function drawscene(X,C,R,fig,ctypehint,scenetitle,camsId) % drawscene ... plots calibration points, cameras and their viewing axes % % drawscene(X,C,R,fig,ctypehint,scenetitle) % % X ............ 4xPOINTS matrix containg POINTS object points % C ............ 3xCAMS matrix containing the camera centers (in world coord.) % R ............ 3*CAMSx3 matrix containing camera rotation matrices % (needed for drawing the viewing axes) % fig .......... figure handle (defaults to 1) % ctypehint .... calibration object type of X (defaults to 'cloud') % scenetitle ... title of the plot (defaults to '') % camsIs ....... 1xCAMS vector with cameas Id (default is 1:CAMS % $Author: svoboda $ % $Revision: 2.0 $ % $Id: drawscene.m,v 2.0 2003/06/19 12:07:03 svoboda Exp $ % $State: Exp $ POINTS = size(X,2); CAMS = size(C,2); if nargin < 7 camsId = [1:CAMS]; end if (nargin < 3) error('not enough input arguments'); end if (nargin < 5) scenetitle = ''; end if (nargin < 4) ctypehint = 'cloud'; end figure(fig); clf title(scenetitle) grid on axis equal % plot camera positions (blue) drawcloud(C,fig,'b'); % plot calibration object (red) drawobject(X,ctypehint,fig,'r'); % Mean of all points centroid = mean(X(1:3,:)'); % plot viewing axes for i=1:CAMS axis_dir = -R(3*i,:); % 3rd row of i-th rotation matrix axis_len = 0.6*norm(C(1:3,i)-centroid'); endpoint = C(1:3,i)+axis_len*axis_dir'; line([C(1,i),endpoint(1)],[C(2,i),endpoint(2)],[C(3,i),endpoint(3)]); text(C(1,i),C(2,i),C(3,i),sprintf('%4d',camsId(i)),'Color','k'); end