function k = findrows(A, b) %FINDROWS Find indices of a given row within a matrix. % % FINDROWS(A, B) returns a column vector with the indices of the rows % in the matrix A that are identical to the row vector B. If no rows % in A are identical to B, an empty vector is returned. % % The methods uses a for-loop, but it uses less memory and is in many % cases a lot faster than the vectorized methods % % find( all( A == repmat(b, size(A, 1), 1), 2 ) ) % find( all( A == b(ones(size(A, 1), 1),:), 2 ) ) % % See also FIND, FINDCOLS. % Author: Peter J. Acklam % Time-stamp: 2002-03-03 13:51:15 +0100 % E-mail: % URL: if isempty(A) k = []; return end k = find( A(:,1) == b(1)); top = size(A, 2); for j = 2:top k = k(A(k,j) == b(j)); if isempty(k) return end end