source: proiecte/pmake3d/make3d_original/Make3dSingleImageStanford_version0.1/image3dstiching/TestVersion/MetricRecon_v1.m @ 162

Last change on this file since 162 was 37, checked in by (none), 15 years ago

Added original make3d

File size: 29.2 KB
1% *  This code was used in the following articles:
2% *  [1] Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image,
3% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng,
4% *      In ICCV workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (3dRR-07), 2007.
5% *      (best paper)
6% *  [2] 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision,
7% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng,
8% *      In ICCV workshop on Virtual Representations and Modeling
9% *      of Large-scale environments (VRML), 2007.
10% *  [3] 3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image,
11% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng.
12% *      International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Aug 2007.
13% *  [6] Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images,
14% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng.
15% *      In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 18, 2005.
16% *
17% *  These articles are available at:
18% *
19% *
20% *  We request that you cite the papers [1], [3] and [6] in any of
21% *  your reports that uses this code.
22% *  Further, if you use the code in image3dstiching/ (multiple image version),
23% *  then please cite [2].
24% * 
25% *  If you use the code in third_party/, then PLEASE CITE and follow the
27% *
28% *  Finally, this code is for non-commercial use only.  For further
29% *  information and to obtain a copy of the license, see
30% *
31% *
32% *
33% *  Also, the software distributed under the License is distributed on an
35% *  express or implied.   See the License for the specific language governing
36% *  permissions and limitations under the License.
37% *
38% */
39function [] = MetricRecon(defaultPara, ImgInfo, Fdir, left, right, Wrlname, appendOpt, RenderFlag)
40% This function estimate the orientation and translation of a pair of imaegs
41% Always set the left image as the world coordinate
42% assumption:
43% 1) image center is in the cneter of the pixel coordinate (e. round(2272/2) round(1704/2))
44% 2) No Skew
45% 3) Aspect ratio is know
46% processure:
47% 1) run the ransac matching
48% 2) retrive the camera matrix(P) and structure(X) up to projective transformation
49% 3) Using the assumption of the camera intrinsic parameter to do linearized self-calibration
50% 4) rescale the learned depth of two images
51% 5) plane parameter inference of a pair of images
53% Setup parameters
54Type = '_RConS';
55ResultFolder = '/afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/3DmodelMultipleImage';
56EstimateIntrinsicCameraPara % setup the intrinsic camera parameters
57image3dstichingSetupUp% setup for the new image3d stitching functinos
58ACalibratedFlag = 1; % set to 1 if using EstimateIntrinsicCameraPara
59BCalibratedFlag = 1; % set to 1 if using EstimateIntrinsicCameraPara
60UnDoAspecRatioFlag = 0;
61ClosestMatchfindFlag = 0;
62RenderWrlDirectlyFlag = 1;
63GroundStaticFlag = 0;
64GroundStaticWeight = 5;
65solverVerboseLevel = 0;
66Match3DThreshould = 5; % meters
67opt = sdpsettings('solve','sedumi','cachesolvers',1,'verbose',solverVerboseLevel);
69AImgPath = [Fdir '/jpg/' left '.jpg'];
70BImgPath = [Fdir '/jpg/' right '.jpg'];
71OutPutFolder = '/afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/3DmodelMultipleImage/';
72taskName = '';%(Not Used) taskname will append to the imagename and form the outputname
73Flag.DisplayFlag = 0;
74Flag.IntermediateStorage = 0;
75Flag.FeaturesOnly = 0;
76Flag.NormalizeFlag = 1;
77Flag.BeforeInferenceStorage = 0;
78Flag.NonInference = 0;
79Flag.AfterInferenceStorage = 1;
80%ScratchFolder = '/afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/IMStorage'; % ScratchFolder
81ScratchFolder = '/afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/temp'; % ScratchFolder
82ParaFolder = '/afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/Para/'; % default parameter folder
85% load images
86imgA = imread([ Fdir '/jpg/' left '.jpg']);
87AimgCameraParameters = exifread( [ Fdir '/jpg/' left '.jpg']);
88[Ay Ax dummy] = size(imgA);
89imgB = imread([ Fdir '/jpg/' right '.jpg']);
90BimgCameraParameters = exifread( [ Fdir '/jpg/' left '.jpg']);
91[By Bx dummy] = size(imgB);
93% copy image to the Outputfolder
94system(['cp ' Fdir '/jpg/' left '.jpg ' OutPutFolder]);
95system(['cp ' Fdir '/jpg/' right '.jpg ' OutPutFolder]);
97% known assumption
98% 1. camera center
99if ACalibratedFlag
100   AUx = Default.Ox; % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Px/2)
101   AUy = Default.Oy; % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Py/2)
102elseif 0
103   AUx = 1;
104   AUy = 1;
106   AUx = round(Ax/2); % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Px/2)
107   AUy = round(Ay/2); % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Py/2)
109if BCalibratedFlag
110   BUx = Default.Ox; % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Px/2)
111   BUy = Default.Oy; % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Py/2)
112elseif 0
113   BUx =1;
114   BUy =1;
116   BUx = round(Bx/2); % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Px/2)
117   BUy = round(By/2); % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Py/2)
120% 2. camera aspect ratio
121if ACalibratedFlag
122   AAspectRatio = Default.fx/Default.fy; % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Px/2)
123elseif 0
124   AAspectRatio = 1;
126   AAspectRatio = 1; % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Px/2)
128if BCalibratedFlag
129   BAspectRatio = Default.fx/Default.fy; % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Px/2)
130elseif 0
131   BAspectRatio = 1;
133   BAspectRatio = 1; % in pixel coordinate % Default round(Px/2)
136% 1) run the matching to get F and match point
137if system(['ls ' Fdir '/surf/*.surf'])
138  cd ./match/
139%  system(['./ ' Fdir]);
140  system(['./ ' Fdir '' left '' right]);
141  cd ..
