function varargout = norm(varargin) %NORM (overloaded) % % t = NORM(x,P) % % The variable t can only be used in convexity preserving % operations such as t<0, max(t,y)<1, minimize t etc. % % For matrices... % NORM(X) models the largest singular value of X, max(svd(X)). % NORM(X,2) is the same as NORM(X). % NORM(X,1) models the 1-norm of X, the largest column sum, max(sum(abs(X))). % NORM(X,inf) models the infinity norm of X, the largest row sum, max(sum(abs(X'))). % NORM(X,'fro') models the Frobenius norm, sqrt(sum(diag(X'*X))). % For vectors... % NORM(V) = norm(V,2) = standard Euclidean norm. % NORM(V,inf) = max(abs(V)). % NORM(V,1) = sum(abs(V)) % % SEE ALSO SUMK, SUMABSK % Author Johan Löfberg % $Id: norm.m,v 1.30 2006/07/26 20:17:58 joloef Exp $ %% *************************************************** % This file defines a nonlinear operator for YALMIP % % It can take three different inputs % For DOUBLE inputs, it returns standard double values % For SDPVAR inputs, it generates an internal variable % % When first input is 'model' it returns the graph % in the first output and structure describing some % properties of the operator. %% *************************************************** switch class(varargin{1}) case 'double' % What is the numerical value of this argument (needed for displays etc) % SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, THIS SHOULD BE CAUGHT BY BUILT-IN error('Overloaded SDPVAR/NORM CALLED WITH DOUBLE. Report error') case 'sdpvar' % Overloaded operator for SDPVAR objects. Pass on args and save them. if nargin == 1 varargout{1} = yalmip('addextendedvariable',mfilename,varargin{1},2); else switch varargin{2} case {1,2,inf,'inf','fro'} varargout{1} = yalmip('addextendedvariable',mfilename,varargin{:}); otherwise error('norm(x,P) only supported for P = 1, 2, inf and ''fro'''); end end case 'char' % YALMIP sends 'model' when it wants the epigraph or hypograph switch varargin{1} case 'graph' t = varargin{2}; X = varargin{3}; p = varargin{4}; % Code below complicated by two things % 1: Absolute value for complex data -> cone constraints on % elements % 2: SUBSREF does not call SDPVAR subsref -> use extsubsref.m % FIX : Exploit symmetry to create smaller problem switch p case 1 z = sdpvar(size(X,1),size(X,2),'full'); if min(size(X))>1 if isreal(X) F = set(-z < X < z); else F = set([]); for i = 1:size(X,1) for j = 1:size(X,2) xi = extsubsref(X,i,j); zi = extsubsref(z,i,j); F = F + set(cone([real(xi);imag(xi)],zi)); end end end F = F + set(sum(z,1) < t); else if isreal(X) F = set(-z < X < z) + set(sum(z) < t); [M,m] = derivebounds(X); bounds(z,0,max(abs([M -m]),[],2)); bounds(t,0,sum(max(abs([M -m]),[],2))); else F = set([]); for i = 1:length(X) xi = extsubsref(X,i); zi = extsubsref(z,i); F = F + set(cone([real(xi);imag(xi)],zi)); end F = F + set(sum(z) < t); end end case 2 z = sdpvar(size(X,1),size(X,2)); if min(size(X))>1 F = set([t*eye(size(X,1)) X;X' t*eye(size(X,2))]); else F = set(cone(X(:),t)); end case {inf,'inf'} if min(size(X))>1 z = sdpvar(size(X,1),size(X,2),'full'); if isreal(X) F = set(-z < X < z); else F = set([]); for i = 1:size(X,1) for j = 1:size(X,2) xi = extsubsref(X,i,j); zi = extsubsref(z,i,j); F = F + set(cone([real(xi);imag(xi)],zi)); end end end F = F + set(sum(z,2) < t); else if isreal(X) F = set(-t < X < t); [M,m,infbound] = derivebounds(X); if ~infbound F = F + set(01 % Complex valued data, matrices and 2-norm not supported varargout{1} = []; varargout{2} = []; varargout{3} = []; else if p==1 X = reshape(X,length(X),1); absX = sdpvar(length(X),1); d = binvar(length(X),1); [M,m] = derivebounds(X); F = set([]); positive = find(m >= 0); negative = find(M <= 0); % d(find(positive)) = 1; % d(find(negative)) = 0; if ~isempty(positive) d = subsasgn(d,struct('type','()','subs',{{positive}}),1); end if ~isempty(negative) d = subsasgn(d,struct('type','()','subs',{{negative}}),0); end F = F + set(X <= M.*d) + set(2*m.*d <= absX+X <= 2*M.*d); F = F + set(X >= m.*(1-d)) + set(2*m.*(1-d) <= absX-X <= 2*M.*(1-d)); F = F + set(t - sum(absX) == 0); else if 0 %2^n cases %e.g in 2d, %norm([x;y],inf) = y, y>0, y>x.y>-x % = x, x>0, x>y.x>-y n = length(X); X = reshape(X,n,1); absX = sdpvar(n,1); d = binvar(n,1); [M,m] = derivebounds(X); F = set(sum(d)==0); top = 1; for i = 1:n xi = extsubsref(X,i); y = extsubsref(X,setdiff(1:n,i)); for sign_abs_largest_variable = -1:2:1 di = extsubsref(d,top); for j = setdiff(1:n,i) y = extsubsref(X,j); for sign_other = -1:2:1 F = F + set(xi*sign_abs_largest_variable >= sign_other*y); F = F + set(-M*100*(1-di) <= xi*sign_abs_largest_variable-t <= t+M*100*(1-di)); end end top = top + 1; end end else % OLD n = length(X); X = reshape(X,n,1); absX = sdpvar(n,1); d = binvar(n,1); [M,m] = derivebounds(X); F = set([]); F = F + set(X <= M.*d) + set(2*m.*d <= absX+X <= 2*M.*d); F = F + set(X >= m.*(1-d)) + set(2*m.*(1-d) <= absX-X <= 2*M.*(1-d)); M = max(M,-m); d = binvar(n,1); F = F + set(sum(d)==1); F = F + set(absX <= t <= absX + M.*(1-d)); kk = []; ii = []; for i = 1:n k = [1:1:i-1 i+1:1:n]'; ii = [ii;repmat(i,n-1,1)]; kk = [kk;k]; Mm = M(k); end xii = extsubsref(absX,ii); dii = extsubsref(d,ii); xkk = extsubsref(absX,kk); F = F + set(xkk <= xii+(M(kk)-m(ii)).*(1-dii)); end % for i = 1:n % xi = extsubsref(absX,i); % di = extsubsref(d,i); % for k = [1:1:i-1 i+1:1:n] % xk = extsubsref(absX,k); % F = F + set(xk <= xi+M(k)*(1-di)); % end % end end varargout{1} = F; varargout{2} = struct('convexity','milp','monotonicity','milp','definiteness','positive'); varargout{3} = X; end otherwise error('SDPVAR/NORM called with CHAR argument?'); end otherwise error('Strange type on first argument in SDPVAR/NORM'); end