% * This code was used in the following articles: % * [1] Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng, % * In ICCV workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (3dRR-07), 2007. % * (best paper) % * [2] 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng, % * In ICCV workshop on Virtual Representations and Modeling % * of Large-scale environments (VRML), 2007. % * [3] 3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng. % * International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Aug 2007. % * [6] Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng. % * In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 18, 2005. % * % * These articles are available at: % * http://make3d.stanford.edu/publications % * % * We request that you cite the papers [1], [3] and [6] in any of % * your reports that uses this code. % * Further, if you use the code in image3dstiching/ (multiple image version), % * then please cite [2]. % * % * If you use the code in third_party/, then PLEASE CITE and follow the % * LICENSE OF THE CORRESPONDING THIRD PARTY CODE. % * % * Finally, this code is for non-commercial use only. For further % * information and to obtain a copy of the license, see % * % * http://make3d.stanford.edu/publications/code % * % * Also, the software distributed under the License is distributed on an % * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either % * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing % * permissions and limitations under the License. % * % */ function [ Rc1_2, Rc2_1, ConS1_2, ConS2_1, RoughConS1_2, RoughConS2_1]=CalMatchSearchRegin(defaultPara, R, T, I1, I2, x1, x2, D1, D2, FlagRotate, FlagDisp); % This function Calculate the Constrain of SurfMatch search space give % Estimated Rotation and Translation matrix and depth % in the reference camera coordinate % initialize Parameter NegativeDepthTolerence = defaultPara.NegativeDepthTolerence; MaxRatio =defaultPara.MaxRatio;%300; MinRatio = 1/MaxRatio; R1_2 = R(1:3,:); R2_1 = R(4:6,:); T1_2 = T(1:3,:); T2_1 = T(4:6,:); K1 = size(x1,2); K2 = size(x2,2); x1 = [x1; ones(1,K1)]; x2 = [x2; ones(1,K2)]; %D1 = D(1,:); %D2 = D(2,:); % I1 project on I2 ==========================================% use zeros depth constraon to restrict the searching area more [V H] = size(I2); MaxD1 = min(D1*MaxRatio,defaultPara.FarestDist); MinD1 = max(D1*MinRatio,defaultPara.Closestdist); % calculate the prespective depth gives 0 prejective depth in camera 2 x1_2R_z = R1_2(3,:)*inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1)*(x1); % it's possible that x1_2R_z is zero mark = x1_2R_z ~=0; Depth_zero_ca2 = zeros(1, length(x1_2R_z)); Depth_one_ca2 = zeros(1, length(x1_2R_z)); Depth_zero_ca2(mark) = T1_2(3)./x1_2R_z(mark); % 0 (zero depth in camera 2 coordinate) = A*depth + T(3); solve depth Depth_one_ca2(mark) = (1-T1_2(3))./x1_2R_z(mark); % 1 (zero depth in camera 2 coordinate) = A*depth + T(3); solve depth % use zeros depth constraon to restrict the searching area more mark0_1 = Depth_zero_ca2 >= Depth_one_ca2; mark1_0 = ~mark0_1; tempDepth_one_ca2 = Depth_one_ca2(mark0_1); tempDepth_zero_ca2 = Depth_zero_ca2(mark0_1); tempMax = MaxD1(mark0_1); tempMin = MinD1(mark0_1); markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2 = tempMax > tempDepth_one_ca2; markMinBigerOneDepthCa2 = tempMin > tempDepth_one_ca2; % markMinBigerOneDepthCa2 : is one kind of outlier