function Z = variable_replace(X,Y,W) % Check so that Y is a simple unit variable Ybase = getbase(Y); Yvariables = getvariables(Y); Xbase = getbase(X); Xvariables = getvariables(X); [i,j,k] = find(Ybase); if ~isequal(sort(i),1:length(i)) end if ~isequal(sort(j),2:(length(i)+1)) end if ~all(k == 1) end [mt,variabletype] = yalmip('monomtable'); if all(variabletype(Xvariables) == 0) % Simple linear replacement v = 1; for i = 1:length(Xvariables) XisinY = find(Xvariables(i) == Yvariables); if ~isempty(XisinY) v = [v;W(XisinY)]; else v = [v;recover(Xvariables(i))]; end end Z = Xbase*v; Z = reshape(Z,size(X,1),size(X,2)); else error('Nonlinear replacement not supported yet') end % This has not been tested (copied from variable_replace) so it is placed % in a catch t obe safe. try Xvariables = getvariables(Z); extvar = yalmip('extvariables'); Xext = find(ismember(Xvariables,extvar)); if ~isempty(Xext) %We must dig down in extended operators to see if they use the replaced %set of variables for i = 1:length(Xext) extstruct = yalmip('extstruct',Xvariables(Xext(i))); anychanged = 0; for j = 1:length(extstruct.arg) if isa(extstruct.arg{j},'sdpvar') XinY = find(ismembc(getvariables(extstruct.arg{j}),Yvariables)); if ~isempty(XinY) anychanged = 1; extstruct.arg{j} = replace(extstruct.arg{j},Y,W); else end end end if anychanged Zi = yalmip('addextendedvariable',extstruct.fcn,extstruct.arg{:}); Xvariables(Xext(i)) = getvariables(Zi); end end % And now recover this sucker Z = struct(Z); Z.lmi_variables = Xvariables; % Fucked up order (lmi_variables should be sorted) if any(diff(Z.lmi_variables)<0) [i,j]=sort(Z.lmi_variables); Z.basis = [Z.basis(:,1) Z.basis(:,j+1)]; Z.lmi_variables = Z.lmi_variables(j); end Z = sdpvar(Z.dim(1),Z.dim(2),[],Z.lmi_variables,Z.basis); end catch end