source: proiecte/pmake3d/make3d_original/Make3dSingleImageStanford_version0.1/image3dstiching/TestVersion/MainProcess.m @ 162

Last change on this file since 162 was 37, checked in by (none), 15 years ago

Added original make3d

File size: 9.9 KB
1% *  This code was used in the following articles:
2% *  [1] Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image,
3% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng,
4% *      In ICCV workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (3dRR-07), 2007.
5% *      (best paper)
6% *  [2] 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision,
7% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng,
8% *      In ICCV workshop on Virtual Representations and Modeling
9% *      of Large-scale environments (VRML), 2007.
10% *  [3] 3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image,
11% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng.
12% *      International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Aug 2007.
13% *  [6] Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images,
14% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng.
15% *      In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 18, 2005.
16% *
17% *  These articles are available at:
18% *
19% *
20% *  We request that you cite the papers [1], [3] and [6] in any of
21% *  your reports that uses this code.
22% *  Further, if you use the code in image3dstiching/ (multiple image version),
23% *  then please cite [2].
24% * 
25% *  If you use the code in third_party/, then PLEASE CITE and follow the
27% *
28% *  Finally, this code is for non-commercial use only.  For further
29% *  information and to obtain a copy of the license, see
30% *
31% *
32% *
33% *  Also, the software distributed under the License is distributed on an
35% *  express or implied.   See the License for the specific language governing
36% *  permissions and limitations under the License.
37% *
38% */
39function []= MainProcess(defaultPara, Fdir);
41% This function is the main function tha handle:
42% 1) Extracting info mation : Exif GPS IMU
43% 2) MonoDepth estimation
44% 3) Ransac
45% 4) MetricReconstruction
46% 5) Re-inference
47% 6) Rendering
49% initialize parameters
50NotAllSurfCompute = 0;
51Type = '_RConS';
52FlagInitialPathLearningCode = 0;
53FlagRenderMonoWrlJintly = 1;
54ops = sdpsettings('solver','sedumi','verbose',1);
55% parameter for Mono depth Estimation ------------------------
56ScratchFolder = '/afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/temp';
57OutPutFolder = '/afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/3DmodelMultipleImage/';
58ParaFolder = '/afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/Para/';
59taskName = '';
60Flag.DisplayFlag = 0;
61Flag.IntermediateStorage = 0;
62Flag.FeaturesOnly = 0;
63Flag.NormalizeFlag = 1;
64Flag.BeforeInferenceStorage = 0;
65Flag.NonInference = 0;
66Flag.AfterInferenceStorage = 1;
67% ------------------------------------------------------------
69% initialize variables
70ImgInfo = [];
71ImgAddedList = [];
73% 1) Extracting info
74if NotAllSurfCompute
75        system(['./surf/ ' Fdir]);
78[ImgInfo] = ExifExtractDir(Fdir,ImgInfo); % Exif info
79[ImgInfo] = ExtractGPSInfo(defaultPara, Fdir, ImgInfo); % GPS info
80[ImgInfo] = ExtractRotationInfo( defaultPara, Fdir, ImgInfo); % IMU info
82% start loop by getting input
83while length(ImgAddedList) <= length(ImgInfo)
85        % request user input
86        NewImg = input('add image', 's');
88        % 2) MonoDepth estimation for New Imag------------------
89        NewImgPath = [Fdir '/jpg/' NewImg '.jpg'];
90        if system(['ls ' ScratchFolder '/' NewImg '__AInfnew.mat']);
91                cd ../LearningCode
92                if ~FlagInitialPathLearningCode
93                        InitialPath;
94                        FlagInitialPathLearningCode = 1;
95                end
96                OneShot3dEfficient(NewImgPath, OutPutFolder,...
97                taskName,...% taskname will append to the imagename and form the outputname
