% * This code was used in the following articles: % * [1] Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng, % * In ICCV workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (3dRR-07), 2007. % * (best paper) % * [2] 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng, % * In ICCV workshop on Virtual Representations and Modeling % * of Large-scale environments (VRML), 2007. % * [3] 3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng. % * International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Aug 2007. % * [6] Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng. % * In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 18, 2005. % * % * These articles are available at: % * http://make3d.stanford.edu/publications % * % * We request that you cite the papers [1], [3] and [6] in any of % * your reports that uses this code. % * Further, if you use the code in image3dstiching/ (multiple image version), % * then please cite [2]. % * % * If you use the code in third_party/, then PLEASE CITE and follow the % * LICENSE OF THE CORRESPONDING THIRD PARTY CODE. % * % * Finally, this code is for non-commercial use only. For further % * information and to obtain a copy of the license, see % * % * http://make3d.stanford.edu/publications/code % * % * Also, the software distributed under the License is distributed on an % * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either % * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing % * permissions and limitations under the License. % * % */ function [PointPix1 PointDepth1 TargetIND1 POriReprojM1 FieldOccluPix1 OcluedDist1 OccluedFaceSetIND1 FieldFaceSetIDRemained1... PointPix2 PointDepth2 TargetIND2 POriReprojM2 FieldOccluPix2 OcluedDist2 OccluedFaceSetIND2 FieldFaceSetIDRemained2]=... FindOccluPair(defaultPara, ModelInfo1, ModelInfo2, Pair, GlobalScale, SurfFlag) % Function find the closed occlu point and output a region on epipolar line % to search for dense match % Hacking Fix Parameters ============================== Default.fy = 2400.2091651084; Default.fx = 2407.3312729885838; Default.Ox = 1110.7122391785729;%2272/2; % Default.Oy = 833.72104535435108;%1704/2; % Default.a_default = 2272/Default.fx; %0.70783777; %0.129; % horizontal physical size of image plane normalized to focal length (in meter) Default.b_default = 1704/Default.fy; %0.946584169;%0.085; % vertical physical size of image plane normalized to focal length (in meter) Default.Ox_default = 1-Default.Ox/2272;%0.489272914; % camera origin offset from the image center in horizontal direction Default.Oy_default = 1-Default.Oy/1704;%0.488886982; % camera origin offset from the image center in vertical direction [Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth] = size(ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth); % ===================================================== % loading Image Img1 = ModelInfo1.ExifInfo.IDName; I1 = imreadbw([defaultPara.Fdir '/pgm/' Img1 '.pgm']); Img2 = ModelInfo2.ExifInfo.IDName; I2 = imreadbw([defaultPara.Fdir '/pgm/' Img2 '.pgm']); [Iy1 Ix1] = size(I1); [DepthY1 DepthX1] = size(ModelInfo1.Model.Depth.FitDepth); [Iy2 Ix2] = size(I2); [DepthY2 DepthX2] = size(ModelInfo2.Model.Depth.FitDepth); % Proper Scaling the Depth 3-d Position and PlaneParameters (all in global scale) ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.PlanePara = ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.PlanePara/GlobalScale(1); ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth = ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth*GlobalScale(1); ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited = permute( ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited*GlobalScale(1),[ 3 1 2]); ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.PlanePara = ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.PlanePara/GlobalScale(2); ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth = ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth*GlobalScale(1); ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited = permute( ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited*GlobalScale(2),[ 3 1 2]); % correct negative