function varargout = ismember(varargin) %ISMEMBER Define membership constraint on SDPVAR object % % F = ISMEMBER(x,P) % % Input % x : SDPVAR object % P : MPT polytope object or double % Output % F : SET object % % Depending on the second argument P, different classes of constraint are % generated. % % If P is a single polytope, the linear constraints [H,K] = double(P); % F=set(H*x <= K) will be created. % % If P is a polytope array, then length(P) binary variables will be % introduced and the constraint will model that x is inside at least one of % the polytopes. % % If P is a DOUBLE, a constraint constraining the elements of x to take one % of the values in P is created. This will introduce numel(P)*numel(x) % binary variables % % Since the two last constructions are based on big-M formulations, all % involved variable should have explicit variable bounds. % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: ismember.m,v 1.1 2006/08/10 18:00:20 joloef Exp $ x = varargin{1}; p = varargin{2}; % Backwards compatibility (this should really be done in another command) % This code is probably only used in solvemoment if isa(x,'double') varargout{1} = any(full(p.basis(:,1))); return end if isa(x,'sdpvar') & isa(p,'sdpvar') x_base = x.basis; x_vars = x.lmi_variables; p_base = x.basis; p_vars = x.lmi_variables; % Member at all varargout{1} = ismember(x.lmi_variables,p.lmi_variables); if varargout{1} index_in_x_vars = find(x.lmi_variables == p.lmi_variables); varargout{1} = full(any(p.basis(:,1+index_in_x_vars),2)); if min(p.dim(1),p.dim(2))~=1 varargout{1} = reshape(YESNO,p.dim(1),p.dim(2)); end end return end % Here is the real overloaded ismember switch class(varargin{1}) case 'sdpvar' varargout{1} = set(yalmip('addextendedvariable',mfilename,varargin{:}) == 1); case 'char' varargout{1} = ismember_internal(varargin{3},varargin{4}); varargout{2} = struct('convexity','milp','monotonicity','milp','definiteness','positive','extra','marker'); varargout{3} = varargin{3}; end