function X=sos(X,r) %SOS Declare sum-of-squares structure % % F = set(sos(p),r) % % Input % p : SDPVAR object % r : Desired rank (optional) % Output % F : SET object % % Example: % Typical usage is % % F = set(sos(p)) % % An experimental feature is to search for % low rank decompositions. To search for a % decomposition using at most 3 terms, use % a second argument % % F = set(sos(p,3)) % % Note that his feature requires the solver LMIRANK. % % See also SOSEX % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: sos.m,v 1.6 2006/09/14 13:37:05 joloef Exp $ %if ~issymmetric(X)% X.n>1 | X.m>1 % error('SOS can only be applied to symmetric polynomial matrices'); %end if nargin<2 r = inf; end X.typeflag = 11; X.extra.sosid = yalmip('sosid'); X.extra.rank = r;