source: proiecte/pmake3d/make3d_original/Make3dSingleImageStanford_version0.1/image3dstiching/Refinement/OcclusionRefinement.m @ 162

Last change on this file since 162 was 37, checked in by (none), 15 years ago

Added original make3d

File size: 15.5 KB
1% *  This code was used in the following articles:
2% *  [1] Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image,
3% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng,
4% *      In ICCV workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (3dRR-07), 2007.
5% *      (best paper)
6% *  [2] 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision,
7% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng,
8% *      In ICCV workshop on Virtual Representations and Modeling
9% *      of Large-scale environments (VRML), 2007.
10% *  [3] 3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image,
11% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng.
12% *      International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Aug 2007.
13% *  [6] Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images,
14% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng.
15% *      In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 18, 2005.
16% *
17% *  These articles are available at:
18% *
19% *
20% *  We request that you cite the papers [1], [3] and [6] in any of
21% *  your reports that uses this code.
22% *  Further, if you use the code in image3dstiching/ (multiple image version),
23% *  then please cite [2].
24% * 
25% *  If you use the code in third_party/, then PLEASE CITE and follow the
27% *
28% *  Finally, this code is for non-commercial use only.  For further
29% *  information and to obtain a copy of the license, see
30% *
31% *
32% *
33% *  Also, the software distributed under the License is distributed on an
35% *  express or implied.   See the License for the specific language governing
36% *  permissions and limitations under the License.
37% *
38% */
39function [] = OcclusionRefinement(defaultPara, Wrlname, PairList, PostFixStrAfter, Type, PostFixStr)
41% This function do three thing
42% 1) detect the occlusion from the current model
43% 2) decide redundent plane
44% 3) Re-Render by not rendering the redundent plane information
46% Input:
47% 1) defaultPara - all parameter share for the whole stitching3d folder
48%       2) Wrlname - the name of the model, different by the PairList
49%       3) PairList - the linearly order of image that been added to the model
51% Fixed constant --- need to be put in defaultPara by Min later
52depthratioMin = 0.01;
53depthratioMax = 100;
54NegI = diag([1 1 -1]);
55if nargin <6
56    PostFixStr = 'NonMono';%'NonMonoOccluMatched'
58if nargin <4
59    PostFixStrAfter = 'OccluRemove';
61DisCtsThre = 0.1; % fractional error
62OcclusionRatioThre = 1.1;
63SurfFlag = 0; % default not using surf Feature point to find occlusion
64if strcmp( lower(Type), 'matches')
65        SurfFlag = 1;
68% 1) Run occlusion detection and Matcheing for every pair of images
70ImgList = unique(PairList);
71NumImg = length(ImgList);
73if defaultPara.Flag.FlagOccluDetect
75        tic; % start timing the time for the OccluDetection Step
77        % copy the ImgInfo of each image to another "PostFixStrAfter".mat file
78        if defaultPara.Flag.FlagResetModeltoNomoModel
79                for i = 1:NumImg
80                        load([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' ImgList{i} '/' Wrlname '_' ImgList{i} '_' PostFixStr '.mat']);
81                        save([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' ImgList{i} '/' Wrlname '_' ImgList{i} '_' PostFixStrAfter '.mat'],'model');     
82                end
83        end   
85        %       detect occlusion for every pair of image
86        for i = 1:NumImg
87                for j = (i+1):NumImg
89        %       [Img1Index] = ImgInfoIndexFromName(ImgInfo, ImgList{i});
90        %       [Img2Index] = ImgInfoIndexFromName(ImgInfo, ImgList{j});
92                        [ImgInfo1 ImgInfo2 Img1Index Img2Index Pair GlobalScale] = ... % What to do with Pairs haven't been matched ???????????????????
93                                LoadDataForFindOcclu(defaultPara, Wrlname, ImgList{i}, ImgList{j}, ...
94                                0, PostFixStrAfter); % load all imformation needed for occlusion detection
96                        % Define variables
97                        H = 2274;
98                        V = 1704;
99                        Img1 = ImgInfo1.ExifInfo.IDName
100                        Img2 = ImgInfo2.ExifInfo.IDName
101                        I1=imreadbw([defaultPara.Fdir '/pgm/' Img1 '.pgm']); % function from sift
102                        I2=imreadbw([defaultPara.Fdir '/pgm/' Img2 '.pgm']); % function from sift               
103                        ImgScale1 = size(I1);
104                        ImgScale2 = size(I2);
106                        % time consuming about 5mins
107                        if ~defaultPara.Flag.FlagPreloadOccluDetect
108                                [PointPix1 PointDepth1 FaceSetPickedIND1 POriReprojM1 FieldOccluPix1 OccluDist1 OccluedFaceSetIND1 OccluedFaceSetIDRemained1...