tempMax(markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_one_ca2(markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2); tempMax(markMinBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_zero_ca2(markMinBigerOneDepthCa2);%NaN; % indicator of outliers tempMin(markMinBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_one_ca2(markMinBigerOneDepthCa2); % NaN indicator of outliers MaxD1(mark0_1) = tempMax; MinD1(mark0_1) = tempMin; MaxD1(mark) = min(D1(mark)*MaxRatio,defaultPara.FarestDist);%Min529 new MinD1(mark) = max(D1(mark)*MinRatio,defaultPara.Closestdist);%Min529 new tempDepth_one_ca2 = Depth_one_ca2(mark1_0); tempDepth_zero_ca2 = Depth_zero_ca2(mark1_0); tempMax = MaxD1(mark1_0); tempMin = MinD1(mark1_0); markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2 = tempMax < tempDepth_one_ca2; % markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2 : is one kind of outlier markMinBigerOneDepthCa2 = tempMin < tempDepth_one_ca2; tempMax(markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_one_ca2( markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2);%NaN; tempMin(markMinBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_one_ca2( markMinBigerOneDepthCa2); tempMin(markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_zero_ca2( markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2);%NaN; MaxD1(mark1_0) = tempMax; MinD1(mark1_0) = tempMin; % calculate the projection position x1CaMax3D = inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1)*(x1.*repmat(MaxD1,3,1)); % 3-D position in camera 1 coordinate (3 by n) x1CaMin3D = inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1)*(x1.*repmat(MinD1,3,1)); % 3-D position in camera 1 coordinate (3 by n) x1CaMaxHomo = [ x1CaMax3D; ones(1,K1)]; % into homogenous coordinate (4 by n) x1CaMinHomo = [ x1CaMin3D; ones(1,K1)]; % into homogenous coordinate (4 by n) x1_2Max3D = [R1_2 T1_2]*x1CaMaxHomo; % 3-D position in camera 2 coordinate (3 by n) x1_2MaxHomo = defaultPara.InrinsicK2*x1_2Max3D; % image homo coordinate in camera2 (3 by n) x1_2Max = [ x1_2MaxHomo(1,:)./x1_2MaxHomo(3,:); x1_2MaxHomo(2,:)./x1_2MaxHomo(3,:)]; % image coordinate (2 by n) x1_2Min3D = [R1_2 T1_2]*x1CaMinHomo; % 3-D position in camera 2 coordinate (3 by n) x1_2MinHomo = defaultPara.InrinsicK2*x1_2Min3D; % image homo coordinate in camera2 (3 by n) x1_2Min = [ x1_2MinHomo(1,:)./x1_2MinHomo(3,:); x1_2MinHomo(2,:)./x1_2MinHomo(3,:)]; % image coordinate (2 by n) % x1_2Max(mark0_1) = x1_2Max(mark0_1) + (x1_2Max(mark0_1) - x1_2Min(mark0_1))*NegativeDepthTolerence;%Min529 % x1_2Min(mark1_0) = x1_2Min(mark1_0) + (x1_2Min(mark1_0) - x1_2Max(mark1_0))*NegativeDepthTolerence;%Min529 x1_2Max = x1_2Max + (x1_2Max - x1_2Min)*NegativeDepthTolerence;%Min529 x1_2Min = x1_2Min + (x1_2Min - x1_2Max)*NegativeDepthTolerence;%Min529 % Define Constrain (simple rectangle) if FlagRotate tRAN = x1_2Max - x1_2Min; Ptr = tRAN(1,:) < 0; %theta_z = -atan(tRAN(2,:)./tRAN(1,:)); theta_z = atan(tRAN(2,:)./tRAN(1,:)); theta_z(Ptr) = theta_z(Ptr)+pi; Rc1_2 = [cos(-theta_z); -sin(-theta_z); sin(-theta_z); cos(-theta_z)]; ConS1_2(1:2,:) = x1_2Min; ConS1_2(3,:) = sum( Rc1_2(1:2,:).*tRAN,1);% also may check sum( Rc1_2(3:4,:).*tRAN,1) close up to zeros to verify correct or not % Re1_2 = sum( Rc1_2(3:4,:).