function [model,recoverdata,diagnostic,interfacedata] = export(varargin) %EXPORT Exports YALMIP problem to solver specific format % % [MODEL,RECOVERYMODEL,DIAGNOSTIC,INTERNAL] = EXPORT(F,h,options) is the common command to % export optimization problems of the following kind % % min h % subject to % F >(=) 0 % % % The MODEL is exported in the format defined by the solver chosen % in the options structure, or automatically chosen by YALMIP. % % If the solver format not is support by EXPORT,the YALMIP model used to % call the solver is returned) % % If YALMIP by some reason failed to generate a model, the DIAGNOSTIC % variable will be non-empty. % % The fourth output is the internal model used by YALMIP to communicate % with the generalized solver interfaces. % % The RECOVERYMODEL is used to relate a solution of the exported model % to the original variables in YALMIP. % Arrrgh, new format with logdet much better, but we have to % take care of old code, requires some testing... varargin = combatible({varargin{:}}); nargin = length(varargin); % ********************************* % CHECK INPUT % ********************************* if nargin<1 help export return else F = varargin{1}; % Check for wrong syntax if ~isempty(F) & ~isa(F,'lmi') & ~isa(F,'constraint') error('First argument should be a SET object') end if isa(F,'constraint') F = set(F); end end model = []; recoverdata = []; diagnostic = []; interfacedata = []; if nargin>=2 h = varargin{2}; if isa(h,'double') h = []; end if ~(isempty(h) | isa(h,'sdpvar') | isa(h,'logdet')) error('Second argument (the objective function h) should be an sdpvar or logdet object (or empty).'); end if isa(h,'logdet') P = getP(h); g = getgain(h); if g>0 warning('Perhaps you mean -logdet(P)...') diagnostic.yalmiptime = etime(clock,yalmiptime); diagnostic.solvertime = 0; = yalmiperror(-2,'YALMIP'); diagnostic.problem = -2; return end h = getcx(h); G = lmi(P>0); F = F + G; else P = []; G = []; end else P = []; h = []; G = []; end if nargin>=3 options = varargin{3}; if ~(isempty(options) | isa(options,'struct')) error('Third argument (options) should be an sdpsettings struct (or empty).'); end if isempty(options) options = sdpsettings; end else options = sdpsettings; end options.solver = lower(options.solver); if nargin<6 if isequal(options.solver,'') findallsolvers = 1; else findallsolvers = 0; end else findallsolvers = varargin{6}; end % Just for safety if isempty(F) & isempty(G) F = lmi; end % ****************************************** % COMPILE IN GENERALIZED YALMIP FORMAT % ****************************************** [interfacedata,recoverdata,solver,diagnostic,F] = compileinterfacedata(F,G,P,h,options,findallsolvers); if ~isempty(diagnostic) model = []; recoverdata = []; return end % Not official yet if nargin == 5 model=interfacedata; return end % ****************************************** % CONVERT % ****************************************** switch lower(solver.tag) case {'sedumi-1.05','sedumi-1.1'} pars = interfacedata.options.sedumi; pars.fid = double(interfacedata.options.verbose); model.A = -interfacedata.F_struc(:,2:end); model.b = -interfacedata.c; model.C = interfacedata.F_struc(:,1); model.K = interfacedata.K; = pars; case 'csdp' pars = interfacedata.options.csdp; pars.printlevel=interfacedata.options.verbose; model.At = -interfacedata.F_struc(:,2:end); model.b = -interfacedata.c; model.C = interfacedata.F_struc(:,1); model.K = interfacedata.K; = pars; case 'dsdp' [C,A,b,blk] = sedumi2dsdp(interfacedata.F_struc,interfacedata.c,interfacedata.K); interfacedata.options.dsdp.dual_quadratic=spalloc(length(interfacedata.c),length(interfacedata.c),0); interfacedata.options.dsdp.printyes = (interfacedata.options.verbose>0); model.A = A; model.C = C; model.b = b; model.options = interfacedata.options.dsdp case 'sdpa' [mDIM,nBLOCK,bLOCKsTRUCT,c,F] = sedumi2sdpa(interfacedata.F_struc,interfacedata.c,interfacedata.K); if interfacedata.options.verbose==0 interfacedata.options.sdpa.print = 'no'; else interfacedata.options.sdpa.print = 'display'; end [objVal,x,X,Y,INFO]=sdpam(mDIM,nBLOCK,bLOCKsTRUCT,c,F,[],[],[],options.sdpa); model.mDIM = mDIM; model.nBLOCK = nBLOCK; model.bLOCKsTRUCT = bLOCKsTRUCT; model.c = c; model.F = F; model.x0 = []; model.X0 = []; model.Y0 = []; model.OPTIONS = interfacedata.options.sdpa case 'sdpt3-3.1' % Convert from internal (sedumi-like) format [blk,A,C,b,oldKs]=sedumi2sdpt3(interfacedata.F_struc(:,1),-interfacedata.F_struc(:,2:end),-interfacedata.c,interfacedata.K,30); interfacedata.options.sdpt3.printyes=double(interfacedata.options.verbose); interfacedata.options.sdpt3.expon=interfacedata.options.sdpt3.expon(1); model.blk = blk; model.A = A; model.C = C; model.b = b; model.ops = interfacedata.options.sdpt3; case 'glpk-glpkmex' n = length(interfacedata.c); LB=repmat(-1e6,n,1); UB=repmat(1e6,n,1); SENSE = 1; C = full(interfacedata.c); A =-interfacedata.F_struc(:,2:end); B = full(interfacedata.F_struc(:,1)); if length(B)==0; A = C'; B = 1e6; end CTYPE = [repmat('S',interfacedata.K.f,1); repmat('U',interfacedata.K.l,1)]; VARTYPE = repmat('C',n,1); VARTYPE(interfacedata.integer_variables)='I'; interfacedata.options.glpk.msglev = interfacedata.options.verbose; if interfacedata.options.glpk.msglev==1 interfacedata.options.glpk.msglev = 2; end model.SENSE = SENSE; model.C= C; model.A = A; model.B = B; model.CTYPE = CTYPE; model.LB = LB; model.UB = UB; model.VARTYPE = VARTYPE; model.PARAM = interfacedata.options.glpk.lpsolver; model.SAVE =; case 'pensdp-penopt' penstruct = sedumi2pen(interfacedata.F_struc,interfacedata.K,interfacedata.c,interfacedata.x0); ops = struct2cell(interfacedata.options.pensdp);ops = [ops{1:end}]; penstruct.ioptions = ops(1:8); penstruct.foptions = ops(9:end); penstruct.ioptions(4) = interfacedata.options.verbose; penstruct.ioptions = penstruct.ioptions; penstruct.foptions = penstruct.foptions; if penstruct.mconstr == 0 penstruct.msizes = []; end model.penstruct = penstruct; case 'penbmi-penopt' model.penstruct = sedumi2penbmi(interfacedata.F_struc,interfacedata.c,interfacedata.Q,interfacedata.K,interfacedata.monomtable,interfacedata.options,interfacedata.x0); otherwise model = []; end function newinputformat = combatible(varargin) varargin = varargin{1}; classification = 0; % 0 : Ambigious % 1 : Old % 2 : New % Try some fast methods to determine... m = length(varargin); if m==1 classification = 2; elseif m>=3 & isstruct(varargin{3}) classification = 2; elseif m>=4 & isstruct(varargin{4}) classification = 1; elseif m>=2 & isa(varargin{2},'lmi') classification = 1; elseif m>=3 & isa(varargin{3},'sdpvar') classification = 1; elseif m>=2 & isa(varargin{2},'sdpvar') & min(size(varargin{2}))==1 classification = 2; elseif m>=2 & isa(varargin{2},'sdpvar') & prod(size(varargin{2}))>=1 classification = 1; elseif m>=2 & isa(varargin{2},'logdet') classification = 2; elseif m==2 & isempty(varargin{2}) classification = 2; end if classification==0 warning('I might have interpreted this problem wrong due to the new input format in version 3. To get rid of this warning, use an options structure'); classification = 2; end if classification==2 newinputformat = varargin; else newinputformat = varargin; P = varargin{2}; % 99.9% of the cases.... if isempty(P) newinputformat = {newinputformat{[1 3:end]}}; else if isa(P,'lmi') P = sdpvar(P); end if m>=3 cxP = newinputformat{3}-logdet(P); newinputformat{3}=cxP; else cxP = -logdet(P); newinputformat{3}=cxP; end newinputformat = {newinputformat{[1 3:end]}}; end end