% * This code was used in the following articles: % * [1] Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng, % * In ICCV workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (3dRR-07), 2007. % * (best paper) % * [2] 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng, % * In ICCV workshop on Virtual Representations and Modeling % * of Large-scale environments (VRML), 2007. % * [3] 3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng. % * International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Aug 2007. % * [6] Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng. % * In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 18, 2005. % * % * These articles are available at: % * http://make3d.stanford.edu/publications % * % * We request that you cite the papers [1], [3] and [6] in any of % * your reports that uses this code. % * Further, if you use the code in image3dstiching/ (multiple image version), % * then please cite [2]. % * % * If you use the code in third_party/, then PLEASE CITE and follow the % * LICENSE OF THE CORRESPONDING THIRD PARTY CODE. % * % * Finally, this code is for non-commercial use only. For further % * information and to obtain a copy of the license, see % * % * http://make3d.stanford.edu/publications/code % * % * Also, the software distributed under the License is distributed on an % * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either % * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing % * permissions and limitations under the License. % * % */ function [Pair fail]=TestWholePostMatch(defaultPara, ImgInfo1, ImgInfo2, PriorPose) % This function load the Initial SurfMatches and the OccluSurfMatches % then, do RANSAC algorithm to prune the bad matches out % Calucluate New Camera Pose (R and T) % Default Parameters ----------------------------- fail = 0; % ------------------------------------------------ % Initialize Variables --------------------------- Img1 = ImgInfo1.ExifInfo.IDName; Img2 = ImgInfo2.ExifInfo.IDName; I1=imreadbw([defaultPara.Fdir '/pgm/' Img1 '.pgm']); % function from sift I2=imreadbw([defaultPara.Fdir '/pgm/' Img2 '.pgm']); % function from sift % ------------------------------------------------ % Combine Both Initial SurfMatches and the OccluSurfMatches ------------------------- % Also Assign Confidence of each Matches % (Used as RANSAC Sampling Distribution) % 0) load cleaned Fisrt set of matches %defaultPara.MaxUniqueRatio load([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/' Img1 '_' Img2 '_PoseMatch.mat']); defaultPara.MaxUniqueRatio = 100; % 1) load Initial SurfMatches [f1, f2, matches] = readSurfMatches(Img1, Img2, defaultPara.Fdir, ... [ defaultPara.Type 'Dense_' num2str(defaultPara.AbsThre) '_' num2str(defaultPara.RatioThre)], 1, 1); if isempty(f1) [f1, f2, matches] = readSurfMatches(Img1, Img2, defaultPara.Fdir, ... ['Dense_' num2str(defaultPara.AbsThre) '_' num2str(defaultPara.RatioThre)], 1, 1); end % 2) load OccluSurfMatches [f1, f2, OccluedMatches] = readSurfMatches(Img1, Img2, defaultPara.Fdir, [ defaultPara.Type 'OccluDense'], 1, 1, 3);% need UniqueRatio//Min jobs UniqueRatio = OccluedMatches(3,:); %UniqueRatio = min(UniqueRatio,defaultPara.MaxUniqueRatio); Ptr = UniqueRatio > defaultPara.MaxUniqueRatio; UniqueRatio(Ptr) = Inf;%defaultPara.MaxUniqueRatio; OccluedMatches = OccluedMatches(1:2,:); if false disp('use CleanMatches'); matches = Matches; % removing initial matches that inconsistent with OccluedMatches [c i] = intersect( matches(1,:), OccluedMatches(1,:)); matches(:,i) = []; [c i] = intersect( matches(2,:), OccluedMatches(2,:)); matches(:,i) = []; matches = [matches OccluedMatches]; else disp('Number of Occlumatches used') size( OccluedMatches,2) % removing initial matches that inconsistent with OccluedMatches [c i] = intersect( matches(1,:), OccluedMatches(1,:)); matches(:,i) = []; [c i] = intersect( matches(2,:), OccluedMatches(2,:)); matches(:,i) = []; NumInitialMatches = size(matches, 2); matches = [matches OccluedMatches]; if isempty(matches) disp('Zeros Surf matches'); fail = 1; return; end % 3) Construct Prior Dist for All matches NMatches = size(matches, 2); PriorDist = ones(1, NMatches); PriorDist( (NumInitialMatches+1):end) = UniqueRatio; % 4) RANSAC disp('Number of matches used') if defaultPara.Flag.StorageDataBeforeRansac disp('Storage Data Before Ransac'); save([defaultPara.Fdir '/data/DataBeforeRansac.mat']); % return; end % Ensemble method to determine confidence of inliers fittingfn = @fundmatrix; distfnEnsmble = @fundistEnsmble; degenfn = @isdegenerate; x = [[f1(:, matches(1,:)); ones(1, NMatches)]; [f2(:, matches(2,:)); ones(1, NMatches)]]; [ SampsonDist ] = EnsembleRansac(defaultPara, x, fittingfn, distfnEnsmble, degenfn, 8, PriorDist', min(NMatches*10, defaultPara.MAXEnsembleSamples), 0); kurtosisValue =kurtosis(SampsonDist'); [F0, inliers, NewDist, fail, ind]=GeneralRansac(defaultPara, f1, f2, matches, [], [], kurtosisValue', 8); figure(100); plotmatches(I1,I2,f1, f2,matches(:,inliers), 'Stacking', 'h', 'Interactive', 3); matches = matches(:,inliers); % accept the pruning result if isempty(matches) disp('Zeros After Ransac matches'); fail = 2; return; end end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Apply Bundle Adjustment Refinment Algorithm to Prune the Matches further ----------- % And Estimated the Pose % 1) initialize the 3D position of the matches given Prior Pose and Depths x_calib = [ inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1)*[ f1(:,matches(1,:)); ones(1,size(matches,2))];... inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)*[ f2(:,matches(2,:)); ones(1,size(matches,2))]]; % Estimate F using NonLine LS on every inlier MatchDensityWeights1 = CalMatchDensityWeights(f1(:,matches(1,:)), max(size(I1))/defaultPara.radius2imageSizeRatio); MatchDensityWeights2 = CalMatchDensityWeights(f2(:,matches(2,:)), max(size(I2))/defaultPara.radius2imageSizeRatio); MatchDensityWeights =mean([MatchDensityWeights1; MatchDensityWeights2], 1); F = getFnpt( F0, f1(:, matches(1,:))', f2(:, matches(2,:))', MatchDensityWeights); E = defaultPara.InrinsicK2'*F*defaultPara.InrinsicK1; % Camera essential Matrix if ~isempty(PriorPose) [ R0, T0, lamda1, lamda2, inlier, Error] = EstPose( defaultPara, E, x_calib, [], PriorPose.R(1:3,:)); else [ R0, T0, lamda1, lamda2, inlier, Error] = EstPose( defaultPara, E, x_calib, [], []); end T0 = [T0; - R0'*T0]; R0 = [R0; R0']; matches = matches(:,inlier); % delet matches give negative depths x_calib = x_calib(:,inlier); lamda1 = lamda1(inlier); lamda2 = lamda2(inlier); X_obj_1 = x_calib(1:3,:).*repmat(lamda1, 3, 1); X_obj_2 = R0(4:6,:)*(x_calib(4:6,:).*repmat(lamda2, 3, 1)) + repmat(T0(4:6), 1, size(matches,2)); X_obj = (X_obj_1+X_obj_2)/2; % 2) [R T X_obj_BA X_im_BA dist1_BA dist2_BA]=SparseBAWraper(defaultPara, R0(1:3,:), T0(1:3), [f1(:,matches(1,:)); f2(:,matches(2,:))], X_obj, [ ImgInfo1 ImgInfo2], 1); if false % Min Modified for not pruning using BundleAdjustment if all(isnan( dist1_BA)) || isempty(R) || any(isnan(R(:))) disp('BA failed'); fail = 3; return; end while length(X_im_BA) >= defaultPara.MinimumNumMatches disp('BundleAdjClean') outlier_thre1 = prctile(dist1_BA,90); outlier_thre2 = prctile(dist2_BA,90); if outlier_thre1 >= defaultPara.ReProjErrorThre || outlier_thre2 >= defaultPara.ReProjErrorThre Outlier = dist1_BA > outlier_thre1 | dist2_BA > outlier_thre2; matches(:,Outlier) = []; if isempty(matches) disp('Zeros After BA matches'); fail = 4; return; end lamda1(Outlier) = []; lamda2(Outlier) = []; X_obj_BA(:,Outlier) = []; x_calib(:,Outlier) = []; [R T X_obj_BA X_im_BA dist1_BA dist2_BA]=SparseBAWraper(defaultPara, R, T, [f1(:,matches(1,:)); f2(:,matches(2,:))], X_obj_BA, [ ImgInfo1 ImgInfo2], 1); if all(isnan( dist1_BA)) || isempty(R) || any(isnan(R(:))) disp('BA failed'); fail = 5; return; end else break; end end end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Triangulation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % modified the x_calib tempf1 = X_im_BA(1:2,:); tempf2 = X_im_BA(3:4,:); x_calib = [ inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1)*[ tempf1; ones(1,length(tempf1))];... inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)*[ tempf2; ones(1,length(tempf2))]]; [ lamda1 lamda2 Error] = triangulation( defaultPara, R, T, x_calib); % Clean outlier triangulated depth %LamdaOutlier = lamda1 > 1000 | lamda1 <1; %matches(:,LamdaOutlier) = []; %if isempty(matches) % disp('Zeros After Tri matches'); % fail = 6; % return; %end %lamda1(LamdaOutlier) = []; %lamda2(LamdaOutlier) = []; %x_calib(:,LamdaOutlier) = []; % Pair Image Depth Scale [D1 IND1] = PorjPosi2Depth(size(I1), size(ImgInfo1.Model.Depth.FitDepth), f1(:,matches(1,:)), ImgInfo1.Model.Depth.FitDepth); [D2 IND2] = PorjPosi2Depth(size(I2), size(ImgInfo2.Model.Depth.FitDepth), f2(:,matches(2,:)), ImgInfo2.Model.Depth.FitDepth); Depth1ProjDepthRatio = sqrt(sum(x_calib(1:3,:).^2, 1)); Depth2ProjDepthRatio = sqrt(sum(x_calib(4:6,:).^2, 1)); DProj1 = D1./Depth1ProjDepthRatio; DProj2 = D2./Depth2ProjDepthRatio; [DepthScale1] = UniformDepthScale( defaultPara, DProj1, lamda1, ones(1,length(lamda1))); [DepthScale2] = UniformDepthScale( defaultPara, DProj2, lamda2, ones(1,length(lamda2)) ); %if DepthScale1 > 20 | DepthScale1 <0.05 | DepthScale2 > 20 | DepthScale2 <0.05 %//Min used to use 10 and 0.2 % disp('Unrealistic in Rescaleing the depth, Check matchings'); % fail = 6; % return; %end Pair.lamda = [lamda1; lamda2];%//Min add for debug Pair.DepthScale = [DepthScale1; DepthScale2]; Pair.R = R; Pair.T = T; Pair.Xim = [f1(:,matches(1,:)); f2(:,matches(2,:))]; % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------