function see(X,showfull) %SEE Displays internal structure of variable % % Shows the base matrices that build up the variable % % X = X0+x_1*X1+x_2*X2+... % % SEE(X) Display matrices Xi in dense format % SEE(X,'sparse') Display matrices Xi in sparse format % % See also SDPVAR % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: see.m,v 1.2 2004/07/02 08:17:32 johanl Exp $ disp(' '); if nargin==1 disp('Constant matrix');disp(' ') disp(full(X)) disp('Base matrices');disp(' ') disp('[]') disp(' ') disp('Used variables');disp(' ') disp('[]') else switch showfull case 'sparse' disp('Constant matrix');disp(' ') disp((X)) disp('Base matrices');disp(' ') disp('[]') disp(' ') disp('Used variables');disp(' ') disp('[]') case 'full' see(X) otherwise error('Second argument should be ''sparse'' or ''full') end end