function [F_struc,F_blksz,G_struc,G_blksz] = sedumi2maxdet(F_struc,K) %SEDUMI2MAXDET Internal function to convert SeDuMi structure to format needed in MAXDET % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: sedumi2maxdet.m,v 1.2 2004/07/02 08:17:32 johanl Exp $ switch K.m case 0 G_struc = []; G_blksz = []; F_struc = F_struc; F_blksz = [repmat(1,1,K.l) K.s]; case 1 G_struc = F_struc(K.l,:); G_blksz = [1]; F_blksz = [repmat(1,1,K.l-1) K.s]; F_struc = [F_struc(1:1:K.l-1,:);F_struc(K.l+1:1:end,:)]; otherwise G_struc = F_struc(end-K.s(end)^2+1:end,:); G_blksz = K.s(end); F_blksz = [repmat(1,1,K.l) K.s(1:end-1)]; F_struc = F_struc(1:end-K.s(end)^2,:); end