function sys = optimizer(F,h,ops,x,u) %OPTIMIZER Container for optimization problem % % [OPT,PROBLEM] = OPTIMIZER(F,h,options,x,u) exports an object that % contains precompiled numerical data to be solved for varying arguments % x, returning the optimal value of the variable u. % % OPTIMIZER typically only makes sense if the varying data x enters the % optmization problem affinely. % % Example % The following problem creates an LP with varying upper and lower % bounds on the decision variable. % % The optimizing argument is obtained by indexing the optimizer object % with the point of interest. The argument should be a column vector (if % the argument has a width larger than 1, YALMIP assumes that the % optimal solution should be computed in several points) % % A = randn(10,3); % b = rand(10,1)*19; % c = randn(3,1); % % z = sdpvar(3,1); % sdpvar UB LB % % F = set(A*z < b) + set(LB < z < UB); % h = c'*z % optZ = optimizer(F,h,[],[LB; UB],z); % % % Solve for LB=1, UB = 3; % zopt = optZ([1; 3]) % % % Solve for (LB,UB) [1;3] and (LB,UB) [2;6] % zopt = optZ([[1; 3], [2;6]]) if nargin < 5 error('OPTIMIZER requires 5 inputs'); end x = x(:); n = length(x); [aux1,aux2,aux3,model] = export(set(x == repmat(pi,n,1))+F,h,ops,[],[],0); if norm(model.F_struc(1:n,1)-repmat(pi,length(x),1),inf) > 1e-10 error('Failed exporting the model (try to specify another solver)') end map = []; for i = 1:length(u) var = getvariables(u(i)); map = [map;find(var == model.used_variables)]; end sys.recover = aux2; sys.model = model; sys.n = n; = map; sys = class(sys,'optimizer');