function output = bnb(p) %BNB General branch-and-bound scheme for conic programs % % BNB applies a branch-and-bound scheme to solve mixed integer % conic programs (LP, QP, SOCP, SDP) and mixed integer geometric programs. % % BNB is never called by the user directly, but is called by % YALMIP from SOLVESDP, by choosing the solver tag 'bnb' in sdpsettings. % % BNB is used if no other mixed integer solver is found, and % is only useful for very small problems, due to its simple % and naive implementation. % % The behaviour of BNB can be altered using the fields % in the field 'bnb' in SDPSETTINGS % % bnb.branchrule Deceides on what variable to branch % 'max' : Variable furthest away from being integer % 'min' : Variable closest to be being integer % 'first' : First variable (lowest variable index in YALMIP) % 'last' : Last variable (highest variable index in YALMIP) % 'weight' : See manual % % bnb.method Branching strategy % 'depth' : Depth first % 'breadth' : Breadth first % 'best' : Expand branch with lowest lower bound % 'depthX' : Depth until integer solution found, then X (e.g 'depthbest') % % solver Solver for the relaxed problems (standard solver tag, see SDPSETTINGS) % % inttol Tolerance for declaring a variable as integer % % feastol Tolerance for declaring constraints as feasible % % gaptol Exit when (upper bound-lower bound)/(1e-3+abs(lower bound)) < gaptol % % round Round variables smaller than bnb.inttol % % % See also SOLVESDP, BINVAR, INTVAR, BINARY, INTEGER % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: bnb.m,v 1.12 2006/08/28 13:48:38 joloef Exp $ % ******************************** %% INITIALIZE DIAGNOSTICS IN YALMIP % ******************************** bnbsolvertime = clock; showprogress('Branch and bound started',p.options.showprogress); %p.options.verbose = 1; % ******************************** %% We might have a GP : pre-calc % ******************************** p.nonlinear = find(~(sum(p.monomtable~=0,2)==1 & sum(p.monomtable,2)==1)); p.nonlinear = union(p.nonlinear,p.evalVariables); % ******************************** %% Define infinite bounds % ******************************** if isempty(p.ub) p.ub = repmat(inf,length(p.c),1); end if isempty( = repmat(-inf,length(p.c),1); end % ******************************** %% Extract bounds from model % ******************************** if ~isempty(p.F_struc) [lb,ub,used_rows] = findulb(p.F_struc,p.K); if ~isempty(used_rows) used_rows = used_rows(~any(full(p.F_struc(used_rows,1+p.nonlinear)),2)); if ~isempty(used_rows) lower_defined = find(~isinf(lb)); if ~isempty(lower_defined) = max(,lb(lower_defined)); end upper_defined = find(~isinf(ub)); if ~isempty(upper_defined) p.ub(upper_defined) = min(p.ub(upper_defined),ub(upper_defined)); end p.F_struc(p.K.f+used_rows,:)=[]; p.K.l = p.K.l - length(used_rows); end end end % ******************************** %% ADD CONSTRAINTS 0 0);%p.options.bnb.inttol); p.ub(p.binary_variables(godown)) = 0; = 1; end = fix(; p.ub(p.integer_variables) = fix(p.ub(p.integer_variables)); % ******************************* %% PRE-SOLVE (nothing fancy coded) % ******************************* pss=[]; if isempty(p.nonlinear) %if isempty(find(isinf([p.ub;]))) & p.K.l>0 & isempty(p.nonlinear) if p.K.f>0 Aeq = -p.F_struc(1:p.K.f,2:end); beq = p.F_struc(1:p.K.f,1); A = [Aeq;-Aeq]; b = [beq;-beq]; [,p.ub,redundant,pss] = tightenbounds(A,b,,p.ub,p.integer_variables,p.binary_variables,ones(length(,1)); end pss=[]; if p.K.l>0 A = -p.F_struc(1+p.K.f:p.K.f+p.K.l,2:end); b = p.F_struc(1+p.K.f:p.K.f+p.K.l,1); [,p.ub,redundant,pss] = tightenbounds(A,b,,p.ub,p.integer_variables,p.binary_variables,ones(length(,1)); if length(redundant)>0 pss.AL0A(redundant,:)=[]; pss.AG0A(redundant,:)=[]; p.F_struc(p.K.f+redundant,:)=[]; p.K.l = p.K.l - length(redundant); end end end % ******************************* %% PERTURBATION OF LINEAR COST % ******************************* p.corig = p.c; if nnz(p.Q)~=0 g = randn('seed'); randn('state',1253); %For my testing, I keep this the same... % This perturbation has to be better. Crucial for many real LP problems p.c = (p.c).*(1+randn(length(p.c),1)*1e-4); randn('seed',g); end % ******************************* %% Display logics % 0 : Silent % 1 : Display branching % 2 : Display node solver prints % ******************************* switch max(min(p.options.verbose,3),0) case 0 p.options.bnb.verbose = 0; case 1 p.options.bnb.verbose = 1; p.options.verbose = 0; case 2 p.options.bnb.verbose = 2; p.options.verbose = 0; case 3 p.options.bnb.verbose = 2; p.options.verbose = 1; otherwise p.options.bnb.verbose = 0; p.options.verbose = 0; end % ******************************* %% Figure out the weights if any % ******************************* try % Probably buggy first version... if ~isempty(p.options.bnb.weight) weightvar = p.options.bnb.weight; if isa(weightvar,'sdpvar') if (prod(size(weightvar)) == 1) weight = ones(length(p.c),1); for i = 1:length(p.c) weight(i,1) = full(getbasematrix(weightvar,p.used_variables(i))); end p.weight = weight; else error('Weight should be an SDPVAR scalar'); end else error('Weight should be an SDPVAR scalar'); end else p.weight = ones(length(p.c),1); p.weight(p.binary_variables) = (1./(1:length(p.binary_variables))); end catch disp('Something wrong with weights. Please report bug'); p.weight = ones(length(p.c),1); end % ******************************* %% START BRANCHING % ******************************* [x_min,solved_nodes,lower,upper] = branch_and_bound(p,pss); % ********************************** %% CREATE SOLUTION % ********************************** output.problem = 0; if isinf(upper) output.problem = 1; end if isinf(-lower) output.problem = 2; end if solved_nodes == p.options.bnb.maxiter output.problem = 3; end output.solved_nodes = solved_nodes; output.Primal = x_min; output.Dual = []; output.Slack = []; output.infostr = yalmiperror(output.problem,'BNB'); output.solverinput = 0; if p.options.savesolveroutput output.solveroutput.solved_nodes = solved_nodes; output.solveroutput.lower = lower; output.solveroutput.upper = upper; else output.solveroutput =[]; end output.solvertime = etime(clock,bnbsolvertime); %% -- function [x_min,solved_nodes,lower,upper] = branch_and_bound(p,pss) % ******************************* %% We don't need this % ******************************* p.options.savesolverinput = 0; p.options.savesolveroutput = 0; p.options.saveduals = 0; p.options.dimacs = 0; % ******************************* %% SET-UP ROOT PROBLEM % ******************************* p.depth = 0; p.lower = NaN; if p.options.usex0 [x_min,upper] = initializesolution(p); p.x0 = x_min; else upper = inf; x_min = zeros(length(p.c),1); p.x0 = zeros(length(p.c),1); end %if isinf(upper) & isequal(p.solver.lower.tag) %end % ******************************* %% Global stuff % ******************************* lower = NaN; stack = []; % ******************************* %% Create function handle to solver % ******************************* lowersolver =; uppersolver = p.options.bnb.uppersolver; % ******************************* %% INVARIANT PROBLEM DATA % ******************************* c = p.corig; Q = p.Q; f = p.f; integer_variables = p.integer_variables; solved_nodes = 0; gap = inf; node = 1; if p.options.bnb.presolve savec = p.c; saveQ = p.Q; p.Q = p.Q*0; n = length(p.c); saveBinary = p.binary_variables; saveInteger = p.integer_variables; p.binary_variables = []; p.integer_variables = [];; for i = 1:length(c) p.c = eyev(n,i); output = feval(lowersolver,p); if output.problem == 0 = max(,output.Primal(i)); end p.c = -eyev(n,i); output = feval(lowersolver,p); if output.problem == 0 p.ub(i) = min(p.ub(i),output.Primal(i)); end = ceil(; p.ub(saveBinary) = floor(p.ub(saveBinary)+1e-3); end p.binary_variables = saveBinary; p.integer_variables = saveInteger; p.Q = saveQ; p.c = savec; end % ************************************************ % Some hacks to speed up solver calls % ************************************************ p.getsolvertime = 0; % ******************************* %% DISPLAY HEADER % ******************************* originalDiscrete = [p.integer_variables(:);p.binary_variables(:)]; originalBinary = p.binary_variables(:); if nnz(Q)==0 & (nnz(p.c-fix(p.c))==0) can_use_ceil_lower = all(ismember(find(p.c),originalDiscrete)); else can_use_ceil_lower = 0; end if p.options.bnb.verbose pc = p.problemclass; non_convex_obj = pc.objective.quadratic.nonconvex | pc.objective.polynomial; possiblynonconvex = non_convex_obj; if ~isequal(p.solver.lower.version,'') p.solver.lower.tag = [p.solver.lower.tag '-' p.solver.lower.version]; end disp('* Starting YALMIP integer branch & bound.'); disp(['* Lower solver : ' p.solver.lower.tag]); disp(['* Upper solver : ' p.options.bnb.uppersolver]); disp(['* Max iterations : ' num2str(p.options.bnb.maxiter)]); if possiblynonconvex & p.options.warning disp(' '); disp('Warning : The relaxed problem may be nonconvex. This means '); disp('that the branching process not is guaranteed to find a'); disp('globally optimal solution, since the lower bound can be'); disp('invalid. Hence, do not trust the bound or the gap...') end end if p.options.bnb.verbose; disp(' Node Upper Gap(%) Lower Open');end; if nnz(Q)==0 & nnz(c)==1 p.simplecost = 1; else p.simplecost = 0; end poriginal = p; p.cuts = []; %% MAIN LOOP p.options.rounding = [1 1 1 1]; % if p.options.bnb.nodefix & (p.K.s(1)>0) top=1+p.K.f+p.K.l+sum(p.K.q); for i=1:length(p.K.s) n=p.K.s(i); for j=1:size(p.F_struc,2)-1; X=full(reshape(p.F_struc(top:top+n^2-1,j+1),p.K.s(i),p.K.s(i))); X=(X+X')/2; v=real(eig(X+sqrt(eps)*eye(length(X)))); if all(v>=0) sdpmonotinicity(i,j)=-1; elseif all(v<=0) sdpmonotinicity(i,j)=1; else sdpmonotinicity(i,j)=nan; end end top=top+n^2; end else sdpmonotinicity=[]; end % Try to find sum(d_i) = 1 sosgroups = {}; sosvariables = []; if p.K.f > 0 & ~isempty(p.binary_variables) nbin = length(p.binary_variables); Aeq = -p.F_struc(1:p.K.f,2:end); beq = p.F_struc(1:p.K.f,1); notbinary_var_index = setdiff(1:length(,p.binary_variables); only_binary = ~any(Aeq(:,notbinary_var_index),2); Aeq_bin = Aeq(find(only_binary),p.binary_variables); beq_bin = beq(find(only_binary),:); % Detect groups with constraints sum(d_i) == 1 sosgroups = {}; for i = 1:size(Aeq_bin,1) if beq_bin(i) == 1 [ix,jx,sx] = find(Aeq_bin(i,:)); if all(sx == 1) sosgroups{end+1} = p.binary_variables(jx); sosvariables = [sosvariables p.binary_variables(jx)]; end end end end while ~isempty(node) & (solved_nodes < p.options.bnb.maxiter) & (isinf(lower) | gap>p.options.bnb.gaptol) % ******************************************** % Adjust variable bound based on upper bound % ******************************************** % p = Updatecostbound(p,upper); % This code typically never runs but can be turned on % using options.bnb.nodetight and bnb.nodefix. if ~isinf(upper) & ~isnan(lower) [p,poriginal,stack] = pruneglobally(p,poriginal,upper,lower,stack,x); [p,poriginal,stack] = fixvariables(p,poriginal,upper,lower,stack,x_min,sdpmonotinicity); end % ******************************************** % BINARY VARIABLES ARE FIXED ALONG THE PROCESS % ******************************************** binary_variables = p.binary_variables; % ******************************************** % ASSUME THAT WE WON'T FATHOME % ******************************************** keep_digging = 1; message = ''; % ************************************* % SOLVE NODE PROBLEM % ************************************* if any(p.ub0) & any(p.F_struc(p.K.f+1:p.K.f+p.K.l,:)*[1;x]<-1e-5) output.problem = 1; end end solved_nodes = solved_nodes+1; % ************************************** % THIS WILL BE INTIAL GUESS FOR CHILDREN % ************************************** p.x0 = x; % ************************************* % NODE HEURISTICS (NOTHING CODED) % ************************************* if output.problem==0 | output.problem==3 | output.problem==4 cost = f+c'*x+x'*Q*x ; if isnan(lower) lower = cost; end [upper1,x_min1] = feval(uppersolver,poriginal,output); if upper1 < upper x_min = x_min1; upper = upper1; [stack,stacklower] = prune(stack,upper,p.options,solved_nodes,p); lower = min(lower,stacklower); [p,poriginal,stack] = pruneglobally(p,poriginal,upper,lower,stack,x_min); [p,poriginal,stack] = fixvariables(p,poriginal,upper,lower,stack,x_min,sdpmonotinicity); end end p = adaptivestrategy(p,upper,solved_nodes); % ************************************* % ANY INTEGERS? ROUND? % ************************************* non_integer_binary = abs(x(binary_variables)-round(x(binary_variables)))>p.options.bnb.inttol; non_integer_integer = abs(x(integer_variables)-round(x(integer_variables)))>p.options.bnb.inttol; if p.options.bnb.round x(binary_variables(~non_integer_binary)) = round(x(binary_variables(~non_integer_binary))); x(integer_variables(~non_integer_integer)) = round(x(integer_variables(~non_integer_integer))); end non_integer_binary = find(non_integer_binary); non_integer_integer = find(non_integer_integer); % ************************************* % CHECK FATHOMING POSSIBILITIES % ************************************* feasible = 1; switch output.problem case 0 if can_use_ceil_lower lower = ceil(lower); end case {1,12} keep_digging = 0; cost = inf; feasible = 0; case 2 cost = -inf; otherwise % This part has to be much more robust cost = f+c'*x+x'*Q*x; end % ************************************** % YAHOO! INTEGER SOLUTION FOUND % ************************************** if isempty(non_integer_binary) & isempty(non_integer_integer) if (costupper*(1-1e-6) keep_digging = 0; end % ********************************** % CONTINUE SPLITTING? % ********************************** if keep_digging & (costoptions.bnb.inttol)); case 'last' index = max(find(abs(x(all_variables)-round(x(all_variables)))>options.bnb.inttol)); case 'min' nint = find(abs(x(all_variables)-round(x(all_variables)))>options.bnb.inttol); [val,index] = min(abs(x(nint))); index = nint(index); case 'max' [val,index] = max(abs(x(all_variables)-round(x(all_variables)))); otherwise error end if