source: proiecte/pmake3d/make3d_original/Make3dSingleImageStanford_version0.1/third_party/lightspeed/Contents.m @ 177

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Added original make3d

File size: 5.2 KB
1% Lightspeed Toolbox. 
2% Efficient operations for Matlab programming.
3% Version 2.1   10-Oct-2006
4% By Tom Minka
5% (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
7% Matrix algebra
8%   repmat           - Fast replacement for matlab's repmat.
9%   xrepmat          - Matlab's original repmat.
10%   row_sum          - Sum for each row.  Faster than 'sum'.
11%   scale_rows       - Scale each row of a matrix.
12%   scale_cols       - Scale each column of a matrix.
13%   solve_triu       - Left division by upper triangular matrix.
14%   solve_tril       - Left division by lower triangular matrix.
15%   sqdist           - Squared Euclidean and Mahalanobis distance.
16%   isposdef         - Check for positive-definiteness.
17%   logdet           - log(determinant) for positive definite matrix.
19% Statistics
20%   normpdf          - Multivariate normal density.
21%   normpdfln        - Log of multivariate normal density.
22%   normcdf          - Normal cumulative distribution.
23%   normcdfln        - Log of normal cumulative distribution.
24%   normcdflogit     - Logit of normal cumulative distribution.
25%   wishpdf          - Wishart probability density function.
26%   wishpdfln        - Log of Wishart probability density function.
27%   sample           - Sample from categorical distribution.
28%   sample_vector    - Sample from multiple categorical distributions.
29%   sample_hist      - Sample from multinomial distribution.
30%   randbinom        - Sample from binomial distribution.
31%   randnorm         - Sample from multivariate normal.
32%   randgamma        - Sample from Gamma distribution.
33%   randbeta         - Sample from Beta distribution.
34%   randwishart      - Sample from Wishart distribution.
35%   int_hist         - Histogram of integer values.
37% Utility
38%   logsumexp        - Sum in the log domain.
39%   logmulexp        - Matrix multiply in the log domain.
40%   ndgridmat        - Matrix of grid points.
41%   ind2subv         - Subscript vector from linear index.
42%   subv2ind         - Linear index from subscript vector.
43%   gammaln          - Fast replacement for matlab's gammaln.
44%   digamma          - Derivative of gammaln.
45%   trigamma         - Derivative of digamma.
46%   ndsum            - Sum over multiple dimensions.
47%   ndmax            - Maximum over multiple dimensions.
48%   ndlogsumexp      - Sum over multiple dimensions in the log domain.
49%   maxdiff          - Maximum difference between structs or arrays.
50%   makestruct       - Cell-friendly alternative to STRUCT.
51%   setfields        - Set multiple fields of a structure.
52%   struct2arglist   - Convert structure to cell array of fields/values.
53%   sameobject       - Test if two variables correspond to the same object.
54%   find_sameobject  - Find an object in a cell array.
55%   toJava           - Convert to Java representation.
56%   fromJava         - Convert from Java to Matlab.
57%   glob             - Filename expansion via wildcards.
58%   globstrings      - String matching via wildcards.
60% Mutation
61%   mutable          - Convert to a mutable object.
62%   immutable        - Convert to an ordinary (immutable) object.
64% Set operations
65%   ismember_sorted  - True for member of sorted set.
66%   match            - Location of matches in a set.
67%   match_sorted     - Location of matches in a sorted set.
68%   setdiff_sorted   - Set difference between sorted sets.
69%   intersect_sorted - Set intersection between sorted sets.
70%   union_sorted     - Set union of sorted sets.
71%   union_sorted_rows - Set union of sorted sets of row vectors.
72%   duplicated       - Find duplicated rows in a matrix.
74% Readability
75%   rows             - Number of rows.
76%   cols             - Number of columns.
77%   col_sum          - Sum for each column.
78%   setdiag          - Modify the diagonals of a matrix.
79%   finddiag         - Index of elements on diagonals.
80%   argmax           - Index of maximum element.
81%   argmin           - Index of minimum element.
83% Flop counting
84%   flops            - Read/write flop counter.
85%   addflops         - Add to flop counter.
86%   flops_chol       - Flops for Cholesky decomposition.
87%   flops_col_sum    - Flops for column sums.
88%   flops_det        - Flops for matrix determinant.
89%   flops_digamma    - Flops for gammaln, digamma, and trigamma.
90%   flops_div        - Flops for division.
91%   flops_exp        - Flops for exponential.
92%   flops_inv        - Flops for matrix inversion.
93%   flops_mul        - Flops for real matrix multiplication.
94%   flops_normpdfln  - Flops for normpdfln.
95%   flops_pow        - Flops for raising to real power.
96%   flops_randnorm   - Flops for randnorm.
97%   flops_row_sum    - Flops for row sums.
98%   flops_sample     - Flops for sample(p,n).
99%   flops_solve      - Flops for matrix left division.
100%   flops_solve_tri  - Flops for triangular left division.
101%   flops_spadd      - Flops for sparse matrix addition.
102%   flops_spmul      - Flops for sparse matrix multiplication.
103%   flops_sqrt       - Flops for square root.
105% Stand alone programs
106%   matfile          - Read/write MAT files.
107%   test_flops       - Compare time versus flops for various math operations.
109% Graphics utilities
110%  see graphics/Contents.m
112% Demos
113%   test_repmat,
114%   test_solve_tri, ...
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