% drawobject ... draws a (calibration) object of a specific type % % [fig] = drawobject(X, ctype, fig, {color}) % % X ...... 3xn matrix containg the object's corner points % if X is 4xn only the first 3 rows are used % ctype .. a string specifying the type of the object % according to the type the appropriate drawing functions is called % supported types are: % 'cube' - a cube % 'octagon' - a planar octagon % 'cloud' - a point cloud % fig .... figure handle % color .. color of plotting; defaults to blue % % fig .... returns the figure handle % % $Id: drawobject.m,v 2.0 2003/06/19 12:07:02 svoboda Exp $ function [fig] = drawobject(X,ctype,fig,color) if nargin < 4 color = 'b'; % default color end switch ctype case 'cube', drawcube(X,fig,color); case 'octagon', drawoctagon(X,fig,color); case 'cloud', drawcloud(X,fig,color); otherwise, error('unknown object type: ', ctype) end return