function [F,changed] = convertlogics(F) %CONVERTLOGICS Internal function to convert logic constraints to mixed integer constraints % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: convertlogics.m,v 1.9 2006/09/20 12:43:45 joloef Exp $ changed = 0; if length(F)>0 extvariables = yalmip('logicextvariables'); if ~isempty(extvariables) for i = 1:length(F) if is(F(i),'elementwise') Fi = sdpvar(F(i)); Fv =getvariables(Fi); if length(Fv)==1 xb = getbase(Fi); if isequal(xb,[0 1]) if ismember(Fv,extvariables) F(i) = set(Fi >= 1); end end end end end end end