function Matrices = yalmip2mpt(interfacedata) F_struc = interfacedata.F_struc; c = interfacedata.c; f = interfacedata.f; K = interfacedata.K; x0 = interfacedata.x0; Q = interfacedata.Q; lb =; ub = interfacedata.ub; % We have three groups of variables. % parametric, free, and binary free param_var = interfacedata.parametric_variables; free_var = setdiff(1:length(c),param_var); binary_var = interfacedata.binary_variables; % These rows of the solution should be returned if isempty(interfacedata.requested_variables) Matrices.requested_variables = 1:length(free_var); else Matrices.requested_variables = []; for i = 1:length(interfacedata.requested_variables) Matrices.requested_variables = [Matrices.requested_variables find(ismember(free_var,interfacedata.requested_variables(i)))]; end end % Extract data for free and parametric variables Matrices.F = (2*Q(param_var,free_var)); Matrices.Y = (Q(param_var,param_var)); Matrices.H = (2*Q(free_var,free_var)); Matrices.G = (-F_struc(1+K.f:end,1+free_var)); Matrices.E = (F_struc(1+K.f:end,1+param_var)); Matrices.W = (F_struc(1+K.f:end,1)); Matrices.Cf = (c(free_var)'); Matrices.Cx = (c(param_var)'); Matrices.Cc = (f); % Equality constraints (YALMIP specific) Matrices.Aeq = -F_struc(1:K.f,1+free_var); Matrices.Beq = -F_struc(1:K.f,1+param_var); Matrices.beq = F_struc(1:K.f,1); % This is not dealth with in YALMIP Matrices.bndA=[]; Matrices.bndb=[]; % Save this silly info also = length(free_var); Matrices.nx = length(param_var); if nnz(Matrices.H)==0 & nnz(Matrices.Y)==0%nnz(Q)==0 % Whoops, it's an LP and MPT uses the name H for linear cost also... Matrices.H = c(free_var)'; if nnz(Matrices.F) > 0 % Latest MPT does not fullify D Matrices.D = full(Matrices.F'); end Matrices.F = Matrices.Cx; Matrices.qp = 0; else Matrices.qp = 1; end if ~isempty(lb) = [lb(free_var);lb(param_var)]; else = repmat(-inf,nx+nu,1); end if ~isempty(ub) Matrices.ub = [ub(free_var);ub(param_var)]; else Matrices.ub = repmat(inf,nx+nu,1); end Matrices.param_var = interfacedata.parametric_variables; Matrices.free_var = setdiff(1:length(c),param_var); Matrices.binary_var_index = find(ismember(free_var,binary_var)); % A transformation to go to original variables when % equality constraints have been removed Matrices.getback = [];