function [y,info] = lmirank(At,c,K,pars,y0) % [y,info] = lmirank(At,c,K,pars,y0); % % LMIRANK can be used to try to solve rank constrained LMI problems such as % % F(y)>=0, (1) % G(y)>=0, rank G(y)<=r. (2) % % More precisely it can be used to try to solve feasibility problems % involving any number of LMI constraints and one or more rank constraints. % % LMI data is entered in standard SeDuMi format. Rank constraints are entered % using K.rank. For example, % % K.s=[4 7 6]; K.rank=[4 4 6]; % % specifies 3 LMI constraints with the 2nd LMI constrained to have rank <= 4. % % LP inequality constraints can also be included. % % LMIRANK can be called using any of following % [y,info] = lmirank(At,c,K,pars,y0); % [y,info] = lmirank(At,c,K); % [y,info] = lmirank(At,c,K,pars); % [y,info] = lmirank(At,c,K,y0); % % Inputs: % At,c,K.l,K.s : data in SeDuMi format % K.rank : rank constraints % Optional Inputs: % pars.maxiter : max. no. of iterations, default is 1000 % pars.eps : constraint tolerance, default is 1e-9 % pars.fid : set to 0 to suppress on-screen output. The default % is 1 which displays on-screen output. % pars.itermod : output results to screen every pars.itermod % iterations, default is 1 % y0 : initial condition % (If y0 is not given, the trace heuristic is % used to initialize the algorithm. SeDuMi is % used to do this calculation and hence must % be installed if y0 is not given.) % Outputs: % y : solution % info.solved : 1 if a solution was found, 0 otherwise % info.cpusec : solution time % info.iters : no. of iterations required to find a solution % : constraint gap % info.rank : ranks (with respect to tolerance pars.eps) % % The algorithm is described in % R. Orsi, U. Helmke, and J. B. Moore. A Newton-like method for solving % rank constrained linear matrix inequalities. In Proceedings of the % 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3138-3144, % Paradise Island, Bahamas, 2004. % % Algorithm notes % 1. Projection onto the set B (see Section V.C of the paper) is now done % in a much simpler manner. (It still results in a linearly constrained % least squares problem.) % 2. The above paper describes only the basic case given by (1) and (2) % above, i.e., it does not deal with multiple non-rank constrained LMIs, % multiple rank constrained LMIs, or LP inequality constraints. % %Feedback should be sent to % Author Robert Orsi % Feb 2005 t=cputime; %%%% If no LP ineq. constraints are present, set K.l=0 if ~isfield(K,'l') K.l=0; end %%%% Set unspecified pars, calculate an initial condition if none given if nargin==3 pars.fid=1; y = trheuristic(At,c,K); end if nargin==4 if isstruct(pars) y = trheuristic(At,c,K); else y=pars; pars.fid=1; end end if nargin==5 y=y0; end if ~isfield(pars,'maxiter') pars.maxiter=1000; end if ~isfield(pars,'eps') pars.eps=1e-9; end if ~isfield(pars,'fid') pars.fid=1; end if ~isfield(pars,'itermod') pars.itermod=1; end %%%% Initialize X1 X1=c-At*y; %%%% Calculate m m=size(At,2); %%%% Print output header fprintf(pars.fid,'\nLMIRank by Robert Orsi, 2005.