function x_opt = plot(varargin) %plot plots feasible set % % p = plot(F,x,c,n,options) % % F: set object % x: projected variables [At most three variables] % c: color [double] ([r g b] format) % n: #vertices [double ] % options: options structure from sdpsettings % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: plot.m,v 1.13 2006/04/25 11:22:57 joloef Exp $ % Get the onstraints if nargin<1 return end F = varargin{1}; if length(F)==0 return; end if nargin < 5 opts = sdpsettings('verbose',0); else opts = varargin{5}; if isempty(opts) opts = sdpsettings('verbose',0); end end if nargin < 3 color = [1 0.1 0.1]; else color = varargin{3}; if isempty(color) color = [1 0.1 0.1]; end end % Plot onto this projection (at most in 3D) if nargin < 2 x = []; else x = varargin{2}; if ~isempty(x) x = x(:); x = x(1:min(3,length(x))); end end if isempty(F) return end % Create a model in YALMIPs low level format % All we change later is the cost vector %sol = solvesdp(F,sum(x),opts); [model,recoverdata,diagnostic,internalmodel] = export(F,[],opts,[],[],0); if isempty(internalmodel) | (~isempty(diagnostic) & diagnostic.problem) error('Could not create model. Can you actually solve problems with this model?') end internalmodel.options.saveduals = 0; internalmodel.getsolvertime = 0; internalmodel.options.dimacs = 0; % Try to find a suitable set to plot if isempty(x) if isempty(internalmodel.extended_variables) x = depends(F); x = x(1:min(3,length(x))); localindex = 1; localindex = find(ismember(recoverdata.used_variables,x)); else % not extended variables candidates = setdiff(1:length(internalmodel.c),internalmodel.extended_variables); % Not nonlinear variables candidates = candidates(find(internalmodel.variabletype(candidates)==0)); % Settle with this guess localindex = candidates(1:min(3,length(candidates))); x = localindex; end else localindex = []; for i = 1:length(x) localindex = [localindex find(ismember(recoverdata.used_variables,getvariables(x(i))))]; end end if nargin < 4 if length(x)==3 n = 100; else n = 25; end else n = varargin{4}; if isempty(n) if length(x)==3 n = 100; else n = 25; end end if ~isa(n,'double') error('4th argument should be an integer>0'); end end x_opt = []; phi = []; status = 0; try % Try to ensure that we close h if length(x)==2 mu =0.5; else mu=1; end n_ = n; n = ceil(mu*n); h = waitbar(0,['Please wait, solving ' num2str(n_) ' problems using ' internalmodel.solver.tag]); angles = (0:(n))*2*pi/n; if length(x)==2 c = [cos(angles);sin(angles)]; else c = randn(3,n); end i=1; while i<=n & status == 0 xi = solvefordirection(c(:,i),internalmodel,localindex); x_opt = [x_opt xi]; waitbar(i/n_,h) i=i+1; end if status==0 & length(x)==2 % Close the set x_opt = [x_opt x_opt(:,1)]; % Add points adaptively pick = 1; n = floor((1-mu)*n_); for i = 1:1:n for j= 1:(size(x_opt,2)-1) d = x_opt(:,j)-x_opt(:,j+1); distance(j,1) = d'*d; end [dist,pos]=sort(-distance); % Select insertion point phii=(angles(pos(pick))+angles(pos(pick)+1))/2; xi = solvefordirection([cos(phii);sin(phii)],internalmodel,localindex); d1=xi-x_opt(:,pos(pick)); d2=xi-x_opt(:,pos(pick)+1); if d1'*d1<1e-3 | d2'*d2<1e-3 pick = pick+1; else angles = [angles(1:pos(pick)) phii angles((pos(pick))+1:end)]; x_opt = [x_opt(:,1:pos(pick)) xi x_opt(:,(pos(pick))+1:end)]; end waitbar((ceil(n_*mu)+i)/n_,h); end end close(h); catch close(h); end if status if nargout==0 plot(0); end end if nargout == 0 & status==0 if length(x)==2 patch(x_opt(1,:),x_opt(2,:),color); else K = convhulln(x_opt'); p = patch('Vertices', x_opt', 'Faces', K, 'FaceVertexCData', color, 'FaceColor', color);%, 'FaceAlpha', 0.5); set(p,'LineStyle','none') lighting gouraud; view(3); camlight('headlight','local'); camlight('headlight','local'); camlight('right','local'); camlight('left','local'); end end function [xout,status] = solvefordirection(c,internalmodel,uv) internalmodel.c = 0*internalmodel.c; internalmodel.c(uv) = c; sol = feval(,internalmodel); xout = sol.Primal; xout = xout(uv(:)); status = sol.problem;