% Color code for each image: if ~exist('n_ima')|~exist('fc'), fprintf(1,'No calibration data available.\n'); return; end; check_active_images; if n_ima ~=0, if ~exist(['ex_' num2str(ind_active(1)) ]), fprintf(1,'Need to calibrate before analysing reprojection error. Maybe need to load Calib_Results.mat file.\n'); return; end; end; %if ~exist('no_grid'), no_grid = 0; %end; colors = 'brgkcm'; figure(5); for kk = 1:n_ima, if exist(['y_' num2str(kk)]), if active_images(kk) & eval(['~isnan(y_' num2str(kk) '(1,1))']), if ~no_grid, eval(['XX_kk = X_' num2str(kk) ';']); N_kk = size(XX_kk,2); if ~exist(['n_sq_x_' num2str(kk)]), no_grid = 1; end; if ~no_grid, eval(['n_sq_x = n_sq_x_' num2str(kk) ';']); eval(['n_sq_y = n_sq_y_' num2str(kk) ';']); if (N_kk ~= ((n_sq_x+1)*(n_sq_y+1))), no_grid = 1; end; end; end; eval(['plot(ex_' num2str(kk) '(1,:),ex_' num2str(kk) '(2,:),''' colors(rem(kk-1,6)+1) '+'');']); hold on; end; end; end; hold off; axis('equal'); if 1, %~no_grid, title('Reprojection error (in pixel) - To exit: right button'); else title('Reprojection error (in pixel)'); end; xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); set(5,'color',[1 1 1]); set(5,'Name','error','NumberTitle','off'); if n_ima == 0, text(.5,.5,'No image data available','fontsize',24,'horizontalalignment' ,'center'); else err_std = std(ex')'; fprintf(1,'Pixel error: err = [ %3.5f %3.5f] (all active images)\n\n',err_std); b = 1; while b==1, [xp,yp,b] = ginput3(1); if b==1, ddd = (ex(1,:)-xp).^2 + (ex(2,:)-yp).^2; [mind,indmin] = min(ddd); done = 0; kk_ima = 1; while (~done)&(kk_ima<=n_ima), %fprintf(1,'%d...',kk_ima); eval(['ex_kk = ex_' num2str(kk_ima) ';']); sol_kk = find((ex_kk(1,:) == ex(1,indmin))&(ex_kk(2,:) == ex(2,indmin))); if isempty(sol_kk), kk_ima = kk_ima + 1; else done = 1; end; end; eval(['x_kk = x_' num2str(kk_ima) ';']); xpt = x_kk(:,sol_kk); if ~no_grid, eval(['n_sq_x = n_sq_x_' num2str(kk_ima) ';']); eval(['n_sq_y = n_sq_y_' num2str(kk_ima) ';']); Nx = n_sq_x+1; Ny = n_sq_y+1; y1 = floor((sol_kk-1)./Nx); x1 = sol_kk - 1 - Nx*y1; %rem(sol_kk-1,Nx); y1 = (n_sq_y+1) - y1; x1 = x1 + 1; fprintf(1,'\n'); fprintf(1,'Selected image: %d\n',kk_ima); fprintf(1,'Selected point index: %d\n',sol_kk); fprintf(1,'Pattern coordinates (in units of (dX,dY)): (X,Y)=(%d,%d)\n',[x1-1 y1-1]); fprintf(1,'Image coordinates (in pixel): (%3.2f,%3.2f)\n',[xpt']); fprintf(1,'Pixel error = (%3.5f,%3.5f)\n',[ex(1,indmin) ex(2,indmin)]); else fprintf(1,'\n'); fprintf(1,'Selected image: %d\n',kk_ima); fprintf(1,'Selected point index: %d\n',sol_kk); fprintf(1,'Image coordinates (in pixel): (%3.2f,%3.2f)\n',[xpt']); fprintf(1,'Pixel error = (%3.5f,%3.5f)\n',[ex(1,indmin) ex(2,indmin)]); end; if exist(['wintx_' num2str(kk_ima)]), eval(['wintx = wintx_' num2str(kk_ima) ';']); eval(['winty = winty_' num2str(kk_ima) ';']); fprintf(1,'Window size: (wintx,winty) = (%d,%d)\n',[wintx winty]); end; end; end; disp('done'); end;