function F = projection(F,x,method) % REDUCE Removes redundant constraints using MPT % % Freduced = reduce(F) % % F : Polytopic SET object % % See also POLYTOPE, PROJECTION % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: reduce.m,v 1.3 2005/02/04 10:10:27 johanl Exp $ f = []; for i = 1:length(F) if F.clauses{i}.type==2 fi = F.clauses{i}.data; f = [f;fi(:)]; else error('Only linear element-wise inequalities can be reduced') end end if ~islinear(F) error('Only linear element-wise inequalities can be reduced') end B = full(getbase(f)); P = polytope(-B(:,2:end),B(:,1)); x_vars = getvariables(F); x = recover(x_vars); H = get(P,'H'); K = get(P,'K'); F = set(H*x < K);