function [tf,loc] = ismember_sorted_rows(a,s) %ISMEMBER_SORTED_ROWS True for member of sorted set of rows. % TF = ISMEMBER_SORTED_ROWS(A,S) for the matrix A returns a column vector TF % where TF(i) = 1 if A(i,:) is in S and 0 otherwise. % A and S must be row-sorted and cannot contain NaN. % % [TF,LOC] = ISMEMBER_SORTED_ROWS(A,S) also returns an index array LOC where % LOC(i) is the index in S which matches A(i) (highest if there are ties) % or 0 if there is no such index. % % See also ISMEMBER, MATCH_SORTED_ROWS, INTERSECT_SORTED_ROWS, SETDIFF_SORTED_ROWS, UNION_SORTED_ROWS. % Written by Tom Minka % (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. if nargout < 2 tf = ismember(a,s,'rows'); else [tf,loc] = ismember(a,s,'rows'); end