144I1=imreadbw([Fdir '/pgm/' left '.pgm']);
145I2=imreadbw([Fdir '/pgm/' right '.pgm']);
148[f1, f2, matches] = readSurfMatches(left, right, Fdir, Type, false, true);
149% displaySurfMatches(Fdir, left, right, Type, 0, 1);
150% ============Load mono info==========
151% process imageA
152% cd ../LearningCode
153% InitialPath
154% cd ../multipleImages
155if appendOpt
156   load( [ScratchFolder '/' left '_NonMono.mat']);
158   if system(['ls ' ScratchFolder '/' left '__AInfnew.mat']);
159      cd ../LearningCode
160      OneShot3dEfficient(AImgPath, OutPutFolder,...
161        taskName,...% taskname will append to the imagename and form the outputname
162        ScratchFolder,... % ScratchFolder
163        ParaFolder,...
164        Flag...  % All Flags 1) intermediate storage flag
165        );
166      cd ../multipleImages
167   end
168   load( [ScratchFolder '/' left '__AInfnew.mat']);
169   % ==================
170   ARotation = eye(3);
171   ATranslation = zeros(3,1);
172   AHistory=[];
173   %AdepthMapRaw = depthMap;
174   AdepthMap = full(FitDepth);
175   ARayAll = Ray;
176   ARayOri = RayOri;
177   ASup = Sup;
178   AMedSup = MedSup;
179   ASupOri = SupOri;
180   AMedSup = MedSup;
181   ASupNeighborTable =SupNeighborTable;
182   AmaskSky = maskSky;
183   AmaskG = maskG;
184   AMultiScaleSupTable = MultiScaleSupTable;
185   Aconstrain.RayMatched = [  ];
186   Aconstrain.Depth_modified = [  ];
187   Aconstrain.SupMatched = [ ];
188% =================
190% process imageB
191if system(['ls ' ScratchFolder '/' right '__AInfnew.mat']);
192   cd ../LearningCode
193   OneShot3dEfficient(BImgPath, OutPutFolder,...
194     taskName,...% taskname will append to the imagename and form the outputname
195     ScratchFolder,... % ScratchFolder
196     ParaFolder,...
197     Flag...  % All Flags 1) intermediate storage flag
198     );
199   cd ../multipleImages
201load([ScratchFolder '/' right '__AInfnew.mat']);
202% ==================
203%BdepthMapRaw = depthMap;
205BdepthMap = full(FitDepth);
206BRayAll = Ray;
207BRayOri = RayOri;
208BSup = Sup;
209BMedSup = MedSup;
210BSupOri = SupOri;
211BMedSup = MedSup;
212BSupNeighborTable =SupNeighborTable;
213BmaskSky = maskSky;
214BmaskG = maskG;
215BMultiScaleSupTable = MultiScaleSupTable;
216% =================
217% robut estimate of matches
218IND1 = sub2ind([55 305],max(min(round(f1(2,matches(1,:))/size(I1,1)*55),55),1),max(min(round(f1(1,matches(1,:))/size(I1,2)*305),305),1));
219IND2 = sub2ind([55 305],max(min(round(f2(2,matches(2,:))/size(I1,1)*55),55),1),max(min(round(f2(1,matches(2,:))/size(I1,2)*305),305),1));
220D1 = AdepthMap(IND1);
221D2 = BdepthMap(IND2);
222[F, newinliers, NewDist, fail]=GeneralRansac(defaultPara, f1, f2, matches, D1, D2);
224        plotmatches(I1,I2,f1, f2,matches(:,newinliers), 'Stacking', 'v', 'Interactive', 2);
225%  [ F, newinliers, fail]=RansacOnPairMatches(defaultPara, f1, f2, matches, I1, I2, D1, D2, 1)
226% =================
227% ====================================
229AMatch = [f1(1,matches(1,newinliers)) ; f1(2,matches(1,newinliers))]; % [x ; y] pixel coordinate (left top as origin)
230BMatch = [f2(1,matches(2,newinliers)) ; f2(2,matches(2,newinliers))]; % [x ; y] pixel coordinate (left top as origin)
231% BMatch = [f1(1,matches(1,newinliers)) ; f1(2,matches(1,newinliers))]; % [x ; y] pixel coordinate (left top as origin)
232% AMatch = [f2(1,matches(2,newinliers)) ; f2(2,matches(2,newinliers))]; % [x ; y] pixel coordinate (left top as origin)
233% =================================================================
235% ==========undo the camera center and the camera aspect ratio if needed ====================
236% to improve the condition of the camera matrix
237% translate the coordinate into camera center coordinate
238AMatchCenter = [ [AMatch(1,:) - AUx];...