z positiom ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited(3,:) = -ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited(3,:); ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited(3,:) = -ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited(3,:); % Define possible mathcing point pool % SurfPoint (surfFeatures that haven't been matches) % FaceSetPoint (Point that compose the FaceSet in Wrl) % Specify both Point in image Pixel position and their Index % (Match index for Surf Features, DepthMap index for FaceSet) % initalize FaceSetPoint--------------------- % ================Min to do: change to FaceSet base not Point base FaceSetPickedIND1 = setdiff( 1:prod([DepthY1 DepthX1]), ... find(ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.SupOri == 0)); % used the ful index except the FaceSet Points that will not rendered % ================================================================ Ray = ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Ray; RR =permute(Ray,[2 3 1]); temp = RR(:,:,1:2)./repmat(RR(:,:,3),[1 1 2]); FaceSetPoint1 = permute(temp./repmat(cat(3,Default.a_default,Default.b_default),[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1])+... repmat(cat(3,Default.Ox_default,Default.Oy_default),[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1]),[3 1 2]); FaceSetPoint1(2,:) = 1- FaceSetPoint1(2,:); FaceSetPoint1 = FaceSetPoint1(:,:).*repmat([Ix1; Iy1],1,length(FaceSetPoint1(:,:))); %FaceSetPoint1 = FaceSetPoint1(:,FaceSetPickedIND1); % ================Min to do: change to FaceSet base not Point base (add July 4th) FaceSetPickedIND2 = setdiff( 1:prod([DepthY2 DepthX2]), ... find(ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.SupOri == 0)); % used the ful index except the FaceSet Points that will not rendered % ================================================================ Ray = ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Ray; RR =permute(Ray,[2 3 1]); temp = RR(:,:,1:2)./repmat(RR(:,:,3),[1 1 2]); FaceSetPoint2 = permute(temp./repmat(cat(3,Default.a_default,Default.b_default),[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1])+... repmat(cat(3,Default.Ox_default,Default.Oy_default),[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1]),[3 1 2]); FaceSetPoint2(2,:) = 1- FaceSetPoint2(2,:); FaceSetPoint2 = FaceSetPoint2(:,:).*repmat([Ix2; Iy2],1,length(FaceSetPoint2(:,:))); %FaceSetPoint2 = FaceSetPoint2(:,FaceSetPickedIND2); % ------------------------------------------------ % initialize SurfPoint--------------- if SurfFlag [SurfPoint1] = readSurf(Img1, defaultPara.Fdir, 'Dense'); % original features [SurfPoint2] = readSurf(Img2, defaultPara.Fdir, 'Dense'); % original features % Modified the ModelInfo to have the structure with the same number of SurfPoint ModelInfo1_surf = ModelInfo1; [SurfPoint2DepthMapApproxIND1] = ProjPosi2Mask( [Iy1 Ix1], [DepthY1 DepthX1], SurfPoint1); x_calib_1 = inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1)*[ SurfPoint1; ones(1,size(SurfPoint1,2))]; ray_1 = x_calib_1./repmat(sqrt( sum(x_calib_1.^2,1) ),3,1); Depth_1 = 1./sum( ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.PlanePara(:,ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Sup2Para(ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.SupEpand(SurfPoint2DepthMapApproxIND1))).*ray_1, 1); Position3d_1 = ray_1.*repmat(Depth_1,3,1); % modified the structure of FitDepth and Position3DFited ModelInfo1_surf.Model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth = Depth_1; ModelInfo1_surf.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited = Position3d_1; ModelInfo2_surf = ModelInfo2; [SurfPoint2DepthMapApproxIND2] = ProjPosi2Mask( [Iy2 Ix2], [DepthY2 DepthX2], SurfPoint2); x_calib_2 = inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)*[SurfPoint2; ones(1,length(SurfPoint2))]; ray_2 = x_calib_2./repmat(sqrt( sum(x_calib_2.^2,1) ),3,1); Depth_2 = 1./sum( ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.PlanePara(:,ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Sup2Para(ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.SupEpand(SurfPoint2DepthMapApproxIND2))).*ray_2, 1); Position3d_2 = ray_2.