98                ScratchFolder,... % ScratchFolder
99                ParaFolder,...
100                Flag...  % All Flags 1) intermediate storage flag
101                );
102                cd ../multipleImages
103        end
104        load( [ScratchFolder '/' NewImg '__AInfnew.mat']);
106        % rename and clear vriables
107        Depth2 = FitDepth;
108        Sup2 = Sup;
109        clear MedSup MultiScaleSupTable Ray RayOri SupNeighborTable SupOri depthMap maskG maskSky Sup FitDepth;
110        % ------------------------------------------------------
112        % skip the following step if ImgAddedList is empty
113        if isempty(ImgAddedList)
114                Depth = Depth2;
115                Sup = Sup2;
116                save([Fdir '/data/' NewImg '_Data.mat'],'Depth','Sup');
117                ImgAddedList = [ImgAddedList NewImg];
118                continue;
119        end
121        % Use track concept to define track
122        PairImg = input('Pair image in addedList', 's');
124        % build up data need for processing
125        BuildDataPairImg;
127        % 3) Ransac --------------------------------------------
128        % Estimate Rotation and translation
129        [R T] = InitPoseMeas(defaultPara, ImgInfo1, ImgInfo2);
130        T([2 5]) = 0;
132        % Generate Constrain for SurfMatch searhing region
133        [ Rc1, Rc2, ConS1, ConS2]=CalMatchSearchRegin(defaultPara, R, T, I1, I2, f1, f2, D1, D2, 1, 1);
134        Vector2Ipoint([Rc1; ConS1],[Fdir '/surf/'],['RConS_' PairImg]);
135        Vector2Ipoint([Rc2; ConS2],[Fdir '/surf/'],['RConS_' NewImg]); 
137        % Constrasin Search Surf Match
138%       if system(['ls ' Fdir '/surf_matches/' PairImg '-' NewImg '.match_RConS']) ...
139%          && system(['ls ' Fdir '/surf_matches/' NewImg '-' PairImg '.match_RConS'])
140                cd match
141                system(['./ ' Fdir ' ' PairImg ' ' NewImg]);   
142                cd ..
143%       end
144        % general Ransac
145        [f1, f2, matches] = readSurfMatches(PairImg, NewImg, Fdir, Type, 0, 1);
146%       displaySurfMatches(Fdir, PairImg, NewImg, Type, 0, 1);
148        [DV DH] = size(Depth2);
149        [IV IH] = size(I2);
150        Scale = [[DV DH];[IV IH]];
151        [IND2]=ReScaleInd2Sub(Scale,f2(:,matches(2,:)));
152        D2 = Depth2(IND2);
153        [DV DH] = size(Depth1);
154        [IV IH] = size(I1);
155        Scale = [[DV DH];[IV IH]];
156        [IND1]=ReScaleInd2Sub(Scale,f1(:,matches(1,:)));
157        D1 = Depth1(IND1);
158        [F, inliers, NewDist, fail]=GeneralRansac(defaultPara, f1, f2, matches, D1, D2);
159        figure;
160        plotmatches(I1,I2,f1, f2,matches(:,inliers), 'Stacking', 'v', 'Interactive', 2);
162    % maually remove outliers and re-estimate F   
163    matches = matches(:,inliers);
164    [F, inliers, fail] = ransacmatches(defaultPara, f1, f2, matches, I1, I2, 1);
166        % Nonlinear Refinement
167%       [F, newinliers, fail] = RansacNonlinearReFinement(f1, f2, matches, F, inliers, I1, I2, 1);
168        % ------------------------------------------------------
170        % 4) MetricReconstruction ------------------------------
171    % Initial depth estimated from fundamatal matrix
172    E = defaultPara.InrinsicK2*F*defaultPara.InrinsicK1;
173    x = [ inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1)*[ f1(:,matches(1,inliers)); ones(1,length(inliers))];...
174          inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)*[ f2(:,matches(2,inliers)); ones(1,length(inliers))]];
175    [ R_f, T_f, lamda1, lamda2, inlier] = EstPose( E, x, R(1:3,:), T(1:3), false);
177    % Normalise each set of points so that the origin is at centroid and
178    % mean distance from origin is sqrt(2).  normalise2dpts also ensures the
179    % scale parameter is 1.  Note that 'fundmatrix' will also call
180    % 'normalise2dpts' but the code in 'ransac' that calls the distance
181    % function will not - so it is best that we normalise beforehand.
182    x1 = defaultPara.InrinsicK1*x(1:3,inlier);
183    x2 = defaultPara.InrinsicK2*x(4:6,inlier);
184    [x1_normalized, T1] = normalise2dpts(x1);
185    [x2_normalized, T2] = normalise2dpts(x2);
187    % Projective resonstruction
188    [ P, X, Outliner] = ProjectionFactorization( 1, 1, ...