239                 [Ay + 1 - AMatch(2,:) - AUy] ]; % [x ; y] pixel coordinate (center as origin)
240BMatchCenter = [ [BMatch(1,:) - BUx];...
241                 [By + 1 - BMatch(2,:) - BUy] ]; % [x ; y] pixel coordinate (center as origin)
242if UnDoAspecRatioFlag
243   AScale = [ Ax; Ay]; % important
244   BScale = [ Bx; By]; % important
246   AScale = [ Ax; Ax]; % important
247   BScale = [ Bx; Bx]; % important
249% scaling to improve condition
250AMatchCenter_normalized = AMatchCenter./repmat(AScale,1,size( AMatchCenter,2));
251BMatchCenter_normalized = BMatchCenter./repmat(BScale,1,size( BMatchCenter,2));
252% =================================================================
253Ray = permute(Ray, [ 2 3 1]);
254[APositionAll] = im_cr2w_cr( AdepthMap,Ray);
255[Dy Dx] = size(AdepthMap);
256AMatchDepthRes = [ ( AMatch(1,:)-0.5)/Ax*Dx+0.5 ;...
257                   ( AMatch(2,:) -0.5)/Ay*Dy+0.5]; % [x ; y] in Dy Dx Resolution
258% the closet approximate of the match points to the depthMap index
259Aindex = min(max( round( AMatchDepthRes(1,:))-1, 0), Dx)*Dy+ min(max( round( AMatchDepthRes(2,:)), 0), Dy);
260ADepthMatch = AdepthMap( Aindex);
261ASampleImCoordYSmall = (( Dy+1-AMatchDepthRes(2,:))-0.5)/Dy - Default.Oy_default;
262ASampleImCoordXSmall = (AMatchDepthRes(1,:) -0.5)/Dx - Default.Ox_default;
263ARayMatch = permute( RayImPosition( ASampleImCoordYSmall, ASampleImCoordXSmall,...
264                          Default.a_default, Default.b_default, ...
265                          Default.Ox_default,Default.Oy_default), [3 2 1]); %[ 3 horiXSizeLowREs VertYSizeLowREs]
266APositionMatch = [ARayMatch'.*repmat( ADepthMatch', 1, 3)];
268[BPositionAll] = im_cr2w_cr( BdepthMap,Ray);
269BMatchDepthRes = [ ( BMatch(1,:)-0.5)/Bx*Dx+0.5 ; ( BMatch(2,:)-0.5)/By*Dy+0.5]; % [x ; y]
270Bindex = min(max( round( BMatchDepthRes(1,:))-1, 0), Dx)*Dy+ min(max( round( BMatchDepthRes(2,:)), 0), Dy);
271BDepthMatch = BdepthMap( Bindex);
272BSampleImCoordYSmall = (( Dy+1-BMatchDepthRes(2,:))-0.5)/Dy - Default.Oy_default;
273BSampleImCoordXSmall = ( BMatchDepthRes(1,:) -0.5)/Dx - Default.Ox_default;
274BRayMatch = permute( RayImPosition( BSampleImCoordYSmall, BSampleImCoordXSmall,...
275                          Default.a_default, Default.b_default, ...
276                          Default.Ox_default,Default.Oy_default), [3 2 1]); %[ 3 horiXSizeLowREs VertYSizeLowREs]
277BPositionMatch = (BRayMatch').*repmat( BDepthMatch', 1, 3);
279% 2) retrive the camera matrix(P) and structure(X) up to projective transformation
280[ P, X, OutlinerCameraCoord] = ProjectionFactorization( [Ax; Ay]./AScale, [Bx; By]./BScale, ...
