function [prob,problem] = yalmip2geometric(options,F_struc,c,Q,K,ub,lb,mt,linear_variables,extended_variables); problem = 0; prob = []; h = []; A = []; % powers in objective/inequalities b = []; % coefficients in objective/inequalities G = []; % powers in equalities h = []; % coefficients in equalities % ********************************************************** % Initial sanity check for posynomial problem structure % ********************************************************** if any(ub<0) problem = -4; return end % ********************************************************** % Setup data related to objective % ********************************************************** vars_in_objective = find(c); A = mt(vars_in_objective,linear_variables); b = c(vars_in_objective); map_pos = 0; map = repmat(map_pos,length(b),1); % ********************************************************** % Invert negative monomial, or this is not a posynomial % ********************************************************** if any(b<0) if nnz(b)==1 b(find(b)) = -1/b(find(b)); A = -A; else problem = -4; return end end % ********************************************************** % Setup data related to inequalities sum(?x^?) > 0 % Loop through all inequalities, find the element with % positive coefficient, divide by this term. % ********************************************************** mte = blkdiag(0,mt); % Extend the monomial table with the monomial x^0 for j = 1+K.f:size(F_struc,1); k = find(F_struc(j,:)>0); if length(k) == 1 vars_in_c = find(F_struc(j,:)); Atemp = mte(vars_in_c,linear_variables+1); Atemp = Atemp - repmat(mte(k,linear_variables+1),size(Atemp,1),1); btemp = reshape(-F_struc(j,vars_in_c)/F_struc(j,k),length(vars_in_c),1); removed = find(sum(abs(Atemp),2)==0); Atemp(removed,:) = []; btemp(removed) = []; if length(btemp) > 0 A = [A;Atemp]; b = [b;btemp]; map_pos = map_pos + 1; % map = [map;repmat(map_pos,length(btemp),1)]; map = [map;map_pos*ones(length(btemp),1)]; end else if all(F_struc(j,:)>=0) % Redundant x+y > 1 elseif all(F_struc(j,:)<=0) % Infeasible x+y < -1 problem = 1; return % elseif F_struc(j,1)<0 & any(F_struc(j,2:end)<0) % % Trivially infeasible % problem = 1; % return else % Not posynomial at least problem = -4; return end end end % ********************************************************** % Fix equality constraints coming from fractional powers % of posynomials. % An equality constraint a(x) = t can be relaxed to a(x)0); if length(k)>1 error('Nonpositive terms in fractional expression in geometric program?') else if k==1 | ~ismember(k-1,extended_variables) % Monomial equality ok! else if all(A(:,find(ismember(linear_variables,k-1)))>=0) else error('Negative powers in fractional term in geometric program?') end end end end % ********************************************************** % Setup data related to inequalities derived from equalities % i.e. ax^b == 1 replaced with ax^b<1, (x^-b)/a < 1 % (except for extended variables according to above) % ********************************************************** for j = 1:1:K.f k = find(F_struc(j,:)>0); if length(k) == 1 vars_in_c = find(F_struc(j,:)); Atemp = mte(vars_in_c,linear_variables+1); Atemp = Atemp - repmat(mte(k,linear_variables+1),size(Atemp,1),1); btemp = reshape(-F_struc(j,vars_in_c)/F_struc(j,k),length(vars_in_c),1); removed = find(sum(abs(Atemp),2)==0); Atemp(removed,:) = []; btemp(removed) = []; if ~ismember(k-1,extended_variables) if length(btemp)==1 G = [G;Atemp]; h = [h;btemp]; else % a(x)+b(x) == c(x) not supported problem = -4; return end else % Just add upper inequalities A = [A;Atemp]; b = [b;btemp]; map_pos = map_pos + 1; this_map = repmat(map_pos,length(btemp),1); map = [map;this_map]; end else % a(x) < b(x) + c(x) not supported problem = -4; return end end % ********************************************************** % MOSEK does not like upper boud == lower bound % ********************************************************** if ~(isempty(lb) | isempty(ub)) fixed_variables = find(lb(linear_variables)==ub(linear_variables)); if ~isempty(fixed_variables) fixed_values = lb(linear_variables(fixed_variables)); if any(fixed_values==0) zeros_vars = find((lb(linear_variables)==ub(linear_variables)) & (lb(linear_variables)==0)); if any(A(:,zeros_vars)<0) problem = 1; return end end for i = 1:size(A,1) this_gain = 1; for j = 1:size(fixed_variables) this_gain = this_gain*fixed_values(j)^A(i,fixed_variables(j)); A(i,fixed_variables(j))=0; end b(i)=b(i)*this_gain; end end end if ~isempty(ub) for i = 1:length(ub(linear_variables)) if ~(isinf(ub(linear_variables(i))) | ub(linear_variables(i))==0) A(end+1,i) = 1; b(end+1) = 1/ub(linear_variables(i)); map_pos = map_pos + 1; map(end+1)=map_pos; end end end if ~isempty(lb) for i = 1:length(lb(linear_variables)) if ~(isinf(lb(linear_variables(i))) | lb(linear_variables(i))==0) A(end+1,i) = -1; b(end+1) = lb(linear_variables(i)); map_pos = map_pos + 1; map(end+1)=map_pos; end end end prob.b = b;prob.A = A; = map;prob.G = G;prob.h = h;