function labeled_curves(x,y,varargin) %LABELED_CURVES Draw multiple curves in different colors with labels. % LABELED_CURVES(X,Y) plots multiples curves in different colors, with % a legend and good axes (using AXIS_PCT). % There are multiple ways to specify X and Y. % % In the simplest case, every curve has the same x-coordinates, so X is % just a vector and Y is a matrix. Y can also be a structure where each % field is a vector of y-coordinates (of equal lengths). % % If curves have different x-coordinates then X should be a structure where % each field is a vector of x-coordinates, and Y is a corresponding structure % where each field is a vector of y-coordinates. % % LABELED_CURVES(X,Y,'color',COLOR) uses the given colors. % COLOR is either a cell array of linespec strings (as in PLOT), % a matrix of RGB triples (as in COLORMAP), or a structure where each field % is either a linespec string or RGB triple. % % If you are making multiple plots, you can collect all the color % specifications into a single color structure, which ensures the coloring % of a particular curve is consistent among plots. % % By default, the structure field names are used as labels. Alternatively, % you can specify labels as an optional argument: % % LABELED_CURVES(X,Y,...,'labels',LABELS) uses the given labels for the legend % (LABELS is a cell array of strings). Otherwise the field names are used. % % LABELED_CURVES(X,Y,...,'plotfun',PLOTFUN) uses PLOTFUN instead of 'plot' to % draw the curves. For example, 'semilogx', 'semilogy', or 'loglog'. % % LABELED_CURVES(X,Y,...,'mobile',1) uses MOBILE_TEXT instead of % LEGEND, for more accurate placement of labels. % % Example: % x = linspace(0,6,100); % y = [sin(x); cos(x)]; % labeled_curves(x,y,'labels',{'sin' 'cos'}) % color = {'g' 'b'}; % labeled_curves(x,y,'color',color,'labels',{'sin' 'cos'}) % color = [0 1 0; 0 0 1]; % labeled_curves(x,y,'color',color,'labels',{'sin' 'cos'}) % % y=struct;color=struct; % y.sin = sin(x); % y.cos = cos(x); % color.sin = 'g'; % color.cos = 'b'; % labeled_curves(x,y,'color',color) % labeled_curves(x,y,'color',color,'plotfun','semilogx','mobile',1) % % xcoord = struct; % xcoord.sin = x; % xcoord.cos = x; % xcoord.tan = linspace(2,4,100); % y.tan = tan(xcoord.tan); % color.tan = [1 0 0]; % labeled_curves(xcoord,y,'color',color) % % See also PLOT, LEGEND, MOBILE_TEXT, AXIS_PCT, LINECHART % Written by Tom Minka % (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. args = makestruct(varargin); default_args = struct('color',[],'labels',[],'plotfun','plot','mobile',0,'dotstyle','.'); args = setfields(default_args,args); color = args.color; labels = args.labels; plotfun = args.plotfun; mobile_flag =; dotstyle = args.dotstyle; if ~isstruct(y) a = y; y = struct; for i = 1:rows(a) y.(sprintf('V%d',i)) = a(i,:); end end if isempty(color) n = length(fieldnames(y)); color = jet(n); color = hsv(n); end if ~isstruct(color) a = color; color = struct; fields = fieldnames(y); if iscellstr(a) for i = 1:length(a) color.(fields{i}) = a{i}; end else for i = 1:rows(a) color.(fields{i}) = a(i,:); end end end if isempty(labels) labels = fieldnames(y); end lastx = struct; lasty = struct; h = []; for f = fieldnames(y)' field = char(f); if isstruct(x) thisx = x.(field); else thisx = x; end thisy = y.(field); thiscolor = color.(field); if ischar(thiscolor) h(end+1) = feval(plotfun,thisx,thisy,thiscolor); hold on if ~isempty(dotstyle) feval(plotfun,thisx,thisy,[thiscolor dotstyle]); end else h(end+1) = feval(plotfun,thisx,thisy); set(h(end),'Color',thiscolor); hold on if ~isempty(dotstyle) hh = feval(plotfun,thisx,thisy,dotstyle); set(hh,'Color',thiscolor); end end lastx.(field) = thisx(end); lasty.(field) = thisy(end); end hold off axis_pct; f = fieldnames(y); legend(h,labels) if mobile_flag legend off h = mobile_text(labels{:}); for i = 1:length(h) set(h(i),'Position',[lastx.(f{i}) lasty.(f{i})]); end end