281                                   cat( 3, [ AMatchCenter_normalized(1,:); AMatchCenter_normalized(2,:); ones(1, size(AMatchCenter_normalized ,2)) ],...
282                                   [ BMatchCenter(1,:); BMatchCenter(2,:);  ones(1, size(AMatchCenter_normalized ,2))]),...
283                                   cat( 3, APositionMatch(:,3)', BPositionMatch(:,3)'));
285% remove outliners
286Aindex(OutlinerCameraCoord) = [];
287ADepthMatch(OutlinerCameraCoord) = [];
288ARayMatch(:,OutlinerCameraCoord) = [];
289APositionMatch(OutlinerCameraCoord,:) = [];
290ASampleImCoordYSmall(OutlinerCameraCoord) = [];
291ASampleImCoordXSmall(OutlinerCameraCoord) = [];
292Bindex(OutlinerCameraCoord) = [];
293BDepthMatch(OutlinerCameraCoord) = [];
294BRayMatch(:,OutlinerCameraCoord) = [];
295BPositionMatch(OutlinerCameraCoord,:) = [];
296BSampleImCoordYSmall(OutlinerCameraCoord) = [];
297BSampleImCoordXSmall(OutlinerCameraCoord) = [];
299% 3) Using the assumption of the camera intrinsic parameter to do linearized self-calibration
300[ U S V] = svd(P(1:3,:));
301% ============ simple try ================================
302 P1 = P(1:3,:);
303 P2 = P(4:6,:);
304 Ksimple = diag( [ Default.fx/AScale(1) Default.fy/AScale(2) 1]);
305 H_a_simple = P1\[Ksimple]; % the upper 4x3 part of the projective transformation matrix
306 [ U S V] = svd(P1);
307 H_b_simple = V(:,4); % the last 4x1 column vector
308 K2simple_square = sdpvar(3,1);
309 F = set(diag(K2simple_square) >=0);
310 sol = solvesdp(F , norm( P2*H_a_simple*H_a_simple'*P2' - diag(K2simple_square),'fro'), opt);
311 K2simple_square = double(K2simple_square);
312 K2simple = sqrt(K2simple_square);
313 R2_est = diag( 1./K2simple)*P2*H_a_simple;
314if GroundStaticFlag
315  disp('Ground Static');
316  R2_ground_constrain = sdpvar(3,3);
317  sol =solvesdp( [], norm( R2_ground_constrain - R2_est,'fro') + GroundStaticWeight*norm([0 1 0]' - R2_ground_constrain*[0 1 0]'), opt);
318  R2_ground_constrain = double( R2_ground_constrain);
319  disp('[0; 1; 0] - R2_ground_constrain*[0; 1; 0]');
320  norm([0 1 0]' - R2_ground_constrain*[0 1 0]')
321  R2 = R2_ground_constrain * (R2_ground_constrain'*R2_ground_constrain)^(-.5);
323 R2 = R2_est*(R2_est'*R2_est)^(-0.5);
325 % check if norm([0 1 0]' - R2*[0 1 0]');
326 disp('[0; 1; 0] - R2*[0; 1; 0]');
327 norm([0 1 0]' - R2*[0 1 0]')
328%  pause;
330 % set image B's groud and vertical vector;
331% BRotation = R2'*ARotation';
332 BRotation = ARotation*R2';
333 %BDirectionFromReference = R2*eye(3);
334 ADirectionFromReference = ARotation'*eye(3);
335 BDirectionFromReference = BRotation'*eye(3);
337 T_simple_before_R = R2'*inv(diag(sqrt(K2simple_square)))*P2*H_b_simple;
338 yalmip('clear');
339 % after calibration
340 A.a_default = Default.TrainHoriXSize/Default.fx;
341 A.b_default = Default.TrainVerYSize/Default.fy;
342 B.a_default = A.a_default;%1704/(K2simple(1)*AScale(1)/K2simple(3));
343 B.b_default = A.b_default;%2272/(K2simple(2)*AScale(2)/K2simple(3));
344 ARay_after_calibration = permute( RayImPosition( ASampleImCoordYSmall, ASampleImCoordXSmall,...
345                          A.a_default, A.b_default), [3 2 1]); %[ 3 horiXSizeLowREs VertYSizeLowREs]
346 BRay_after_calibration = permute( RayImPosition( BSampleImCoordYSmall, BSampleImCoordXSmall,...
347                          B.a_default, B.b_default), [3 2 1]); %[ 3 horiXSizeLowREs VertYSizeLowREs]
348 % solve for the translation scaling factor
349 T = sdpvar(3,1);
350 ADepth_modified = sdpvar(1,length(ADepthMatch));
351 BDepth_modified = sdpvar(1,length(BDepthMatch));
352 BDepthScale = sdpvar(1);
353 sol =solvesdp( [], norm( reshape( (ARay_after_calibration.*repmat( ADepth_modified, 3,1))' - ...