\n'); fprintf(pars.fid,'maxiter = %5d | rank bounds\n',pars.maxiter); fprintf(pars.fid,'eps = %0.2e | ',pars.eps); fprintf(pars.fid,'%5d',K.rank); fprintf(pars.fid,'\n iter : gap ranks\n'); %%%% MAIN LOOP for iters=1:pars.maxiter, %% Calculate DX1 : eigs of X1 %% %% X2LP : proj. of LP ineq. component of X1 %% X2LPindex : index of zeroes of X2LP %% DX2 : eigs of X2. %% : Sorted, non-neg., rank constained version of DX1 %% rankX2 : ranks of X2 %% %% Attrans : At after transformation %% ctrans : c after transformation %% Attrans2 : %% ctrans2 : DX1=zeros(sum(K.s),1); % X2LP=max(X1(1:K.l),0); X2LPindex=find(X2LP==0); DX2=zeros(sum(K.s),1); rankX2=zeros(length(K.s),1); % Attrans=zeros(size(At)); Attrans(1:K.l,:)=At(1:K.l,:); ctrans=zeros(size(c)); ctrans(1:K.l)=c(1:K.l); Attrans2=zeros(size(At)); % incorrect size, truncated later Attrans2(1:length(X2LPindex),:)=Attrans(X2LPindex,:); ctrans2=zeros(size(c)); % incorrect size, truncated later ctrans2(1:length(X2LPindex))=ctrans(X2LPindex); % index=0; index2=0; index3=length(X2LPindex); for j=1:length(K.s), [V,D]=eig(reshape(X1(K.l+index2+1:K.l+index2+K.s(j)^2),K.s(j),K.s(j))); DX1(index+1:index+K.s(j))=diag(D); [Dsort,I]=sort(-diag(D)); Dsort=-Dsort; V=V(:,I); for i=1:K.s(j), if (rankX2(j)0) rankX2(j)=rankX2(j)+1; DX2(index+i)=Dsort(i); end end for k=1:m, Q=V'*reshape(At(K.l+index2+1:K.l+index2+K.s(j)^2,k),K.s(j),K.s(j))*V; Q=(Q+Q')/2; Attrans(K.l+index2+1:K.l+index2+K.s(j)^2,k)=Q(:); Attrans2(index3+1:index3+(K.s(j)-rankX2(j))^2,k)=... reshape(Q(rankX2(j)+1:end,rankX2(j)+1:end),(K.s(j)-rankX2(j))^2,1); end Q=V'*reshape(c(K.l+index2+1:K.l+index2+K.s(j)^2),K.s(j),K.s(j))*V; Q=(Q+Q')/2; ctrans(K.l+index2+1:K.l+index2+K.s(j)^2)=Q(:); ctrans2(index3+1:index3+(K.s(j)-rankX2(j))^2)=... reshape(Q(rankX2(j)+1:end,rankX2(j)+1:end),(K.s(j)-rankX2(j))^2,1); % index=index+K.s(j); index2=index2+K.s(j)^2; index3=index3+(K.s(j)-rankX2(j))^2; end %% Truncate Attrans2 and ctrans2 to correct sizes q=length(X2LPindex); for j=1:length(K.s), q=q+(K.s(j)-rankX2(j))^2; end Attrans2=Attrans2(1:q,1:m); ctrans2=ctrans2(1:q,1); %% BREAK if a solution has been found %% Decision is based on X1, not X2 bound= (K.l+length(DX1)) * max([abs(X1(1:K.l)); abs(DX1)]) * eps * 10; bound= max(bound,pars.eps); gap=min(DX1); if K.l~=0 gap=min([gap; X1(1:K.l)]); end breakflag=(gap >= -bound); rankX1=zeros(1,length(K.s)); index=0; for j=1:length(K.s), rankX1(j)=sum(abs(DX1(index+1:index+K.s(j)))>bound); breakflag=breakflag & (rankX1(j) <= K.rank(j)); index=index+K.s(j); end if (pars.fid)&(mod(iters,pars.itermod)==0) %% Output iters, gap & ranks fprintf(pars.fid,'%5d : %0.2e ',iters,gap); fprintf(pars.fid,'%5d',rankX1); fprintf(pars.fid,'\n'); end if breakflag break end %% Calculate SVD and rank of Attrans2 [U,S,V]=svd(Attrans2); s=diag(S); tol=max(size(Attrans2))*s(1)*eps; rankAttrans2=sum(s>tol); %% Calculate y if rankAttrans2 == size(Attrans2,2), y=Attrans2\ctrans2; else if size(Attrans2,1)~=size(Attrans2,2) warning off; y0=Attrans2\ctrans2; warning on; else y0=pinv(Attrans2)*ctrans2; end W=V(:,rankAttrans2+1:end); e=zeros(size(c)); e(1:K.l)=X2LP; index=0; index2=K.l; for j=1:length(K.s), P=diag(DX2(index+1:index+K.s(j))); e(index2+1:index2+K.s(j)^2)=P(:); index=index+K.s(j); index2=index2+K.s(j)^2; end q=(Attrans*W)\( ctrans - Attrans*y0 - e ); y=y0+W*q; end %% Calculate new X1 X1=c-At*y; end info.solved=breakflag; info.cpusec=cputime-t; info.iters=iters;; info.rank=rankX1; fprintf(pars.fid,'iters solved seconds\n'); fprintf(pars.fid,'%5d %4d %11.1e\n',info.iters,info.solved,info.cpusec);