*tRAN,1) ConS1_2(4,:) = defaultPara.VertVar*max(H,V); % [x_origon; y_origin; x_bound, y_bound(defaultPara.VertVar*max(H,V))] % generate plot point tempConS1_2 = [ ConS1_2(3,:); ConS1_2(4,:); ... zeros(1,size(ConS1_2,2)); ConS1_2(4,:);... zeros(1,size(ConS1_2,2)); -ConS1_2(4,:);... ConS1_2(3,:); -ConS1_2(4,:)]; %Rc1_2_transpose = [cos(theta_z); sin(theta_z); -sin(theta_z); cos(theta_z)]; Rc1_2_transpose = [cos(theta_z); -sin(theta_z); sin(theta_z); cos(theta_z)]; tempConS1_2(1:2,:) = [sum( Rc1_2_transpose(1:2,:).*tempConS1_2(1:2,:), 1); ... sum( Rc1_2_transpose(3:4,:).*tempConS1_2(1:2,:), 1)]; tempConS1_2(3:4,:) = [sum( Rc1_2_transpose(1:2,:).*tempConS1_2(3:4,:), 1); ... sum( Rc1_2_transpose(3:4,:).*tempConS1_2(3:4,:), 1)]; tempConS1_2(5:6,:) = [sum( Rc1_2_transpose(1:2,:).*tempConS1_2(5:6,:), 1); ... sum( Rc1_2_transpose(3:4,:).*tempConS1_2(5:6,:), 1)]; tempConS1_2(7:8,:) = [sum( Rc1_2_transpose(1:2,:).*tempConS1_2(7:8,:), 1); ... sum( Rc1_2_transpose(3:4,:).*tempConS1_2(7:8,:), 1)]; tempConS1_2 = tempConS1_2 + repmat( x1_2Min, 4, 1); RoughConS1_2 = [ min( tempConS1_2([ 1 3 5 7],:), [], 1); max( tempConS1_2([ 1 3 5 7],:), [], 1);... min( tempConS1_2([ 2 4 6 8],:), [], 1); max( tempConS1_2([ 2 4 6 8],:), [], 1)]; % tempConS1_2([1 3 5 7],:) = min(max(tempConS1_2([1 3 5 7],:), 1), H); % tempConS1_2([1 3 5 7]+1,:) = min(max(tempConS1_2([1 3 5 7]+1,:), 1), V); else Rc1_2 =[]; ConS1_2(1,:) = min([ x1_2Max(1,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*H; x1_2Max(1,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*H;... x1_2Min(1,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*H; x1_2Min(1,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*H ],[],1); ConS1_2(1,:) = min( max( round(ConS1_2(1,:)), 1), H); ConS1_2(2,:) = max([ x1_2Max(1,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*H; x1_2Max(1,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*H;... x1_2Min(1,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*H; x1_2Min(1,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*H ],[],1); ConS1_2(2,:) = min( max( round(ConS1_2(2,:)), 1), H); ConS1_2(3,:) = min([ x1_2Max(2,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*V; x1_2Max(2,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*V;... x1_2Min(2,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*V; x1_2Min(2,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*V ],[],1); ConS1_2(3,:) = min( max( round(ConS1_2(3,:)), 1), V); ConS1_2(4,:) = max([ x1_2Max(2,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*V; x1_2Max(2,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*V;... x1_2Min(2,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*V; x1_2Min(2,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*V ],[],1); ConS1_2(4,:) = min( max( round(ConS1_2(4,:)), 1), V); end % =========================================================== [V H] = size(I1); % I2 project on I1 MaxD2 = D2*MaxRatio; MinD2 = D2*MinRatio; % calculate the prespective depth gives 0 prejective depth in camera 2 x2_1R_z = R2_1(3,:)*inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)*(x2);% it's possible that x1_2R_z is zero mark = x2_1R_z ~=0; Depth_zero_ca2 = zeros(1, length(x2_1R_z)); Depth_one_ca2 = zeros(1, length(x2_1R_z)); Depth_zero_ca2(mark) = T2_1(3)./x2_1R_z(mark); Depth_one_ca2(mark) = (1-T2_1(3))./x2_1R_z(mark); % use zeros depth constraon to restrict the searching area more mark0_1 = Depth_zero_ca2 >= Depth_one_ca2; mark1_0 = ~mark0_1; tempDepth_one_ca2 = Depth_one_ca2(mark0_1); tempDepth_zero_ca2 = Depth_zero_ca2(mark0_1); tempMax = MaxD2(mark0_1); tempMin = MinD2(mark0_1); markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2 = tempMax > tempDepth_one_ca2; markMinBigerOneDepthCa2 = tempMin > tempDepth_one_ca2; % markMinBigerOneDepthCa2 : is one kind of outlier tempMax(markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_one_ca2(markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2); tempMax(markMinBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_zero_ca2(markMinBigerOneDepthCa2);%NaN; % indicator of outliers tempMin(markMinBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_one_ca2(markMinBigerOneDepthCa2);%NaN; % indicator of outliers MaxD2(mark0_1) = tempMax; MinD2(mark0_1) = tempMin; MaxD2(mark) = min(D2(mark)*MaxRatio,defaultPara.FarestDist);%Min529 new MinD2(mark) = max(D2(mark)*MinRatio,defaultPara.Closestdist);%Min529 new tempDepth_one_ca2 = Depth_one_ca2(mark1_0); tempDepth_zero_ca2 = Depth_zero_ca2(mark1_0); tempMax = MaxD2(mark1_0); tempMin = MinD2(mark1_0); markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2 = tempMax < tempDepth_one_ca2; % markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2 : is one kind of outlier markMinBigerOneDepthCa2 = tempMin < tempDepth_one_ca2; tempMax(markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_one_ca2( markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2);%NaN; tempMin(markMinBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_one_ca2( markMinBigerOneDepthCa2); tempMin(markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2) = tempDepth_zero_ca2( markMaxBigerOneDepthCa2);%NaN; MaxD2(mark1_0) = tempMax; MinD2(mark1_0) = tempMin; if any( MaxD2< MinD2) disp('error') end % calculate the projection position x2CaMax3D = inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)*(x2.*repmat(MaxD2,3,1)); % 3-D position in camera 2 coordinate (3 by n) x2CaMin3D = inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)*(x2.*repmat(MinD2,3,1)); % 3-D position in camera 2 coordinate (3 by n) x2CaMaxHomo = [ x2CaMax3D; ones(1,K2)]; % into homogenous coordinate (4 by n) x2CaMinHomo = [ x2CaMin3D; ones(1,K2)]; % into homogenous coordinate (4 by n) x2_1Max3D = [R2_1 T2_1]*x2CaMaxHomo; % 3-D position in camera 1 coordinate (3 by n) x2_1MaxHomo = defaultPara.InrinsicK1*x2_1Max3D; % image homo coordinate in camera1 (3 by n) x2_1Max = [ x2_1MaxHomo(1,:)./x2_1MaxHomo(3,:); x2_1MaxHomo(2,:)./x2_1MaxHomo(3,:)]; % image coordinate (2 by n) x2_1Min3D = [R2_1 T2_1]*x2CaMinHomo; % 3-D position in camera 1 coordinate (3 by n) x2_1MinHomo = defaultPara.InrinsicK1*x2_1Min3D; % image homo coordinate in camera1 (3 by n) x2_1Min = [ x2_1MinHomo(1,:)./x2_1MinHomo(3,:); x2_1MinHomo(2,:)./x2_1MinHomo(3,:)]; % image coordinate (2 by n) % x2_1Max(mark0_1) = x2_1Max(mark0_1) + (x2_1Max(mark0_1) - x2_1Min(mark0_1))*NegativeDepthTolerence;%Min529 % x2_1Min(mark1_0) = x2_1Min(mark1_0) + (x2_1Min(mark1_0) - x2_1Max(mark1_0))*NegativeDepthTolerence;%Min529 x2_1Max = x2_1Max + (x2_1Max - x2_1Min)*NegativeDepthTolerence;%Min529 x2_1Min = x2_1Min + (x2_1Min - x2_1Max)*NegativeDepthTolerence;%Min529 % Define Constrain (simple rectangle) if FlagRotate tRAN = x2_1Max - x2_1Min; Ptr = tRAN(1,:) < 0; %theta_z = -atan(tRAN(2,:)./tRAN(1,:)); theta_z = atan(tRAN(2,:)./tRAN(1,:)); theta_z(Ptr) = theta_z(Ptr)+pi; Rc2_1 = [cos(-theta_z); -sin(-theta_z); sin(-theta_z); cos(-theta_z)]; ConS2_1(1:2,:) = x2_1Min; ConS2_1(3,:) = [sum( Rc2_1(1:2,:).