354                    ( R2'*( BRay_after_calibration.*repmat( BDepth_modified, 3, 1) ) + repmat(T,1,length(ADepthMatch)) )' ,1,[]),1)+...
355                    norm(ADepth_modified - ADepthMatch,1) + norm(BDepth_modified - BDepthScale*BDepthMatch,1), opt);
356 T_simple_before_R = double(T);
357 ADepth_modified = double(ADepth_modified);
358 BDepth_modified = double(BDepth_modified);   
359 BDepthScale = double(BDepthScale);
360 ADepthScale = 1;
362 % clean the 3D matches if the |AMatchPosition - BMatchPosition | > Match3DThreshould =================
363 DistMatchError = ARay_after_calibration.*repmat( ADepth_modified, 3,1) - ...
364                    ( R2'*( BRay_after_calibration.*repmat( BDepth_modified, 3, 1) ) + repmat(T_simple_before_R,1,length(ADepthMatch)) );
365 DistMatchError = norms(DistMatchError);
366 OutlinerMark = DistMatchError > Match3DThreshould;
368 Aindex(OutlinerMark) = [];
369 ADepthMatch(OutlinerMark) = [];
370 ARayMatch(:,OutlinerMark) = [];
371 APositionMatch(OutlinerMark,:) = [];
372 ASampleImCoordYSmall(OutlinerMark) = [];
373 ASampleImCoordXSmall(OutlinerMark) = [];
374 Bindex(OutlinerMark) = [];
375 BDepthMatch(OutlinerMark) = [];
376 BRayMatch(:,OutlinerMark) = [];
377 BPositionMatch(OutlinerMark,:) = [];
378 BSampleImCoordYSmall(OutlinerMark) = [];
379 BSampleImCoordXSmall(OutlinerMark) = [];
380 ARay_after_calibration(:, OutlinerMark) = [];
381 BRay_after_calibration(:, OutlinerMark) = [];
382 ADepth_modified( OutlinerMark) = [];
383 BDepth_modified( OutlinerMark) = [];
385 % ===================================================================================================
386 if ClosestMatchfindFlag
387    % solve the opt depth for matches of image A and image B
388    opt = sdpsettings('solver','sedumi');
389    AClosestDepth = sdpvar( 1,length(ADepthMatch));
390    BClosestDepth = sdpvar( 1,length(BDepthMatch));
391    F = set(AClosestDepth >=0) + set(BClosestDepth >=0);
392    sol = solvesdp( F, norm( reshape( (ARay_after_calibration.*repmat( AClosestDepth, 3,1)) - ...
393                           (R2'*(BRay_after_calibration.*repmat( BClosestDepth, 3,1)) + repmat(T_simple_before_R, 1, length(ADepthMatch))) , 1,[]), 1), opt);
394    AClosestDepth = double(AClosestDepth);
395    BClosestDepth = double(BClosestDepth);
398    % check if the ray really match well =============================
399    figure(50); title('Closest point Match Point, one opt with BScale');
400    AClosestMatchPosition = ARay_after_calibration.*repmat( AClosestDepth, 3,1);
401    BClosestMatchPosition = R2'*(BRay_after_calibration.*repmat( BClosestDepth, 3,1)) + repmat(T_simple_before_R, 1, length(ADepthMatch));
402    scatter3(AClosestMatchPosition(1,:)', AClosestMatchPosition(3,:)', AClosestMatchPosition(2,:)', 0.5*ones(1,size( AClosestMatchPosition,2)));
403    hold on;
404    scatter3(BClosestMatchPosition(1,:)', BClosestMatchPosition(3,:)', BClosestMatchPosition(2,:)', 0.5*ones(1,size( BClosestMatchPosition,2)));
405    line( [ AClosestMatchPosition(1,:); BClosestMatchPosition(1,:)], ...
406          [ AClosestMatchPosition(3,:); BClosestMatchPosition(3,:)], ...
