function solution = savesdpafile(varargin) %SAVESDPAFILE Saves a problem definition in the SDPA format % % SAVESDPAFILE(F,h,'filename') Saves the problem min(h(x)), F(x)>0 to the file filename % SAVESDPAFILE(F,h) A "Save As" - box will be opened % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: savesdpafile.m,v 1.5 2005/09/27 10:21:32 joloef Exp $ F = varargin{1}; h = varargin{2}; nvars = yalmip('nvars'); % Expand nonlinear operators [F,failure,cause] = expandmodel(F,h,sdpsettings); if failure % Convexity propgation failed interfacedata = []; recoverdata = []; solver = ''; diagnostic.solvertime = 0; diagnostic.problem = 14; = yalmiperror(14,cause); return end % Get the SP format [F_struc,K] = lmi2sedumistruct(F,[]); % Convert the objective if isempty(h) c=zeros(nvars,1); else [n,m]=size(h); if ~((n==1) & (m==1)) error('Scalar expression to minimize please.'); else lmi_variables = getvariables(h); c = zeros(nvars,1); for i=1:length(lmi_variables) c(lmi_variables(i))=getbasematrix(h,lmi_variables(i)); end; end end % Which sdpvar variables are actually in the problem used_variables_LMI = find(any(F_struc(:,2:end),1)); used_variables_obj = find(any(c',1)); used_variables = uniquestripped([used_variables_LMI used_variables_obj]); % Check for unbounded variables unbounded_variables = setdiff(used_variables_obj,used_variables_LMI); if ~isempty(unbounded_variables) % Remove unbounded variable from problem used_variables = setdiff(used_variables,unbounded_variables); end % Pick out the necessary rows if length(used_variables)0 % Extract the inequalities A_equ = F_struc(1:K.f,2:end); b_equ = -F_struc(1:K.f,1); [Q,R] = qr(A_equ'); n = max(find(any(R'))); Q1 = Q(:,1:n); Q2 = Q(:,n+1:end); R = R(1:n,:); x_equ = Q1*(R'\b_equ); % Exit if no consistent solution exist if (norm(A_equ*x_equ-b_equ)>sqrt(eps)) error('Linear constraints inconsistent.'); return end % So we dont need these rows anymore F_struc = F_struc(K.f+1:end,:); K.f = 0; % OK, we found a new basis H = Q2; % objective in new basis c = H'*c; % LMI in new basis F_struc = [F_struc*[1;x_equ] F_struc(:,2:end)*H]; end % Is a filename supplied if nargin<3 [filename, pathname] = uiputfile('*.dat-s', 'Save SDPA sparse format file'); if isa(filename,'double') return % User canceled else % Did the user change the extension if isempty(findstr(filename,'.')) filename = [pathname filename '.dat-s']; else filename = [pathname filename]; end end else filename = varargin{3}; end % Save to file createsdplibfile(F_struc, K, c, filename);