function [align] = erlangen(in,config) % erlangen ... local routines for the hoengg installation % % [align] = erlangen(in,config) % in, cam, config ... see the main GOCAL script % % align ... structures aligned wit the specified world frame % % $Id: erlangen.m,v 1.3 2005/05/20 15:31:30 svoboda Exp $ REALVIZ = 0; Cst = in.Cst; Rot = in.Rot; drawscene(in.Xe,Cst',Rot,41,'cloud','Graphical Output Validation: View from top or bottom',; % definition of the absolute world frame if REALVIZ cam(1).C = [1.20055 -1.85769 4.02702]'; cam(2).C = [0.382772 -4.49652 5.28274]'; cam(3).C = [-2.99133 -3.90767 6.1968]'; cam(4).C = [-2.92944 -2.40276 -7.78579]'; cam(5).C = [-9.00505 -5.61218 -9.73132]'; cam(6).C = [-7.76965 -2.94546 -1.63609]'; else % own measurement cam(1).C = [1.16, 0.3, 1.8]'; cam(2).C = [1.1, 3.0, 2.5]'; cam(3).C = [-0.9, 2.4, 1.56]'; cam(4).C = [0.15, -2.5, 2.2]'; cam(5).C = [-1.95, -2.65, 2.45]'; cam(6).C = [-1.75, -2.2, 1.42]'; end % of the similarity computation [align.simT.s, align.simT.R, align.simT.t] = estsimt([Cst'],[cam(:).C]); [align.P, align.X] = align3d(in.Pe,in.Xe,align.simT); % save aligned data if 1 % SAVE_STEPHI | SAVE_PGUHA [align.Cst,align.Rot] = savecalpar(align.P,config); end drawscene(align.X,align.Cst',align.Rot,61,'cloud','Graphical Output Validation: Aligned data',; set(gca,'CameraTarget',[0,0,0]); set(gca,'CameraPosition',[0,0,1]); figure(61), % print -depsc graphevalaligned.eps eval(['print -depsc ',, 'topview.eps']) drawscene(align.X,align.Cst',align.Rot,62,'cloud','Graphical Output Validation: Aligned data',; set(gca,'CameraTarget',[0,0,0.9]); set(gca,'CameraPosition',[2,0,0.9]); figure(62), % print -depsc graphevalaligned.eps eval(['print -depsc ',, 'sideview.eps']) return