407          [ AClosestMatchPosition(2,:); BClosestMatchPosition(2,:)]);
408    % ================================================================
409 end
410    % check if the ray really match well =============================
411    figure(52); title('Match Point, one opt with BScale');
412    ADepth_modifiedPosition = ARay_after_calibration.*repmat( ADepth_modified, 3,1);
413    BDepth_modifiedPosition = R2'*(BRay_after_calibration.*repmat( BDepth_modified, 3,1)) + repmat(T_simple_before_R, 1, length(ADepthMatch));
414    scatter3(ADepth_modifiedPosition(1,:)', ADepth_modifiedPosition(3,:)', ADepth_modifiedPosition(2,:)', 0.5*ones(1,size( ADepth_modifiedPosition,2)));
415    hold on;
416    scatter3(BDepth_modifiedPosition(1,:)', BDepth_modifiedPosition(3,:)', BDepth_modifiedPosition(2,:)', 0.5*ones(1,size( BDepth_modifiedPosition,2)));
417    line( [ ADepth_modifiedPosition(1,:); BDepth_modifiedPosition(1,:)], ...
418          [ ADepth_modifiedPosition(3,:); BDepth_modifiedPosition(3,:)], ...
419          [ ADepth_modifiedPosition(2,:); BDepth_modifiedPosition(2,:)]);   
420    % ================================================================
422    BTranslation = ATranslation + ARotation*T_simple_before_R;
423% =========not used anymore since scaling is included in match point jointly opt
424%     % solve the scale for depth A and depth B
425%     ADepthScale = sdpvar(1);
426%     BDepthScale = sdpvar(1);
427%     sol =solvesdp( [], norm( ADepth_modified - ADepthScale*ADepthMatch, 1)+...
428%                     norm( BDepth_modified - BDepthScale*BDepthMatch, 1),opt);
429%     ADepthScale = double(ADepthScale);
430%     BDepthScale = double(BDepthScale);
431%     %ADepth_normalized = ADepth*ADepthScale;
432%     %BDepth_normalized = BDepthMatch*BDepthScale;
433% =========================================================================
435    if RenderWrlDirectlyFlag % only a reality check to see if the rotation and translation is reasonable
436         % rendering the joint wrl
437         temp = Ray(:,:,1:2)./repmat(Ray(:,:,3),[1 1 2]);
438         PositionTex = permute(temp./repmat(cat(3,Default.a_default,Default.b_default),[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1])+repmat(cat(3,Default.Ox_default,Default.Oy_default),[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1]),[3 1 2]);
439         PositionTex = permute(PositionTex,[2 3 1]);
440         %  if SeperateOptFlag
441         AWrlPosition = ARotation*APositionAll(:,:)*ADepthScale+...
442                        repmat( ATranslation, 1, size(APositionAll(:,:), 2));
443         BWrlPosition = BRotation*BPositionAll(:,:)*BDepthScale+...
444                        repmat( BTranslation, 1, size(BPositionAll(:,:),2));
445         AWrlPosition = reshape(AWrlPosition,3,55,[]);
446         AWrlPosition(3,:) = - AWrlPosition(3,:);
447         AWrlPosition = permute(AWrlPosition,[2 3 1]);
448         BWrlPosition = reshape(BWrlPosition,3,55,[]);
449         BWrlPosition(3,:) = - BWrlPosition(3,:);
450         BWrlPosition = permute(BWrlPosition,[ 2 3 1]);
451         WrlFacestHroiReduce(AWrlPosition,PositionTex,ASup,left,[ Wrlname '_' left '-' right '_OldMulti'], [ResultFolder '/'], 0,0);
452         WrlFacestHroiReduce(BWrlPosition,PositionTex,BSup,right,[ Wrlname '_' left '-' right '_OldMulti'], [ResultFolder '/'], 0,1);
453         system(['cp ' Fdir '/jpg/' left '.jpg ' ResultFolder '/' left '.jpg']);
454         system(['cp ' Fdir '/jpg/' right '.jpg ' ResultFolder '/' right '.jpg']);
455         disp('Finish model simple rotation and translation, first reality check');
456%         pause;
457    end
459% =========estimating ground level using ground in imgA and imgB on image A  coordinate
460 % cleaning Groundmask for A
461RangePercent = 100;
462AY_median = median( APositionAll(2,AmaskG));
463ADistant2Ay_median = (APositionAll(2,AmaskG) - AY_median);
464ANumber_YMedian = round( sum(APositionAll(2,AmaskG)<AY_median)*RangePercent/100);
465[Avalue AIndexSort] = sort(ADistant2Ay_median);
466AYmedia_mark = AIndexSort(1:ANumber_YMedian);
467AGround_mark = zeros(Dy, Dx);
468temp = zeros(sum(AmaskG(:)) ,1);
469temp(AYmedia_mark) = 1;
