function colors = RYB_colors(n) % RYB_colors A good diverging colormap. % RYB_colors(n) returns an RGB matrix of n colors (default 7). % These colors form a diverging colormap (colors easily perceived to lie % on a sequence on either side of a central color). % % Example: % colormap(RYB_colors) % % See also YR_colors. % Written by Tom Minka if nargin < 1 n = 7; end % In R: col2rgb(RYB.colors(3)) switch n case 7, colors = [ 215 61 41; 252 141 89; 254 224 144; 255 255 191; 224 243 248; 145 191 219; 69 117 180 ]/255; case 6, colors = [ 215 61 41 252 141 89 254 224 144 224 243 248 145 191 219 69 117 180 ]/255; case 5, colors = [ 202 55 59 253 174 97 255 255 191 171 217 233 44 123 182 ]/255; case 4, colors = [ 202 55 59; 253 174 97 171 217 233; 44 123 182 ]/255; case 3, colors = [ 252 141 89; 255 255 191; 145 191 219 ]/255; end