function [names,isdirs] = glob(pattern,prefix) %GLOB Filename expansion via wildcards. % GLOB(PATTERN) returns a cell array of file/directory names which match the % PATTERN. % [NAMES,ISDIRS] = GLOB(PATTERN) also returns a logical vector indicating % which are directories. % % Two types of wildcards are supported: % * matches zero or more characters, besides / % ** matches zero or more characters, including /, ending with a / % *** is interpreted as ** followed by *, which means it matches zero or % more characters, including / % % For example, 'a*b' matches 'ab','acb','acdb', but not 'a/b'. % 'a**b' matches 'ab','a/b','ac/b','ac/d/b', but not 'acb' or 'a/cb'. % 'a***b' matches all of the above plus 'a/cb','ac/d/cb',etc. % % 'a//b' is not considered a valid filename, so 'a/*/b' will not return % 'a//b' or 'a/b'. % % Examples: % % if 'work' is a subdirectory, this returns only 'work', not its contents: % glob('work') % % returns 'work/fun.m' (not 'fun.m'): % glob('work/fun.m') % % all m-files in 'work', prefixed with 'work/': % glob('work/*.m') % % all files named 'fun.m' in 'work' or any subdirectory of 'work': % glob('work/**fun.m') % % all m-files in 'work' or any subdirectory of 'work': % glob('work/***.m') % % all files named 'fun.m' any subdirectory of 'work' (but not 'work'): % glob('work/**/fun.m') % % all files named 'fun.m' in any subdirectory of '.': % glob('**fun.m') % % all files in all subdirectories: % glob('***') % % See also globstrings. % Written by Tom Minka, 28-Apr-2004 % (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. if nargin < 2 prefix = ''; end names = {}; isdirs = []; if isempty(pattern) return end % break the pattern into path components [first,rest] = strtok(pattern,'/'); i = strfind(first,'**'); if ~isempty(i) % double-star pattern i = i(1); % process first occurrence rest = fullfile(first((i+2):end),rest); first = first(1:(i-1)); new_pattern = [first rest]; % if the pattern was 'a**b/c', new_pattern is 'ab/c' [names,isdirs] = glob(new_pattern,prefix); first = [first '*']; rest = ['**' rest]; % if the pattern was 'a**b/c', it is now 'a*/**b/c' end % expand the first component fullfirst = fullfile(prefix,first); if ~iswild(fullfirst) & isdir(fullfirst) first_files = struct('name',first,'isdir',1); else first_files = stripdots(dir(fullfirst)); end % for each match, add it to the results or recurse on the rest of the pattern for i = 1:length(first_files) new_prefix = fullfile(prefix,first_files(i).name); if isempty(rest) names{end+1} = new_prefix; isdirs(end+1) = first_files(i).isdir; elseif first_files(i).isdir [new_names, new_isdirs] = glob(rest,new_prefix); names = cellcat(names, new_names); isdirs = [isdirs; new_isdirs]; end end names = names(:); isdirs = isdirs(:); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function files = stripdots(files) % omit . and .. from the results of DIR names = {}; ok = (~strcmp(names,'.') & ~strcmp(names,'..')); files = files(ok); function c = cellcat(c,c2) c = {c{:} c2{:}}; function tf = iswild(pattern) tf = ~isempty(strfind(pattern,'*')); function s = regexp_quote(s) regexprep(s,'[!#]^','#^'); regexprep(s,'[!#]$','#$');