index<=length(integer_variables) whatsplit = 'integer'; else index = index-length(integer_variables); whatsplit = 'binary'; end % ********************************** % SPLIT PROBLEM % ********************************** function [p0,p1,variable] = binarysplit(p,x,index,lower,options,sosgroups,sosvariables) p0 = p; p1 = p; variable = p.binary_variables(index); tf = ~(ismembc(p0.binary_variables,variable)); new_binary = p0.binary_variables(tf); % friends = []; % if ~isempty(sosvariables) % if ismember(variable,sosvariables) % i = 1; % while i<=length(sosgroups) % % if ismember(variable,sosgroups{i}) % friends = setdiff(sosgroups{i},variable); % break % else % i = i + 1; % end % end % end % end p0.ub(variable)=0;; %if length(friends) == 1 % p0.ub(friends)=1; %; %end p0.lower = lower; p0.depth = p.depth+1; p0.binary_variables = new_binary;%setdiff1D(p0.binary_variables,variable); %p0.binary_variables = setdiff(p0.binary_variables,friends); p1.ub(variable)=1;; %p1.ub(friends)=0;; p1.binary_variables = new_binary;%p0.binary_variables;%setdiff1D(p1.binary_variables,variable); %p1.binary_variables = setdiff(p1.binary_variables,friends); p1.lower = lower; p1.depth = p.depth+1; % % ***************************** % % PROCESS MOST PROMISING FIRST % % (p0 in top of stack) % % ***************************** if x(variable)>0.5 pt=p1; p1=p0; p0=pt; end function [p0,p1] = integersplit(p,x,index,lower,options,x_min) variable = p.integer_variables(index); current = x(p.integer_variables(index)); lb = floor(current)+1; ub = floor(current); % xilb p1 = p; p1.lower = lower; p1.depth = p.depth+1; p1.x0(variable) = lb;,lb); % ***************************** % PROCESS MOST PROMISING FIRST % ***************************** if lb-current<0.5 pt=p1; p1=p0; p0=pt; end function s = num2str2(x,d,c); if nargin==3 s = num2str(x,c); else s = num2str(x); end s = [repmat(' ',1,d-length(s)) s]; function [stack,lower] = prune(stack,upper,options,solved_nodes,p) % ********************************* % PRUNE STACK W.R.T NEW UPPER BOUND % ********************************* if ~isempty(stack) % toolarge = find([stack.lower]>upper*(1-1e-4)); toolarge = find([stack.lower]>upper*(1-options.bnb.prunetol)); if ~isempty(toolarge) stack(toolarge)=[]; end end if ~isempty(stack) lower = min([stack.lower]); else lower = upper; end function p = adaptivestrategy(p,upper,solved_nodes) % **********************************' % SWITCH NODE SELECTION STRATEGY? % **********************************' if strcmp(p.options.bnb.method,'depthproject') & (upper-1e-7) output.problem = 0; else output.problem = 1; end output.Primal = x; return end p = relaxed_p; removethese =; if nnz(removethese)>0 & all(p.variabletype == 0) & isempty(p.evalMap)% ~isequal(lowersolver,'callfmincongp') & ~isequal(lowersolver,'callgpposy') if ~isinf(upper) & nnz(p.Q)==0 p.F_struc = [p.F_struc(1:p.K.f,:);upper-p.f -p.c';p.F_struc(1+p.K.f:end,:)]; p.K.l=p.K.l+1; end if ~isempty(p.F_struc) p.F_struc(:,1)=p.F_struc(:,1)+p.F_struc(:,1+find(removethese))*; p.F_struc(:,1+find(removethese))=[]; end p.c(removethese)=[]; if nnz(p.Q)>0 p.c = p.c + 2*p.Q(find(~removethese),find(removethese))*; p.Q(:,find(removethese))=[]; p.Q(find(removethese),:)=[]; else p.Q = spalloc(length(p.c),length(p.c),0); end[]; p.ub(removethese)=[]; p.x0(removethese)=[]; p.monomtable(:,find(removethese))=[]; p.monomtable(find(removethese),:)=[]; p.variabletype = []; % Reset, to messy to recompute output = feval(lowersolver,p); x=relaxed_p.c*0; x(removethese); x(~removethese)=output.Primal; output.Primal=x; else