function y = rcone(z,x,y) %RCONE Defines a rotated second order cone constraint ||z||^2<2xy, x+y>0 % % Input % z : column vector SDPVAR object. % h : scalar double or SDPVAR object % % Example % % F = set(rcone(z,x,y)) % % See also SET, CONE % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: rcone.m,v 1.1 2006/08/10 18:00:22 joloef Exp $ if size(z,2)>1 error('z must be a column vector') end if prod(size(x))>1 error('x must be a scalar') end if prod(size(y))>1 error('y must be a scalar') end try y = [x;y;z]; y.typeflag = 5; catch error(lasterr) end