% EXPeriment NAME % returns the name of the current experiment % this name indexes the CONFIGDATA % % $Id: expname.m,v 2.7 2005/05/23 16:23:35 svoboda Exp $ function name = expname() % the name of a calibration fo BlueC must % contain the following sub-string 'BigBlue' % the name for the Hoenggeberg calibration must contain % the sub-string Hoengg % the name of the oscar setup must contain % the string 'oscar' % name = 'G9'; % name = '0801BlueCRZ'; % name = 'BlueCHoengg'; % name = 'TestData'; % name = 'OneSideH0105'; % name = 'OneSideH1416'; name = 'BlueCRZ'; % name = 'ViRoom20030611'; % name = '2410ViRoom'; % name = 'Erlangen'; % name = 'oscar2c1p'; % name = 'oscardemo'; % name = 'ViRoom20030724'; % name = 'extern'; return