470AGround_mark(AmaskG) = temp;
471AGround_mark = logical(AGround_mark);
472   % finishing cleaning Groundmask for A
474 % cleaning Groundmask for B
475BWrlPosition = R2'*BPositionAll(:,:)*BDepthScale+repmat( T_simple_before_R, 1, size(BPositionAll(:,:),2));
476BWrlPosition = reshape(BWrlPosition,3,55,[]);
477BY_median = median( BWrlPosition(2,BmaskG));
478BDistant2By_median = (BWrlPosition(2,BmaskG) - BY_median);
479BNumber_YMedian = round( sum(BWrlPosition(2,BmaskG)<BY_median)*RangePercent/100);
480[Bvalue BIndexSort] = sort(BDistant2By_median);
481BYmedia_mark = BIndexSort(1:BNumber_YMedian);
482BGround_mark = zeros(Dy, Dx);
483temp = zeros(sum(BmaskG(:)) ,1);
484temp(BYmedia_mark) = 1;
485BGround_mark(BmaskG) = temp;
486BGround_mark = logical( BGround_mark);
487 % finishing cleaning Groundmask for B
489% find the jointly median of the ground of image AB in Y direction
490if ~appendOpt
491   GroundY0inACoor = median([ APositionAll(2,AGround_mark) BWrlPosition(2,BGround_mark)]);
493% =====================================
495    % given the AClosestDepth and BClosestDepth do the seperate inference again output the ADepth_normalized and BDepth_normalized
496    % imgA
497    AappendOpt = appendOpt;
498    ASupMatched = ASup(Aindex)';
499    mask = ASupMatched == 0;
500    ASupMatched(mask)=[];
501    ARayMatched = ARay_after_calibration';
502    ARayMatched(mask,:) = [];
503    ADepth_modified(:,mask) = [];
504%     AClosestDepth(:,mask) = [];
505    Default.OutPutFolder = OutPutFolder;
506    Default.ScratchFolder = ScratchFolder;
507    Default.filename{1} = left;
508    Default.Wrlname{1} = Wrlname;
509    Default.Flag.AfterInferenceStorage = 0;
510%    if ~appendOpt
511    if RenderFlag
512       Default.RenderFlag = 1;
513    else
514       Default.RenderFlag = 0;
515    end
516     [APosition_normalized ADepth_normalized] = ReportPlaneParaMRF_Conditioned_trianglate2( Default, ARotation, ATranslation, AappendOpt, ...
517                           [ ARayMatched; Aconstrain.RayMatched],...
518                           [ ADepth_modified Aconstrain.Depth_modified]',...
519                           [ ASupMatched; Aconstrain.SupMatched],...
520                           [ ], [ ], [ ], [],...
521                           ASup, ASupOri, AMedSup, AdepthMap*ADepthScale, zeros(size(AdepthMap)), ARayOri, ARayAll, ...
522                           ASupNeighborTable, [], AmaskSky, AmaskG,...
523                           'cvx_allL1Norm',1,...
524                           [], [], AMultiScaleSupTable, [], [], [], false, 0, ADirectionFromReference, GroundY0inACoor);
525%    else
526%        ADepth_normalized = AdepthMap;
527%    end
528%    [APosition_normalized ADepth_normalized] = ReportPlaneParaMRF_Conditioned_trianglate( Default, ARotation, ATranslation, AappendOpt, ...
529%                          [ ], [ ], [ ], ...
530%                          [ ], [ ], [ ], [],...
531%                          ASup, ASupOri, AMedSup, AdepthMap*ADepthScale, ones(size(AdepthMap)), ARayOri, ARayAll, ...
532%                          ASupNeighborTable, [], AmaskSky, AmaskG,...
533%                          'cvx_allL1Norm',1,...
534%                          [], [], AMultiScaleSupTable, [], [], [], false, 0, [], GroundY0inACoor);
535    % imgB
536%    BRotation = R2'*ARotation';
537%    BTranslation = ATranslation + ARotation*T_simple_before_R;
538    BappendOpt = 1;
539    BSupMatched = BSup(Bindex)';
540    mask = BSupMatched == 0;
541    BSupMatched(mask)=[];
542    BRayMatched = BRay_after_calibration';
543    BRayMatched(mask,:) = [];
544    BDepth_modified(:,mask) = [];
545%     BClosestDepth(:,mask) = [];
546    Default.OutPutFolder = OutPutFolder;
547    Default.ScratchFolder = ScratchFolder;
548    Default.filename{1} = right;
549    Default.Wrlname{1} = Wrlname;
550    Default.Flag.AfterInferenceStorage = 0;
552    Default.RenderFlag = 0;
553     [BPosition_normalized BDepth_normalized] = ...
554                           ReportPlaneParaMRF_Conditioned_trianglate2( Default, BRotation, BTranslation, BappendOpt, ...
555                           [ BRayMatched ], [ BDepth_modified' ], [ BSupMatched], ...
