function sys = and(X,Y) %AND Overloaded % % See also LMI % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: and.m,v 1.3 2005/02/04 10:10:26 johanl Exp $ % TODO : Check if binaries etc if isa(X,'sdpvar') X = true(X); end if isa(Y,'sdpvar') Y = true(Y); end if isa(X,'constraint') X = set(X); end if isa(Y,'constraint') Y = set(Y); end nX = size(X.clauses,2); % Number of clauses in X nY = size(Y.clauses,2); % Number of clauses in Y sys = X; % Add the two objects (append Y to X) for i = 1:nY; sys.clauses{i+nX} = Y.clauses{i}; end sys.LMIid = [X.LMIid Y.LMIid];