function [xymax,smax,xymin,smin] = extrema2(xy,varargin) %EXTREMA2 Gets the extrema points from a surface. % [XMAX,IMAX,XMIN,IMIN] = EXTREMA2(X) returns the maxima and minima % elements of the matriz X ignoring NaN's, where % XMAX - maxima points in descending order (the bigger first and so on) % IMAX - linear indexes of the XMAX % XMIN - minima points in descending order % IMIN - linear indexes of the XMIN. % The program uses EXTREMA. % % The extrema points are searched only through the column, the row and % the diagonals crossing each matrix element, so it is not a perfect % mathematical program and for this reason it has an optional argument. % The user should be aware of these limitations. % % [XMAX,IMAX,XMIN,IMIN] = EXTREMA2(X,1) does the same but without % searching through the diagonals (less strict and perhaps the user gets % more output points). % % DEFINITION (from % In mathematics, maxima and minima, also known as extrema, are points in % the domain of a function at which the function takes a largest value % (maximum) or smallest value (minimum), either within a given % neighbourhood (local extrema) or on the function domain in its entirety % (global extrema). % % Note: To change the linear index to (i,j) use IND2SUB. % % Example: % [x,y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2,3:-.2:-2); % z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2); z(10,7)= NaN; z(16:19,13:17) = NaN; % surf(x,y,z), shading interp % [zmax,imax,zmin,imin] = extrema2(z); % hold on % plot3(x(imax),y(imax),zmax,'bo',x(imin),y(imin),zmin,'ro') % for i = 1:length(zmax) % text(x(imax(i)),y(imax(i)),zmax(i),[' ' num2str(zmax(i))]) % end % for i = 1:length(zmin) % text(x(imin(i)),y(imin(i)),zmin(i),[' ' num2str(zmin(i))]) % end % hold off % % See also EXTREMA, MAX, MIN % Written by % Lic. on Physics Carlos Adrián Vargas Aguilera % Physical Oceanography MS candidate % UNIVERSIDAD DE GUADALAJARA % Mexico, 2005 % % % From : % File ID : 12275 % Submited at: 2006-09-14 % 2006-11-11 : English translation from spanish. % 2006-11-17 : Accept NaN's. % 2006-11-22 : Fixed bug in INDX (by JaeKyu Suhr) % 2007-04-09 : Change name to MAXIMA2, and definition added. M = size(xy); if length(M) ~= 2 error('Entry must be a matrix.') end N = M(2); M = M(1); % Search peaks through columns: [smaxcol,smincol] = extremos(xy); % Search peaks through rows, on columns with extrema points: im = unique([smaxcol(:,1);smincol(:,1)]); % Rows with column extrema [smaxfil,sminfil] = extremos(xy(im,:).'); % Convertion from 2 to 1 index: smaxcol = sub2ind([M,N],smaxcol(:,1),smaxcol(:,2)); smincol = sub2ind([M,N],smincol(:,1),smincol(:,2)); smaxfil = sub2ind([M,N],im(smaxfil(:,2)),smaxfil(:,1)); sminfil = sub2ind([M,N],im(sminfil(:,2)),sminfil(:,1)); % Peaks in rows and in columns: smax = intersect(smaxcol,smaxfil); smin = intersect(smincol,sminfil); % Search peaks through diagonals? if nargin==1 % Check peaks on down-up diagonal: [iext,jext] = ind2sub([M,N],unique([smax;smin])); [sextmax,sextmin] = extremos_diag(iext,jext,xy,1); % Check peaks on up-down diagonal: smax = intersect(smax,[M; (N*M-M); sextmax]); smin = intersect(smin,[M; (N*M-M); sextmin]); % Peaks on up-down diagonals: [iext,jext] = ind2sub([M,N],unique([smax;smin])); [sextmax,sextmin] = extremos_diag(iext,jext,xy,-1); % Peaks on columns, rows and diagonals: smax = intersect(smax,[1; N*M; sextmax]); smin = intersect(smin,[1; N*M; sextmin]); end % Extrema points: xymax = xy(smax); xymin = xy(smin); % Descending order: [temp,inmax] = sort(-xymax); clear temp xymax = xymax(inmax); smax = smax(inmax); [xymin,inmin] = sort(xymin); smin = smin(inmin); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [smax,smin] = extremos(matriz) % Peaks through columns or rows. smax = []; smin = []; for n = 1:length(matriz(1,:)) [temp,imaxfil,temp,iminfil] = extrema(matriz(:,n)); clear temp if ~isempty(imaxfil) % Maxima indexes imaxcol = repmat(n,length(imaxfil),1); smax = [smax; imaxfil imaxcol]; end if ~isempty(iminfil) % Minima indexes imincol = repmat(n,length(iminfil),1); smin = [smin; iminfil imincol]; end end function [sextmax,sextmin] = extremos_diag(iext,jext,xy,A) % Peaks through diagonals (down-up A=-1) [M,N] = size(xy); if A==-1 iext = M-iext+1; end [iini,jini] = cruce(iext,jext,1,1); [iini,jini] = ind2sub([M,N],unique(sub2ind([M,N],iini,jini))); [ifin,jfin] = cruce(iini,jini,M,N); sextmax = []; sextmin = []; for n = 1:length(iini) ises = iini(n):ifin(n); jses = jini(n):jfin(n); if A==-1 ises = M-ises+1; end s = sub2ind([M,N],ises,jses); [temp,imax,temp,imin] = extrema(xy(s)); clear temp sextmax = [sextmax; s(imax)']; sextmin = [sextmin; s(imin)']; end function [i,j] = cruce(i0,j0,I,J) % Indexes where the diagonal of the element io,jo crosses the left/superior % (I=1,J=1) or right/inferior (I=M,J=N) side of an MxN matrix. arriba = 2*(I*J==1)-1; si = (arriba*(j0-J) > arriba*(i0-I)); i = (I - (J+i0-j0)).*si + J+i0-j0; j = (I+j0-i0-(J)).*si + J; % Carlos Adrián Vargas Aguilera.