109                                PointPix2 PointDepth2 FaceSetPickedIND2 POriReprojM2 FieldOccluPix2 OccluDist2 OccluedFaceSetIND2 OccluedFaceSetIDRemained2] = ...
110                                FindOccluPair(defaultPara, ImgInfo1, ImgInfo2, Pair, GlobalScale, SurfFlag); % detect occlsion (use Ray as detector not the surf Features)
111                                % data Struction define:
112                                % PointPix PointDepth FaceSetPickedIND POriReprojM FieldOccluPix OccluDist OccluedFaceSetIND
113                                % -- allof the size that single ray pass through both FaceSet
114                                % FaceSetPickedIND1 used in DepthMap size or surfFeature size
115                                % OccluedFaceSetIND1 used in DepthMap size
116                                if SurfFlag
117                                        save([ defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' Img1 '_' Img2 '_' PostFixStrAfter '_OccluDetect_Match.mat'],...
118                                        'PointPix1','PointDepth1','FaceSetPickedIND1','POriReprojM1','FieldOccluPix1','OccluDist1',...
119                                                'OccluedFaceSetIND1','OccluedFaceSetIDRemained1', ...
120                                        'PointPix2','PointDepth2','FaceSetPickedIND2','POriReprojM2','FieldOccluPix2','OccluDist2',...
121                                                'OccluedFaceSetIND2','OccluedFaceSetIDRemained2');
122                                else   
123                                        save([ defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' Img1 '_' Img2 '_' PostFixStrAfter '_OccluDetect_Ray.mat'],...
124                                        'PointPix1','PointDepth1','FaceSetPickedIND1','POriReprojM1','FieldOccluPix1','OccluDist1',...
125                                                'OccluedFaceSetIND1','OccluedFaceSetIDRemained1', ...
126                                        'PointPix2','PointDepth2','FaceSetPickedIND2','POriReprojM2','FieldOccluPix2','OccluDist2',...
127                                                'OccluedFaceSetIND2','OccluedFaceSetIDRemained2');
128                                        %'PointPix1','PointDepth1','FaceSetPickedIND1','POriReprojM1','FieldOccluPix1','OccluDist1','OccluedFaceSetIND1',...
129                                        %'PointPix2','PointDepth2','FaceSetPickedIND2','POriReprojM2','FieldOccluPix2','OccluDist2','OccluedFaceSetIND2');
130                                end   
131                        else
132                                if SurfFlag
133                                        load([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' Img1 '_' Img2 '_' PostFixStrAfter '_OccluDetect_Match.mat']);
134                                else   
135                                        load([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' Img1 '_' Img2 '_' PostFixStrAfter '_OccluDetect_Ray.mat']);
136                                end   
137                        end       
139                        % Define occlusion if OccluDist > CentainThreshold
140                        if defaultPara.Flag.FlagRecipicalOccluDetection
141                                Mask1 = PointDepth1./OccluDist1 > OcclusionRatioThre | OccluDist1./PointDepth1 > OcclusionRatioThre;
142                                Mask2 = PointDepth2./OccluDist2 > OcclusionRatioThre | OccluDist2./PointDepth2 > OcclusionRatioThre;
143                        else
144                                Mask1 = PointDepth1./OccluDist1 > OcclusionRatioThre;%defaultPara.OccluDistThre;
145                                Mask2 = PointDepth2./OccluDist2 > OcclusionRatioThre;%defaultPara.OccluDistThre;
146                        end
148                        % Action: find new matches or decide plane to remove given the occlusion infomation
149                        switch lower(Type)
150                        case 'matches'
151                                [matches]=MatchPointsGivenOcclusion(defaultPara, ImgInfo1, ImgInfo2, ImgScale1, ImgScale2, Img1, Img2, Img1Index, Img2Index, ...
152                                        Pair,  GlobalScale, Wrlname, PostFixStrAfter, ...
153                                        POriReprojM1(:,Mask1), FieldOccluPix1(:,Mask1), FaceSetPickedIND1(:,Mask1), ...