*repmat(Depth_2,3,1); % modified the structure of FitDepth and Position3DFited ModelInfo2_surf.Model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth = Depth_2; ModelInfo2_surf.Model.PlaneParaInfo.Position3DFited = Position3d_2; % get rid of matches SurfFeaturePoints (to aviod conflict in triangulation) SurfPickedIND1 = setdiff(1:size(SurfPoint1,2), Pair.matches(1,:)); % might use random pick surf Points if there are too many SurfPickedIND2 = setdiff(1:size(SurfPoint2,2), Pair.matches(2,:)); %SurfPoint1 = SurfPoint1(:,SurfPickedIND1); %SurfPoint2 = SurfPoint2(:,SurfPickedIND2); end % Region by picking Img1 T1_hat = [[0 -Pair.T(3) Pair.T(2)];... [Pair.T(3) 0 -Pair.T(1)];... [-Pair.T(2) Pair.T(1) 0]]; F1 = inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)'*T1_hat*Pair.R*inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1); if SurfFlag [POriReprojM1 TargetIND1 OccluedFaceSetIND1 FieldOccluPix1 OcluedDist1 FieldFaceSetIDRemained1] = ... FindOccluPoint(defaultPara, [Iy2 Ix2], I1, I2, F1, ... SurfPoint1(:,SurfPickedIND1), FaceSetPoint2(:,FaceSetPickedIND2), SurfPickedIND1, FaceSetPickedIND2, ... ModelInfo1_surf, ModelInfo2, Pair); PointPix1 = SurfPoint1(:,TargetIND1); PointDepth1 = Depth_1(TargetIND1); % Structure Define: % POriReprojM1 TargetIND1 OccluedFaceSetIND1 FieldOccluPix1 OcluedDist1 % -- all of the size that single ray pass through both FaceSet % OccluedFaceSetIND1 used in DepthMap size % "Notice" TargetIND1 is im surfFeature size else [POriReprojM1 TargetIND1 OccluedFaceSetIND1 FieldOccluPix1 OcluedDist1 FieldFaceSetIDRemained1] = ... FindOccluPoint(defaultPara, [Iy2 Ix2], I1, I2, F1, ... FaceSetPoint1(:,FaceSetPickedIND1), FaceSetPoint2(:,FaceSetPickedIND2), FaceSetPickedIND1, FaceSetPickedIND2, ... ModelInfo1, ModelInfo2, Pair); PointPix1 = FaceSetPoint1(:,TargetIND1); PointDepth1 = ModelInfo1.Model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth(TargetIND1); % Structure Define: % POriReprojM1 TargetIND1 OccluedFaceSetIND1 FieldOccluPix1 OcluedDist1 % -- all of the size that single ray pass through both FaceSet % OccluedFaceSetIND1 and TargetIND1 used in DepthMap size end save /afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/testE/OccluPointFind.mat % Region by picking Img2 Pair2.T = -Pair.R'*Pair.T; Pair2.R = Pair.R'; Pair2.Xim = Pair.Xim([3 4 1 2],:); if SurfFlag [POriReprojM2 TargetIND2 OccluedFaceSetIND2 FieldOccluPix2 OcluedDist2 FieldFaceSetIDRemained2] = ... FindOccluPoint(defaultPara, [Iy1 Ix1], I2, I1, F1', SurfPoint2(:,SurfPickedIND2), FaceSetPoint1(:,FaceSetPickedIND1), ... SurfPickedIND2, FaceSetPickedIND1, ModelInfo2_surf, ModelInfo1, Pair2); PointPix2 = SurfPoint2(:,TargetIND2); PointDepth2 = Depth_2(TargetIND2); % Structure Define: % POriReprojM2 TargetIND2 OccluedFaceSetIND2 FieldOccluPix2 OcluedDist2 % -- all of the size that single ray pass through both FaceSet % OccluedFaceSetIND2 used in DepthMap size % "Notice" TargetIND2 is im surfFeature size else [POriReprojM2 TargetIND2 OccluedFaceSetIND2 FieldOccluPix2 OcluedDist2 FieldFaceSetIDRemained2] = ... FindOccluPoint(defaultPara, [Iy1 Ix1], I2, I1, F1', FaceSetPoint2(:,FaceSetPickedIND2), FaceSetPoint1(:,FaceSetPickedIND1), ... FaceSetPickedIND2, FaceSetPickedIND1, ModelInfo2, ModelInfo1, Pair2); PointPix2 = FaceSetPoint2(:,TargetIND2); PointDepth2 = ModelInfo2.Model.PlaneParaInfo.FitDepth(TargetIND2); % Structure Define: %OccluedFaceSetIND2 used in DepthMap size end save /afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/testE/OccluPointFind.mat % Display if false %defaultPara.Flag.FindOcclu MaskPositiveDist1 = OccluDist1 >1; MaskPositiveDist2 = OccluDist2 >1; figure; MaxD1 = ones(1, sum(MaskPositiveDist1)); MinD1 = MaxD1; MaxD2 = ones(1, sum(MaskPositiveDist2)); MinD2 = MaxD2; dispMatchSearchRegin(I1, I2,[ PointPix1(:,MaskPositiveDist1); ones(1, sum(MaskPositiveDist1))], ... [ PointPix2(:,MaskPositiveDist2); ones(1, sum(MaskPositiveDist2))], ... Region1(:,MaskPositiveDist1), Region2(:,MaskPositiveDist2), F1, ... POriReprojM1(:,MaskPositiveDist1), MaxD1, PoccluM1(:,MaskPositiveDist1), MinD1, ... POriReprojM2(:,MaskPositiveDist2), MaxD2, PoccluM2(:,MaskPositiveDist2), MinD2, ... 0, 'Stacking', 'v', 'Interactive', 0); end