556                           [ ], [ ], [ ], [],...
557                           BSup, BSupOri, BMedSup, BdepthMap*BDepthScale, zeros(size(BdepthMap)), BRayOri, BRayAll, ...
558                           BSupNeighborTable, [], BmaskSky, BmaskG,...
559                           'cvx_allL1Norm',1,...
560                           [], [], BMultiScaleSupTable, [], [], [], false, 0, BDirectionFromReference, GroundY0inACoor);
561%   [BPosition_normalized BDepth_normalized] = ...
562%                          ReportPlaneParaMRF_Conditioned_trianglate( Default, BRotation, BTranslation, BappendOpt, ...
563%                          [  ], [  ], [ ], ...
564%                          [  ], [  ], [ ], [],...
565%                          BSup, BSupOri, BMedSup, BdepthMap*BDepthScale, ones(size(BdepthMap)), BRayOri, BRayAll, ...
566%                          BSupNeighborTable, [], BmaskSky, BmaskG,...
567%                          'cvx_allL1Norm',1,...
568%                          [], [], BMultiScaleSupTable, [], [], [], false, 0, BDirectionFromReference, GroundY0inACoor);                     
570    AMatchedPosition_after_normalized = (ARay_after_calibration').*repmat( ADepth_normalized(Aindex)', 1, 3);
571    BMatchedPosition_after_normalized = (BRay_after_calibration').*repmat( BDepth_normalized(Bindex)', 1, 3);
573% ============= save constrain Rotation Translation and combining history ===============
575AHistory{end+1}= right;
576if isempty(intersect(AHistory, right))
577  Aconstrain.RayMatched = [ Aconstrain.RayMatched; ARayMatched ];
578  Aconstrain.Depth_modified = [ Aconstrain.Depth_modified ADepth_modified ];
579  Aconstrain.SupMatched = [ Aconstrain.SupMatched; ASupMatched ];
581AdepthMap = ADepth_normalized;
582save([ ScratchFolder '/' left '_NonMono.mat' ], 'AdepthMap', 'ARotation', 'ATranslation', 'AHistory', 'Aconstrain',...
583             'GroundY0inACoor',...
584            'ASup', 'ASupOri', 'AMedSup', 'ARayOri','ARayAll','ASupNeighborTable','AmaskSky','AmaskG','AMultiScaleSupTable');
587ARotation = BRotation;
588ATranslation = BTranslation;
589AHistory{1}= 'left';
590AdepthMap = BdepthMap;
591ARayAll = BRayAll;
592ARayOri = BRayOri;
593ASup = BSup;
594ASupOri = BSupOri;
595AMedSup = BMedSup;
596ASupNeighborTable = BSupNeighborTable;
597AmaskSky = BmaskSky;
598AmaskG = BmaskG;
599AMultiScaleSupTable = BMultiScaleSupTable;
600Aconstrain.RayMatched = [ BRayMatched ];
601Aconstrain.Depth_modified = [ BDepth_modified ];
602Aconstrain.SupMatched = [ BSupMatched ];
603AdepthMap = BDepth_normalized;
604save([ ScratchFolder '/' right '_NonMono.mat' ], 'AdepthMap', 'ARotation', 'ATranslation', 'AHistory', 'Aconstrain',...
605             'GroundY0inACoor',...
606            'ASup', 'ASupOri', 'AMedSup', 'ARayOri','ARayAll','ASupNeighborTable','AmaskSky','AmaskG','AMultiScaleSupTable');
609% =======================================================================================
610 % generate the 3D model jointly
611% Aaxis = [ zeros(1,3); [0 0 10]; zeros(1,3); [0 10 0]];
612% BCenter = T_simple_before_R;
613% Baxis = [ BCenter'; (R2'*[0 0 10]'+BCenter)'; BCenter'; (R2'*[0 10 0]'+BCenter)'];
614%  DisplayPairPointsCloud(APositionAll(:,:)', (R2'*BPositionAll(:,:)+repmat( T_simple_before_R, 1, size(BPositionAll(:,:),2)))',...
615%                        Aaxis, Baxis, 300  );
616%  DisplayPairPointsCloud(APositionAll(:,:)'*ADepthScale, (R2'*BPositionAll(:,:)*BDepthScale+repmat( T_simple_before_R, 1, size(BPositionAll(:,:),2)))',...
617%                        Aaxis, Baxis, 400  );                 
621%Psimple = Pnew*Hsimple;
622%Xsimple = inv(Hsimple)*Xnew;
623%DisplayMetricReconstruction( Psimple,Xsimple);
624%DisplayMetricReconstruction( Psimple,Xsimple);
626% ========================================================
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