function hh = quiver(varargin) %QUIVER Quiver plot. % QUIVER(X,Y,U,V) plots velocity vectors as arrows with components (u,v) % at the points (x,y). The matrices X,Y,U,V must all be the same size % and contain corresponding position and velocity components (X and Y % can also be vectors to specify a uniform grid). QUIVER automatically % scales the arrows to fit within the grid. % % QUIVER(U,V) plots velocity vectors at equally spaced points in % the x-y plane. % % QUIVER(U,V,S) or QUIVER(X,Y,U,V,S) automatically scales the % arrows to fit within the grid and then stretches them by S. Use % S=0 to plot the arrows without the automatic scaling. % % QUIVER(...,LINESPEC) uses the plot linestyle specified for % the velocity vectors. Any marker in LINESPEC is drawn at the base % instead of an arrow on the tip. Use a marker of '.' to specify % no marker at all. See PLOT for other possibilities. % % QUIVER(...,'filled') fills any markers specified. % % H = QUIVER(...) returns a vector of line handles. % % Example: % [x,y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2,-1:.15:1); % z = x .* exp(-x.^2 - y.^2); [px,py] = gradient(z,.2,.15); % contour(x,y,z), hold on % quiver(x,y,px,py), hold off, axis image % % See also FEATHER, QUIVER3, PLOT. % Clay M. Thompson 3-3-94 % Copyright 1984-2002 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 2.1 $ $Date: 2005/05/23 16:20:12 $ % Arrow head parameters alpha = 0.33; % Size of arrow head relative to the length of the vector beta = 0.33; % Width of the base of the arrow head relative to the length autoscale = 1; % Autoscale if ~= 0 then scale by this. plotarrows = 1; % Plot arrows sym = ''; filled = 0; ls = '-'; ms = ''; col = ''; nin = nargin; % Parse the string inputs while isstr(varargin{nin}), vv = varargin{nin}; if ~isempty(vv) & strcmp(lower(vv(1)),'f') filled = 1; nin = nin-1; else [l,c,m,msg] = colstyle(vv); if ~isempty(msg), error(sprintf('Unknown option "%s".',vv)); end if ~isempty(l), ls = l; end if ~isempty(c), col = c; end if ~isempty(m), ms = m; plotarrows = 0; end if isequal(m,'.'), ms = ''; end % Don't plot '.' nin = nin-1; end end error(nargchk(2,5,nin)); % Check numeric input arguments if nin<4, % quiver(u,v) or quiver(u,v,s) [msg,x,y,u,v] = xyzchk(varargin{1:2}); else [msg,x,y,u,v] = xyzchk(varargin{1:4}); end if ~isempty(msg), error(msg); end if nin==3 | nin==5, % quiver(u,v,s) or quiver(x,y,u,v,s) autoscale = varargin{nin}; end % Scalar expand u,v if prod(size(u))==1, u = u(ones(size(x))); end if prod(size(v))==1, v = v(ones(size(u))); end if autoscale, % Base autoscale value on average spacing in the x and y % directions. Estimate number of points in each direction as % either the size of the input arrays or the effective square % spacing if x and y are vectors. if min(size(x))==1, n=sqrt(prod(size(x))); m=n; else [m,n]=size(x); end delx = diff([min(x(:)) max(x(:))])/n; dely = diff([min(y(:)) max(y(:))])/m; del = delx.^2 + dely.^2; if del>0 len = sqrt((u.^2 + v.^2)/del); maxlen = max(len(:)); else maxlen = 0; end if maxlen>0 autoscale = autoscale*0.9 / maxlen; else autoscale = autoscale*0.9; end u = u*autoscale; v = v*autoscale; end ax = newplot; next = lower(get(ax,'NextPlot')); hold_state = ishold; % Make velocity vectors x = x(:).'; y = y(:).'; u = u(:).'; v = v(:).'; uu = [x;x+u;repmat(NaN,size(u))]; vv = [y;y+v;repmat(NaN,size(u))]; h1 = plot(uu(:),vv(:),[col ls]); if plotarrows, % Make arrow heads and plot them hu = [x+u-alpha*(u+beta*(v+eps));x+u; ... x+u-alpha*(u-beta*(v+eps));repmat(NaN,size(u))]; hv = [y+v-alpha*(v-beta*(u+eps));y+v; ... y+v-alpha*(v+beta*(u+eps));repmat(NaN,size(v))]; hold on h2 = plot(hu(:),hv(:),[col ls]); else h2 = []; end if ~isempty(ms), % Plot marker on base hu = x; hv = y; hold on h3 = plot(hu(:),hv(:),[col ms]); if filled, set(h3,'markerfacecolor',get(h1,'color')); end else h3 = []; end if ~hold_state, hold off, view(2); set(ax,'NextPlot',next); end if nargout>0, hh = [h1;h2;h3]; end