function [xn] = normalize(x_kk,fc,cc,kc,alpha_c), %normalize % %[xn] = normalize(x_kk,fc,cc,kc,alpha_c) % %Computes the normalized coordinates xn given the pixel coordinates x_kk %and the intrinsic camera parameters fc, cc and kc. % %INPUT: x_kk: Feature locations on the images % fc: Camera focal length % cc: Principal point coordinates % kc: Distortion coefficients % alpha_c: Skew coefficient % %OUTPUT: xn: Normalized feature locations on the image plane (a 2XN matrix) % %Important functions called within that program: % %comp_distortion_oulu: undistort pixel coordinates. if nargin < 5, alpha_c = 0; if nargin < 4; kc = [0;0;0;0;0]; if nargin < 3; cc = [0;0]; if nargin < 2, fc = [1;1]; end; end; end; end; % First: Subtract principal point, and divide by the focal length: x_distort = [(x_kk(1,:) - cc(1))/fc(1);(x_kk(2,:) - cc(2))/fc(2)]; % Second: undo skew x_distort(1,:) = x_distort(1,:) - alpha_c * x_distort(2,:); if norm(kc) ~= 0, % Third: Compensate for lens distortion: xn = comp_distortion_oulu(x_distort,kc); else xn = x_distort; end;