*tRAN,1)]; % Re2_1 = sum( Rc2_1(3:4,:).*tRAN,1) ConS2_1(4,:) = defaultPara.VertVar*max(H,V); % [x_origon; y_origin; x_bound, y_bound(defaultPara.VertVar*max(H,V))] % generate plot point tempConS2_1 = [ ConS2_1(3,:); ConS2_1(4,:); ... zeros(1,size(ConS2_1,2)); ConS2_1(4,:);... zeros(1,size(ConS2_1,2)); -ConS2_1(4,:);... ConS2_1(3,:); -ConS2_1(4,:)]; % Rc2_1_transpose = [cos(theta_z); -sin(theta_z); sin(theta_z); cos(theta_z)]; Rc2_1_transpose = [cos(theta_z); -sin(theta_z); sin(theta_z); cos(theta_z)]; tempConS2_1(1:2,:) = [sum( Rc2_1_transpose(1:2,:).*tempConS2_1(1:2,:), 1); ... sum( Rc2_1_transpose(3:4,:).*tempConS2_1(1:2,:), 1)]; tempConS2_1(3:4,:) = [sum( Rc2_1_transpose(1:2,:).*tempConS2_1(3:4,:), 1); ... sum( Rc2_1_transpose(3:4,:).*tempConS2_1(3:4,:), 1)]; tempConS2_1(5:6,:) = [sum( Rc2_1_transpose(1:2,:).*tempConS2_1(5:6,:), 1); ... sum( Rc2_1_transpose(3:4,:).*tempConS2_1(5:6,:), 1)]; tempConS2_1(7:8,:) = [sum( Rc2_1_transpose(1:2,:).*tempConS2_1(7:8,:), 1); ... sum( Rc2_1_transpose(3:4,:).*tempConS2_1(7:8,:), 1)]; tempConS2_1 = tempConS2_1 + repmat( x2_1Min, 4, 1); RoughConS2_1 = [ min( tempConS2_1([ 1 3 5 7],:), [], 1); max( tempConS2_1([ 1 3 5 7],:), [], 1);... min( tempConS2_1([ 2 4 6 8],:), [], 1); max( tempConS2_1([ 2 4 6 8],:), [], 1)]; % tempConS2_1([1 3 5 7],:) = min(max(tempConS2_1([1 3 5 7],:), 1), H); % tempConS2_1([1 3 5 7]+1,:) = min(max(tempConS2_1([1 3 5 7]+1,:), 1), V); else Rc2_1 = []; ConS2_1(1,:) = min([ x2_1Max(1,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*H; x2_1Max(1,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*H;... x2_1Min(1,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*H; x2_1Min(1,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*H ],[],1); ConS2_1(1,:) = min( max( round(ConS2_1(1,:)), 1), H); ConS2_1(2,:) = max([ x2_1Max(1,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*H; x2_1Max(1,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*H;... x2_1Min(1,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*H; x2_1Min(1,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*H ],[],1); ConS2_1(2,:) = min( max( round(ConS2_1(2,:)), 1), H); ConS2_1(3,:) = min([ x2_1Max(2,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*V; x2_1Max(2,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*V;... x2_1Min(2,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*V; x2_1Min(2,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*V ],[],1); ConS2_1(3,:) = min( max( round(ConS2_1(3,:)), 1), V); ConS2_1(4,:) = max([ x2_1Max(2,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*V; x2_1Max(2,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*V;... x2_1Min(2,:)+defaultPara.VertVar*V; x2_1Min(2,:)-defaultPara.VertVar*V ],[],1); ConS2_1(4,:) = min( max( round(ConS2_1(4,:)), 1), V); end % ========================================================== if FlagDisp T1_2_hat = [[0 -T1_2(3) T1_2(2)];... [T1_2(3) 0 -T1_2(1)];... [-T1_2(2) T1_2(1) 0]]; F = inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)'*T1_2_hat*R1_2*inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1); if FlagRotate figure; dispMatchSearchRegin(I1, I2, x1, x2, tempConS1_2, tempConS2_1, F, ... x1_2Max, MaxD1, x1_2Min, MinD1, ... x2_1Max, MaxD2, x2_1Min, MinD2, ... FlagRotate, 'Stacking', 'v', 'Interactive', 0); else figure; dispMatchSearchRegin(I1, I2, x1, x2, ConS1_2, ConS2_1, F, FlagRotate, 'Stacking', 'v', 'Interactive', 0); end end return;