p.options.cutsdp.nodefix & (p.K.s(1)>0) top=1+p.K.f+p.K.l+sum(p.K.q); for i=1:length(p.K.s) n=p.K.s(i); for j=1:size(p.F_struc,2)-1; X=full(reshape(p.F_struc(top:top+n^2-1,j+1),p.K.s(i),p.K.s(i))); X=(X+X')/2; v=real(eig(X+sqrt(eps)*eye(length(X)))); if all(v>=0) sdpmonotinicity(i,j)=-1; elseif all(v<=0) sdpmonotinicity(i,j)=1; else sdpmonotinicity(i,j)=nan; end end top=top+n^2; end else sdpmonotinicity=[]; end while goon % Add lower bound if ~isinf(lower) p_lp.F_struc = [p_lp.F_struc;-lower p_lp.c']; p_lp.K.l = p_lp.K.l + 1; end if p.options.cutsdp.nodetight % Extract LP part Ax<=b A = -p_lp.F_struc(p_lp.K.f + (1:p_lp.K.l),2:end); b = p_lp.F_struc(p_lp.K.f + (1:p_lp.K.l),1); c = p_lp.c; % Tighten bounds and find redundant constraints [,p_lp.ub,redundant,pss] = milppresolve(A,b,,p_lp.ub,p.integer_variables,p.binary_variables,ones(length(,1)); A(redundant,:) = []; b(redundant) = []; p_lp.F_struc(p_lp.K.f+redundant,:) = []; p_lp.K.l = p_lp.K.l-length(redundant); end if p.options.cutsdp.nodefix % Try to find variables to fix w.l.o.g [fix_up,fix_down] = presolve_fixvariables(A,b,c,,p_lp.ub,sdpmonotinicity); = p_lp.ub(fix_up); p_lp.ub(fix_down) =; while ~(isempty(fix_up) & isempty(fix_down)) [,p_lp.ub,redundant,pss] = milppresolve(A,b,,p_lp.ub,p.integer_variables,p.binary_variables,ones(length(,1)); A(redundant,:) = []; b(redundant) = []; p_lp.F_struc(p_lp.K.f+redundant,:) = []; p_lp.K.l = p_lp.K.l-length(redundant); fix_up = []; fix_down = []; % Try to find variables to fix w.l.o.g [fix_up,fix_down] = presolve_fixvariables(A,b,c,,p_lp.ub,sdpmonotinicity); = p_lp.ub(fix_up); p_lp.ub(fix_down) =; end end output = feval(cutsolver,p_lp); % Remove lower bound (avoid accumulating them) if ~isinf(lower) p_lp.K.l = p_lp.K.l - 1; p_lp.F_struc = p_lp.F_struc(1:end-1,:); end if output.problem == 1 | output.problem == 12 % LP relaxation was infeasible, hence problem is infeasible feasible = 0; lower = inf; goon = 0; x = zeros(length(p.c),1); lower = inf; else % Relaxed solution x = output.Primal; lower = p.f+p.c'*x+x'*p.Q*x; infeasibility = 0; if p.K.s(1)>0 % Add cuts top = p.K.f+p.K.l+1; for i = 1:1:length(p.K.s) n = p.K.s(i); X = p.F_struc(top:top+n^2-1,:)*[1;x]; X = reshape(X,n,n); Y = randn(n,n); newcuts = 1; newF = zeros(n,size(p.F_struc,2)); [d,v] = eig(X); infeasibility = min(infeasibility,min(diag(v))); dummy=[]; newF = []; if infeasibility<0 [ii,jj] = sort(diag(v)); for m = jj(1:min(length(jj),p.options.cutsdp.cutlimit))'%find(diag(v<0))%1:1%length(v) if v(m,m)<0 bA = d(:,m)'*(kron(d(:,m),speye(n))'*p.F_struc(top:top+n^2-1,:)); b = bA(:,1); A = -bA(:,2:end); newF = [newF;b -A]; %f = b-floor(b); %fj = A - floor(A); %A = floor(A) + max((fj-f),0)./(1-f); %b = floor(b); %newF = [newF;b -A]; newcuts = newcuts + 1; end end end newF(abs(newF)<1e-12) = 0; keep=find(any(newF(:,2:end),2)); newF = newF(keep,:); if size(newF,1)>0 p_lp.F_struc = [p_lp.F_struc;newF]; p_lp.K.l = p_lp.K.l + size(newF,1); [i,j] = sort(p_lp.F_struc*[1;x]); end top = top+n^2; end end % res = find(p_lp.F_struc*[1;x] > mean(abs(p_lp.F_struc*[1;x]))); % p_lp.F_struc(res,:) = []; % p_lp.K.l = p_lp.K.l-length(res); goon = infeasibility <= p.options.cutsdp.feastol; goon = goon & feasible; goon = goon & (solved_nodes < p.options.cutsdp.maxiter-1); end solved_nodes = solved_nodes + 1; if p.options.cutsdp.verbose;fprintf(' %4.0f : %12.3E %12.3E %2.0f\n',solved_nodes,infeasibility,lower,p_lp.K.l-p.K.l);end end D_struc = [];