function mut = subsasgn(mut,index,v) % Written by Tom Minka % (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. subsasgnJava(mut.obj,index,v,; function subsasgnJava(jv,index,v,cl) if nargin < 4 % class(jv) is expensive, so we do it only once cl = class(jv); end if strcmp(cl,'java.util.Hashtable') % don't bother checking the type %if strcmp(index(1).type,'.') f = index(1).subs; if length(index) > 1 jv = jv.get(f); if isempty(jv) error(sprintf('Reference to non-existent field ''%s''.',f)); end % recurse on remaining subscripts subsasgnJava(jv,index(2:end),v); else if ~jv.containsKey(f) % add a new field jv.get('_fields').addElement(f); end jv.put(f,toJava(v)); end return elseif strcmp(cl,'java.lang.Double[][]') | strcmp(cl,'java.lang.Object[][]') if length(index(1).subs) == 1 % convert single index to a full index i = index(1).subs{1}; if length(i) > 1 error('a single array of indices is not supported'); end s = sizeJava(jv); index(1).subs = num2cell(ind2subv(s,i),1); end if strcmp(cl,'java.lang.Object[][]') % cell array if strcmp(index(1).type,'{}') index(1).type = '()'; end end % fall through elseif strcmp(cl,'java.util.Vector') | strcmp(cl,'java.util.BitSet') % empty array error('Index exceeds matrix dimensions.'); end % use built-in subsasgn subsasgn(jv,index,toJava(v));