189                        cat(3, x1_normalized, x2_normalized), cat(3,lamda1(inlier)', lamda2(inlier)'));
190        %    [ P, X, Outliner] = ProjectionFactorization_missing_data...
191        %                ( ARes, BRes, x_im, inc, depth);
193    % Find out the H (projective transformation)
194    matches = matches(:,inliers);
195    x1 = [f1(:,matches(1,inlier)); ones(1,length(inlier))];
196    x2 = [f2(:,matches(1,inlier)); ones(1,length(inlier))];
197    Scale = [[DV DH];[IV IH]];
198    [IND1]=ReScaleInd2Sub(Scale,f1(:,matches(1,inlier)));
199    D1 = Depth1(IND1);
200    Scale = [[DV DH];[IV IH]];
201    [IND2]=ReScaleInd2Sub(Scale,f2(:,matches(1,inlier)));
202    D2 = Depth2(IND2);
203    [R_mr T_mr D1_modified D2_modified] = MetricReconEstPose(P, R(1:3,:), T(1:3), T1, T2, D1, D2, x1, x2, defaultPara);       
205    % Triangulate the depth
206if false
207    x1 = inv(T1)*x1;
208    x2 = inv(T1)*x2;
209    x1(:,Outliner) = [];     
210    x2(:,Outliner) = [];     
211    X = [x1; x2];
212    [lamda1, lamda2] = Triangulate( R_mr, T_mr, X);
213    % Rescale the Depth1 and Depth2
214    x1 = defaultPara.InrinsicK1*x1;
215    x2 = defaultPara.InrinsicK2*x2;
216    [DV DH] = size(Depth1);
217    [IV IH] = size(I1);
218    Scale = [[DV DH];[IV IH]];
219    [IND1]=ReScaleInd2Sub(Scale,x1);
220    D1 = Depth1(IND1);
221    [DV DH] = size(Depth2);
222    [IV IH] = size(I2);
223    Scale = [[DV DH];[IV IH]];
224    [IND2]=ReScaleInd2Sub(Scale,x2);
225    D2 = Depth2(IND2);
226    Scale1 = sdpvar(1,1);
227    Scale2 = sdpvar(1,1);
228    F = set(Scale1>=0)+set(Scale2 >=0);
229    sol = solvesdp(F,norm(lamda1 - Scale1*D1', 1)+ norm(lamda2 - Scale2*D2', 1),ops);
230    Scale1 = double(Scale1);
231    Scale2 = double(Scale2);
232    Depth1 = Depth1*Scale1;
233    Depth2 = Depth2*Scale2;
235        Scale1 = median(D1_modified./D1);
236        Scale2 = median(D2_modified./D2);
237        Depth1 = Depth1*Scale1;
238        Depth2 = Depth2*Scale2;
239%       Depth1(IND1) = D1_modified;
240%       Depth2(IND2) = D2_modified;
243        % ------------------------------------------------------       
245        % Test R_mr and T_mr to show the Mono-VRml jointly  according to R_mr and T_mr
246        if FlagRenderMonoWrlJintly
247                [WrlPosition1 PositionTex1] = PreWrlData(defaultPara.InrinsicK1, Depth1, I1, eye(3), zeros(3,1));
248                WrlFacestHroiReduce(WrlPosition1, PositionTex1, Sup1, PairImg, [PairImg  '_' NewImg '_MonoJointly'], OutPutFolder, 0, 0);
249                system(['cp ' Fdir '/jpg/' PairImg '.jpg '  OutPutFolder PairImg '.jpg']);
250                [WrlPosition2 PositionTex2] = PreWrlData(defaultPara.InrinsicK2, Depth2, I2, R_mr, T_mr);
251                WrlFacestHroiReduce(WrlPosition2, PositionTex2, Sup2, NewImg, [PairImg  '_' NewImg '_MonoJointly'], OutPutFolder, 0, 1);
252                system(['cp ' Fdir '/jpg/' NewImg '.jpg ' OutPutFolder NewImg '.jpg']);
253        end
255    % 5) Reinfererce
257        ImgAddedList = [ImgAddedList NewImg];
260        % save Data
261        Depth = Depth2;
262        Sup = Sup2;
263        save([Fdir '/data/' NewImg '_Data.mat'],'Depth','Sup');
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