154                                        POriReprojM2(:,Mask2), FieldOccluPix2(:,Mask2), FaceSetPickedIND2(:,Mask2) );   
155            case 'corrmatches'
156                    if ~isempty(Pair.lamda)
157                        depthratio = Pair.lamda(1,:)./Pair.lamda(2,:);
158                        % Min add to remove outliers (should be already removed when doing PoseEst.m)
159                        Inliers = depthratio > depthratioMin & depthratio < depthratioMax;
160                        depthratio = depthratio(Inliers);
161                        maxRatio = max(depthratio);
162                        minRatio = min(depthratio);
163                    else
164                        maxRatio = max([GlobalScale(1)/GlobalScale(2) GlobalScale(2)/GlobalScale(1)]);
165                        minRatio = 1/maxRatio;
166                    end
167                    [Matches1 CoeffM1 Inliers1]=CorrolationMatch( defaultPara, Pair, I1, I2, PointPix1(:,Mask1), POriReprojM1(:,Mask1), FieldOccluPix1(:,Mask1), [minRatio maxRatio]);
168                    Pair2_1.R = Pair.R';
169                    Pair2_1.T = -Pair.R'*Pair.T;
170                    if defaultPara.Flag.FlagRefinementDisp
171                        disp('Start Reverse CorrolationMatches Hold on');
172                        whos
173                    end
174                    [Matches2 CoeffM2 Inliers2]=CorrolationMatch( defaultPara, Pair2_1, I2, I1, PointPix2(:,Mask2), POriReprojM2(:,Mask2), FieldOccluPix2(:,Mask2), [1/maxRatio 1/minRatio]);
175                    if defaultPara.Flag.FlagRefinementDisp
176                        disp('CorrolationMatch.m Finished');
177                    end
178                    Matches1 = Matches1(:,Inliers1);
179                    Matches2 = Matches2(:,Inliers2);
180                    CoeffM1 = CoeffM1(:,Inliers1);
181                    CoeffM2 = CoeffM2(:,Inliers2);
183                    % Check if the Matches are not mutual discard the one with less Coeff(Cross-Corrolation value) ===============
184                    Matches = [ Matches1 [Matches2(3:4,:); Matches2(1:2,:)]];
185                    CoeffM = [ CoeffM1 CoeffM2];
186                        % Min used different algorithm than SurFeature Matches
187                        [Inliers] = CleanMatch(Matches, CoeffM(1,:)); % choose the matches with higher Coeff is the matches is not mutual
188                        [InliersReverse] = CleanMatch(Matches(:,Inliers), CoeffM(1,Inliers)); % choose the matches with higher Coeff is the matches is not mutual
189                        Inliers = Inliers(InliersReverse);
190                        Matches = Matches(:,Inliers);
191                        CoeffM = CoeffM(:,Inliers);
193                    if defaultPara.Flag.FlagRefinementDisp
194                        figure; plotmatches(I1,I2,Matches(1:2,:), Matches(3:4,:),repmat(1:size(Matches,2),2,1), 'Stacking','v','Interactive', 3);
195                    end
197                    save([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' Img1 '_' Img2 '_' PostFixStrAfter 'BeforeFiltering.mat'],'Matches','CoeffM');
199                    % use Coeff as threshould to filter out error matches
200                    CoeffMask = CoeffM(1,:) > defaultPara.CoeffMThre;
201                    [inlier, Residual] = EpipoPrune(defaultPara, Pair, Matches, ImgScale1);
202                    EpipolarResidualMask = Residual < defaultPara.ResidualThre;
203                    CoeffRationMask = CoeffM(2,:)./CoeffM(1,:) < defaultPara.coeffratioThre;
204                    CoeffRationMask( CoeffM(1,:) == 0) = false;% CoeffM(1,:) == 0 means not satisfy the epipolar constrain
205                    Mark = CoeffMask & CoeffRationMask & EpipolarResidualMask;
207                    save([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' Img1 '_' Img2 '_' PostFixStrAfter '.mat'],'Matches','CoeffM','Mark');
209                    % =======================================================================
210                    if ~isempty(Matches(:,Mark))
211                        tempf1 = Matches(1:2,Mark);
212                        tempf2 = Matches(3:4,Mark);
213                        x_calib = [ inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1)*[ tempf1; ones(1,size(tempf1,2))];...
214                        inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)*[ tempf2; ones(1,size(tempf2,2))]];
215                        [ lamda1 lamda2 Error] = triangulation( defaultPara, Pair.R, Pair.T, x_calib);
216                        % notice lamda re-scale to local model scale
217                        lamda1 = lamda1./GlobalScale(1);
218                        lamda2 = lamda2./GlobalScale(2);
219                        % Storage the match result for later ReInference
220                        AddMatch2Model(defaultPara, Wrlname, lamda1, Matches(1:2,Mark), ImgInfo1, ImgScale1, Img1Index, Img2Index, PostFixStrAfter, Error);
221                        AddMatch2Model(defaultPara, Wrlname, lamda2, Matches(3:4,Mark), ImgInfo2, ImgScale2, Img2Index, Img1Index, PostFixStrAfter, Error);
222                        % Storage the New Matches                   
223                        if defaultPara.Flag.FlagRefinementDisp
224                                disp('Storaging Occlusion Surf Features Matches');
225                                save([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' Img1 '_' Img2 '_' PostFixStrAfter '.mat'],'Matches','CoeffM','Error','Mark');
226                        end
227                    end
230                    case 'remove'
231                        RemovePlaneGivenOcclusion(defaultPara, ImgInfo1, ImgInfo2, Pair, GlobalScale, Img1, Img2, Wrlname, PostFixStrAfter,...
