%% Export calibration data (corners + 3D coordinates) to %% text files (in Willson-Heikkila's format or Zhang's format) %% Thanks to Michael Goesele (from the Max-Planck-Institut) for the original suggestion %% of adding this export function to the toolbox. if ~exist('n_ima'), fprintf(1,'ERROR: No calibration data to export\n'); else check_active_images; % check_extracted_images; check_active_images; % fprintf(1,'Tool that exports calibration data to Willson-Heikkila, Zhang formats or blue-c formats\n'); qformat = 3; if 0 while (qformat ~=0)&(qformat ~=1)&(qformat ~=2)&(qformat ~=3), fprintf(1,'Three possible formats of export: 0=Willson and Heikkila, 1=Zhang, 2=blue-c, complete, 3=blue-c, intrinsic\n') qformat = input('Format of export (enter 0, 1, 2, or 3): '); if isempty(qformat) qformat = -1; end; if (qformat ~=0)&(qformat ~=1)&(qformat ~=2)&(qformat ~=3), fprintf(1,'Invalid entry. Try again.\n') end; end; end if qformat == 0 fprintf(1,'\nExport of calibration data to text files (Willson and Heikkila''s format)\n'); outputfile = input('File basename: ','s'); for kk = ind_active, eval(['X_kk = X_' num2str(kk) ';']); eval(['x_kk = x_' num2str(kk) ';']); Xx = [X_kk ; x_kk]'; file_name = [outputfile num2str(kk)]; disp(['Exporting calibration data (3D world + 2D image coordinates) of image ' num2str(kk) ' to file ' file_name '...']); eval(['save ' file_name ' Xx -ASCII']); end; elseif qformat == 1 fprintf(1,'\nExport of calibration data to text files (Zhang''s format)\n'); modelfile = input('File basename for the 3D world coordinates: ','s'); datafile = input('File basename for the 2D image coordinates: ','s'); for kk = ind_active, eval(['X_kk = X_' num2str(kk) ';']); eval(['x_kk = x_' num2str(kk) ';']); if ~exist(['n_sq_x_' num2str(kk)]), n_sq_x = 1; n_sq_y = size(X_kk,2); else eval(['n_sq_x = n_sq_x_' num2str(kk) ';']); eval(['n_sq_y = n_sq_y_' num2str(kk) ';']); end; X = reshape(X_kk(1,:)',n_sq_x+1,n_sq_y+1)'; Y = reshape(X_kk(2,:)',n_sq_x+1,n_sq_y+1)'; XY = reshape([X;Y],n_sq_y+1,2*(n_sq_x+1)); x = reshape(x_kk(1,:)',n_sq_x+1,n_sq_y+1)'; y = reshape(x_kk(2,:)',n_sq_x+1,n_sq_y+1)'; xy = reshape([x;y],n_sq_y+1,2*(n_sq_x+1)); disp(['Exporting calibration data of image ' num2str(kk) ' to files ' modelfile num2str(kk) '.txt and ' datafile num2str(kk) '.txt...']); eval(['save ' modelfile num2str(kk) '.txt XY -ASCII']); eval(['save ' datafile num2str(kk) '.txt xy -ASCII']); end; elseif qformat == 2 fprintf(1,'\nExport of complete calibration data to blue-c configuration file\n'); % outputfile = input('File basename: ', 's'); configfile = [outputfile '.cal']; disp(['Writing ' configfile]); fid = fopen(configfile, 'w'); fprintf(fid, 'R11 = %.16f\n', Rc_ext(1,1)); fprintf(fid, 'R12 = %.16f\n', Rc_ext(1,2)); fprintf(fid, 'R13 = %.16f\n', Rc_ext(1,3)); fprintf(fid, 'R21 = %.16f\n', Rc_ext(2,1)); fprintf(fid, 'R22 = %.16f\n', Rc_ext(2,2)); fprintf(fid, 'R23 = %.16f\n', Rc_ext(2,3)); fprintf(fid, 'R31 = %.16f\n', Rc_ext(3,1)); fprintf(fid, 'R32 = %.16f\n', Rc_ext(3,2)); fprintf(fid, 'R33 = %.16f\n\n', Rc_ext(3,3)); fprintf(fid, 't11 = %.16f\n', Tc_ext(1,1)); fprintf(fid, 't21 = %.16f\n', Tc_ext(2,1)); fprintf(fid, 't31 = %.16f\n\n', Tc_ext(3,1)); fprintf(fid, 'K11 = %.16f\n', KK(1,1)); fprintf(fid, 'K12 = %.16f\n', KK(1,2)); fprintf(fid, 'K13 = %.16f\n', KK(1,3)); fprintf(fid, 'K21 = %.16f\n', KK(2,1)); fprintf(fid, 'K22 = %.16f\n', KK(2,2)); fprintf(fid, 'K23 = %.16f\n', KK(2,3)); fprintf(fid, 'K31 = %.16f\n', KK(3,1)); fprintf(fid, 'K32 = %.16f\n', KK(3,2)); fprintf(fid, 'K33 = %.16f\n\n', KK(3,3)); fprintf(fid, 'kc1 = %.16f\n', kc(1)); fprintf(fid, 'kc2 = %.16f\n', kc(2)); fprintf(fid, 'kc3 = %.16f\n', kc(3)); fprintf(fid, 'kc4 = %.16f\n', kc(4)); status = fclose(fid); else fprintf(1,'\nExport of intrinsic calibration data to blue-c configuration file\n'); % outputfile = input('File basename: ', 's'); configfile = outputfile; disp(['Writing ' configfile]); fid = fopen(configfile, 'w'); fprintf(fid, 'K11 = %.16f\n', KK(1,1)); fprintf(fid, 'K12 = %.16f\n', KK(1,2)); fprintf(fid, 'K13 = %.16f\n', KK(1,3)); fprintf(fid, 'K21 = %.16f\n', KK(2,1)); fprintf(fid, 'K22 = %.16f\n', KK(2,2)); fprintf(fid, 'K23 = %.16f\n', KK(2,3)); fprintf(fid, 'K31 = %.16f\n', KK(3,1)); fprintf(fid, 'K32 = %.16f\n', KK(3,2)); fprintf(fid, 'K33 = %.16f\n\n', KK(3,3)); fprintf(fid, 'kc1 = %.16f\n', kc(1)); fprintf(fid, 'kc2 = %.16f\n', kc(2)); fprintf(fid, 'kc3 = %.16f\n', kc(3)); fprintf(fid, 'kc4 = %.16f\n', kc(4)); status = fclose(fid); end; fprintf(1,'done\n'); end;