function [y] = analyze_rankr(a,fo) % a is a matrix with experimental results. Each row indicates the results for % one matrix. % fo is the fraction of elements that are expected to be missing. % % y is (weighted) average, z is percentage achieving min_val, % w is standard dev. % a = round(10000.*a)./10000; ab = abs(a); fp = 1 - fo; numexps = size(ab,1); rank3 = sum(ab(:,1))/(numexps *fp); rank3_it = sum(ab(:,2))/(numexps *fp); dwj_rank3 = sum(ab(:,3))/(numexps *fp); dwj_rank3_it = sum(ab(:,4))/(numexps *fp); y = [rank3, rank3_it, dwj_rank3, dwj_rank3_it];