function symb_pvec = sdisplay(pvec,symbolicname) %SDISPLAY Symbolic display of SDPVAR expression % % Note that the symbolic display only work if all % involved variables are explicitely defined as % scalar variables. % % Variables that not are defined as scalars % will be given the name ryv(i). ryv means % recovered YALMIP variables, i indicates the % index in YALMIP (i.e. the result from getvariables) % % If you want to change the generic name ryv, just % pass a second string argument % % EXAMPLES % sdpvar x y % sdisplay(x^2+y^2) % ans = % 'x^2+y^2' % % t = sdpvar(2,1); % sdisplay(x^2+y^2+t'*t) % ans = % 'x^2+y^2+ryv(5)^2+ryv(6)^2' % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: sdisplay.m,v 1.10 2006/08/11 11:48:15 joloef Exp $ r1=1:size(pvec,1); r2=1:size(pvec,2); for pi = 1:size(pvec,1) for pj = 1:size(pvec,2) p = pvec(pi,pj); if isa(p,'double') symb_p = num2str(p); else LinearVariables = depends(p); x = recover(LinearVariables); [exponent_p,ordered_list] = exponents(p,x); exponent_p = full(exponent_p); names = cell(length(x),1); % First, some boooring stuff. we need to % figure out the symbolic names and connect % these names to YALMIPs variable indicies W = evalin('caller','whos'); for i = 1:size(W,1) if strcmp(W(i).class,'sdpvar') | strcmp(W(i).class,'ncvar') % Get the SDPVAR variable thevars = evalin('caller',W(i).name); % Distinguish 4 cases % 1: Sclalar varible x % 2: Vector variable x(i) % 3: Matrix variable x(i,j) % 4: Variable not really defined if is(thevars,'scalar') & is(thevars,'linear') & length(getvariables(thevars))==1 & isequal(getbase(thevars),[0 1]) index_in_p = find(ismember(LinearVariables,getvariables(thevars))); if ~isempty(index_in_p) already = ~isempty(names{index_in_p}); if already already = ~strfind(names{index_in_p},'internal'); if isempty(already) already = 0; end end else already = 0; end if ~isempty(index_in_p) & ~already % Case 1 names{index_in_p}=W(i).name; end elseif is(thevars,'lpcone') if size(thevars,1)==size(thevars,2) % Case 2 vars = getvariables(thevars); indicies = find(ismember(vars,LinearVariables)); for ii = indicies index_in_p = find(ismember(LinearVariables,vars(ii))); if ~isempty(index_in_p) already = ~isempty(names{index_in_p}); if already already = ~strfind(names{index_in_p},'internal'); if isempty(already) already = 0; end end else already = 0; end if ~isempty(index_in_p) & ~already B = reshape(getbasematrix(thevars,vars(ii)),size(thevars,1),size(thevars,2)); [ix,jx,kx] = find(B); ix=ix(1); jx=jx(1); names{index_in_p}=[W(i).name '(' num2str(ix) ',' num2str(jx) ')']; end end else % Case 3 vars = getvariables(thevars); indicies = find(ismember(vars,LinearVariables)); for ii = indicies index_in_p = find(ismember(LinearVariables,vars(ii))); if ~isempty(index_in_p) already = ~isempty(names{index_in_p}); if already already = ~strfind(names{index_in_p},'internal'); if isempty(already) already = 0; end end else already = 0; end if ~isempty(index_in_p) & ~already names{index_in_p}=[W(i).name '(' num2str(ii) ')']; end end end elseif is(thevars,'sdpcone') % Case 3 vars = getvariables(thevars); indicies = find(ismember(vars,LinearVariables)); for ii = indicies index_in_p = find(ismember(LinearVariables,vars(ii))); if ~isempty(index_in_p) already = ~isempty(names{index_in_p}); if already already = ~strfind(names{index_in_p},'internal'); end else already = 0; end if ~isempty(index_in_p) & ~already B = reshape(getbasematrix(thevars,vars(ii)),size(thevars,1),size(thevars,2)); [ix,jx,kx] = find(B); ix=ix(1); jx=jx(1); names{index_in_p}=[W(i).name '(' num2str(ix) ',' num2str(jx) ')']; end end else % Case 4 vars = getvariables(thevars); indicies = find(ismember(vars,LinearVariables)); for i = indicies index_in_p = find(ismember(LinearVariables,vars(i))); if ~isempty(index_in_p) & isempty(names{index_in_p}) names{index_in_p}=['internal(' num2str(vars(i)) ')']; end end end end end % Okay, now got all the symbolic names compiled. % Time to construct the expression % The code below is also a bit fucked up at the moment, due to % the experimental code with noncommuting stuff % Remove 0 constant symb_p = ''; if size(ordered_list,1)>0 nummonoms = size(ordered_list,1); if full(getbasematrix(p,0)) ~= 0 symb_p = num2str(full(getbasematrix(p,0))); end elseif all(exponent_p(1,:)==0) symb_p = num2str(full(getbasematrix(p,0))); exponent_p = exponent_p(2:end,:); nummonoms = size(exponent_p,1); else nummonoms = size(exponent_p,1); end % Loop through all monomial terms for i = 1:nummonoms coeff = full(getbasematrixwithoutcheck(p,i)); switch coeff case 1 coeff='+'; case -1 coeff = '-'; otherwise if isreal(coeff) if coeff >0 coeff = ['+' num2str2(coeff)]; else coeff=[num2str2(coeff)]; end else coeff = ['+' '(' num2str2(coeff) ')' ]; end end if isempty(ordered_list) symb_p = [symb_p coeff symbmonom(names,exponent_p(i,:))]; else symb_p = [symb_p coeff symbmonom_noncommuting(names,ordered_list(i,:))]; end end % Clean up some left overs, lazy coding... symb_p = strrep(symb_p,'+*','+'); symb_p = strrep(symb_p,'-*','-'); if symb_p(1)=='+' symb_p = symb_p(2:end); end if symb_p(1)=='*' symb_p = symb_p(2:end); end end symb_pvec{pi,pj} = symb_p; end end if prod(size(symb_pvec))==1 & nargout==0 display(symb_pvec{1,1}); clear symb_pvec end function s = symbmonom(names,monom) s = ''; for j = 1:length(monom) if abs( monom(j))>0 if isempty(names{j}) names{j} = ['internal(' num2str(j) ')']; end s = [s '*' names{j}]; if monom(j)~=1 s = [s '^' num2str(monom(j))]; end end end function s = symbmonom_noncommuting(names,monom) s = ''; j = 1; while j <= length(monom) if abs( monom(j))>0 if isempty(names{monom(j)}) names{monom(j)} = ['internal(' num2str(j) ')']; end s = [s '*' names{monom(j)}]; power = 1; k = j; while j