232                                FaceSetPickedIND1, OccluedFaceSetIND1, FaceSetPickedIND2, OccluedFaceSetIND2, Mask1, Mask2);
233                    end
234                end
235        end
236        TimeForOccluDetectionFirstStep = toc;
237        if defaultPara.Flag.FlagRefinementDisp
238                disp(['Finish OccluDetectionFirstStep in ' num2str(TimeForOccluDetectionFirstStep) ' seconds']);
239        end
241end % end of if defaultPara.Flag.FlagOccluDetect
243% 2) Render of each image individiually -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
244if defaultPara.Flag.FlagRefinementReInference
246        tic; % timing the Refinement Step
248        for i = 1:NumImg
250                switch lower(Type)
251                case 'remove'   
252                        % Data preparing and ReInfernece
253                        Default.Wrlname{1} = [Wrlname '_' ImgList{i} '_' PostFixStrAfter];   
254                        Default.filename{1} = ['../' ImgList{i}];
255                        load([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' ImgList{i} '/' Wrlname '_' ImgList{i} '_' PostFixStrAfter '.mat']);
256                        Default.OutPutFolder = [ defaultPara.OutPutFolder ImgList{i} '/'];
257                        R = LoadModelStatus( defaultPara.Fdir, Wrlname, ImgList{i}, 'R');
258                        T = LoadModelStatus( defaultPara.Fdir, Wrlname, ImgList{i}, 'T');
260                        if false
261                                DiffHori = conv2(model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth, [1 -1], 'valid');
262                                DiffVert = conv2(model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth, [1; -1], 'valid');
263                                maskH = [ (DiffHori./model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth(:,2:end) > DisCtsThre) zeros(size(model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth,1),1)];
264                                maskH(end,:) = 0;
265                                maskV = [ (DiffVert./model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth(2:end,:) > DisCtsThre); zeros(1, size(model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth,2))];
266                                maskV(:,end) = 0;
267                                model.PlaneParaInfo.SupOri(logical(  maskH) ) = 0;
268                                model.PlaneParaInfo.SupOri(logical(  maskV) ) = 0;
269                        end
271                        WrlFacestHroiReduce(model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited, model.PlaneParaInfo.PositionTex, model.PlaneParaInfo.SupOri, ...
272                                Default.filename{1}, Default.Wrlname{1}, ...
273                                Default.OutPutFolder, 0, 0);
275                case {'matches','corrmatches'}
276                        % Data preparing and ReInfernece
277                        Default.Wrlname{1} = [Wrlname '_' ImgList{i} '_' PostFixStrAfter];   
278                        load([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' ImgList{i} '/' Wrlname '_' ImgList{i} '_' PostFixStrAfter '.mat']);
279                        R = LoadModelStatus( defaultPara.Fdir, Wrlname, ImgList{i}, 'R');
280                        T = LoadModelStatus( defaultPara.Fdir, Wrlname, ImgList{i}, 'T');
281                        Scale = LoadModelStatus(defaultPara.Fdir, Wrlname, ImgList{i}, 'Scale');
282                        SingleImgReInference(defaultPara, model, ImgList{i}, LoadModelStatus(defaultPara.Fdir, Wrlname, ImgList{i}, 'GroundLevel'),Wrlname, ...
283                                R, T, Scale ,PostFixStrAfter);
284                end
286                %   Build Meta Wrl file =========
287                Path = [ defaultPara.OutPutFolder Wrlname '_' PostFixStrAfter '.wrl'];
288                InLinePath = ['./'  ImgList{i} '/' Default.Wrlname{1} '.wrl'];
289                Q = Rotation2Q(NegI*R*NegI);% for Wrl (-) z component;
290                if any(isnan(Q))
291                        Q = zeros(4,1);
292                end
293                WRLT = T;
294                WRLT(3) = -WRLT(3);% for Wrl (-) z component;
295                Scale = LoadModelStatus(defaultPara.Fdir, Wrlname, ImgList{i}, 'Scale');
296                if i == 1
297                        BuildVrmlMetaModel(1, defaultPara.OutPutFolder, Path, InLinePath, Q, WRLT, repmat(Scale,3,1));
298                else
299                        BuildVrmlMetaModel(0, defaultPara.OutPutFolder, Path, InLinePath, Q, WRLT, repmat(Scale,3,1));
300                end
301                % ===============================
303        end
305        TimeForRefinementStep = toc;
306        if defaultPara.Flag.FlagRefinementDisp
307                disp(['Finish RefinementStep in ' num2str(TimeForRefinementStep) ' seconds']);
308        end
309end % end of if defaultPara.Flag.FlagRefinementReInference
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