% mycorr2 modified version of the 2D correlation % for the use with im2col and col2im % see GETPOINT % % % $Id: mycorr2.m,v 2.0 2003/06/19 12:07:11 svoboda Exp $ % Note: It written in order to gain speed. The clarity of the code suffers accordingly function R = mycorr2(X,G,Gn,Gn2) % Gn = G-mean(G); % Gn2 = sqrt(sum(Gn.^2)); mX = repmat(mean(X),size(X,1),1); mXn = X - mX; smX = sum(mXn.^2); numerator = (mXn'*Gn)'; denominator = smX*Gn2; R = numerator./denominator; return