output = feval(lowersolver,p); end function res = resids(p,x) res= []; if p.K.f>0 res = -abs(p.F_struc(1:p.K.f,:)*[1;x]); end if p.K.l>0 res = [res;p.F_struc(p.K.f+1:p.K.f+p.K.l,:)*[1;x]]; end if (length(p.K.s)>1) | p.K.s>0 top = 1+p.K.f+p.K.l; for i = 1:length(p.K.s) n = p.K.s(i); X = p.F_struc(top:top+n^2-1,:)*[1;x];top = top+n^2; X = reshape(X,n,n); res = [res;min(eig(X))]; end end res = [res;min([p.ub-x;])]; function p = Updatecostbound(p,upper); if p.simplecost & ~isinf(upper) ind = find(p.c); if p.c(ind)>0 p.ub(ind) = min(p.ub(ind),(upper-p.f)/p.c(ind)); else = max(,(p.f-upper)/abs(p.c(ind))); end end function [x_min,upper] = initializesolution(p); x_min = zeros(length(p.c),1); upper = inf; if p.options.usex0 z = p.x0; residual = resids(p,z); relaxed_feasible = all(residual(1:p.K.f)>=-1e-12) & all(residual(1+p.K.f:end)>=-1e-6); if relaxed_feasible upper = p.f+p.c'*z+z'*p.Q*z; x_min = z; end else p.x0 = zeros(length(p.c),1); x = p.x0; z = evaluate_nonlinear(p,x); residual = resids(p,z); relaxed_feasible = all(residual(1:p.K.f)>=-p.options.bmibnb.eqtol) & all(residual(1+p.K.f:end)>=p.options.bmibnb.pdtol); if relaxed_feasible upper = p.f+p.c'*z+z'*p.Q*z; x_min = x; end end function [p,poriginal,stack] = pruneglobally(p,poriginal,upper,lower,stack,x); if isempty(p.nonlinear) & (nnz(p.Q)==0) & p.options.bnb.nodetight pp = poriginal; if p.K.l > 0 A = -pp.F_struc(1+pp.K.f:pp.K.f+pp.K.l,2:end); b = pp.F_struc(1+p.K.f:p.K.f+p.K.l,1); else A = []; b = []; end if (nnz(p.Q)==0) & ~isinf(upper) A = [pp.c';-pp.c';A]; b = [upper;-(lower-0.0001);b]; else % c = p.c; % Q = p.Q; % A = [c'+2*x'*Q;A]; % b = [2*x'*Q*x+c'*x;b]; end [lb,ub,redundant,pss] = milppresolve(A,b,,pp.ub,pp.integer_variables,pp.binary_variables,ones(length(,1)); if ~isempty(redundant) if (nnz(p.Q)==0) & ~isinf(upper) redundant = redundant(redundant>2)-2; else % redundant = redundant(redundant>1)-1; end if length(redundant)>0 poriginal.K.l=poriginal.K.l-length(redundant); poriginal.F_struc(poriginal.K.f+redundant,:)=[]; p.K.l=p.K.l-length(redundant); p.F_struc(p.K.f+redundant,:)=[]; end end if ~isempty(stack) keep = ones(length(stack),1); for i = 1:length(stack) stack(i).lb = max([stack(i).lb lb]')'; stack(i).ub = min([stack(i).ub ub]')'; if any(stack(i).lb>stack(i).ub) keep(i) = 0; end end stack = stack(find(keep)); end = max([ lb]')'; poriginal.ub = min([poriginal.ub ub]')'; = max([ lb]')'; p.ub = min([p.ub ub]')'; end function [p,poriginal,stack] = fixvariables(p,poriginal,upper,lower,stack,x_min,monotinicity) % Fix variables if p.options.bnb.nodefix & (p.K.f == 0) & (nnz(p.Q)==0) & isempty(p.nonlinear) A = -poriginal.F_struc(poriginal.K.f + (1:poriginal.K.l),2:end); b = poriginal.F_struc(poriginal.K.f + (1:poriginal.K.l),1); c = poriginal.c; [fix_up,fix_down] = presolve_fixvariables(A,b,c,,poriginal.ub,monotinicity); % = 1; = 1; % not_in_obj = find(p.c==0); % constrained_blow = all(poriginal.F_struc(1:poriginal.K.l,1+not_in_obj)>=0,1); % sdp_positive = sdpmonotinicity(not_in_obj) == -1; % can_fix = not_in_obj(find(constrained_blow & sdp_positive)); % % still_on = find( & p.ub==1); %,still_on)) = 1; % still_on = find( & poriginal.ub==1); %,still_on)) = 1; if ~isempty(stack) & ~(isempty(fix_up) & isempty(fix_down)) keep = ones(length(stack),1); for i = 1:length(stack) stack(i).lb = max([stack(i).lb]')'; stack(i).ub = min([stack(i).ub poriginal.ub]')'; if any(stack(i).lb>stack(i).ub) keep(i) = 0; end end stack = stack(find(keep)); end end