source: proiecte/pmake3d/make3d_original/Make3dSingleImageStanford_version0.1/image3dstiching/Inference/PairReInferenceSepRender.m @ 162

Last change on this file since 162 was 37, checked in by (none), 15 years ago

Added original make3d

File size: 13.3 KB
1% *  This code was used in the following articles:
2% *  [1] Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image,
3% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng,
4% *      In ICCV workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (3dRR-07), 2007.
5% *      (best paper)
6% *  [2] 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision,
7% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng,
8% *      In ICCV workshop on Virtual Representations and Modeling
9% *      of Large-scale environments (VRML), 2007.
10% *  [3] 3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image,
11% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng.
12% *      International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Aug 2007.
13% *  [6] Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images,
14% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng.
15% *      In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 18, 2005.
16% *
17% *  These articles are available at:
18% *
19% *
20% *  We request that you cite the papers [1], [3] and [6] in any of
21% *  your reports that uses this code.
22% *  Further, if you use the code in image3dstiching/ (multiple image version),
23% *  then please cite [2].
24% * 
25% *  If you use the code in third_party/, then PLEASE CITE and follow the
27% *
28% *  Finally, this code is for non-commercial use only.  For further
29% *  information and to obtain a copy of the license, see
30% *
31% *
32% *
33% *  Also, the software distributed under the License is distributed on an
35% *  express or implied.   See the License for the specific language governing
36% *  permissions and limitations under the License.
37% *
38% */
39function [defaultPara ImgInfo] = PairReInferenceSepRender(defaultPara, Pair, ImgInfo, FlagFirstPair)
41% This function is the meta function of 2 decompose inference
42% Input:
43%       defaultPara - camera intrinsic parameters
44%       Pair - Pair image info- matches camera extrinsic
45%       ImgInfo - Sup, Ray, MultiScaleSup, SupNeighbor, Depth, Constrain (previous)
46% Return:
47%       ImgInfo - add new Constrain
48% initialize parameter
49NegI = diag([1 1 -1]);
50NumMatches = length(Pair.Xim);
51Img1 = ImgInfo(1).ExifInfo.IDName;
52Img2 = ImgInfo(2).ExifInfo.IDName;
53I1=imreadbw([defaultPara.Fdir '/pgm/' Img1 '.pgm']); % function from sift
54I2=imreadbw([defaultPara.Fdir '/pgm/' Img2 '.pgm']); % function from sift
56% ==========================================================
57% ConStrain generation
58% 1) Triangulated Depth
59x_calib = [ inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK1)*[ Pair.Xim(1:2,:); ones(1, NumMatches)];...
60              inv(defaultPara.InrinsicK2)*[ Pair.Xim(3:4,:); ones(1, NumMatches)]];
61TriDepth1 = Pair.lamda(1,:);
62TriDepth2 = Pair.lamda(2,:);
64% ================= important check scaling stanford ===============
65ScaleImg = size(I1);
66ScaleDepth = size(ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.FitDepth);
67[IND1] = ProjPosi2Mask( ScaleImg, ScaleDepth, Pair.Xim([1 2],:));
68%StichedDeph1 = ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.RawDepth(IND1);
69StichedDeph1 = ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.FitDepth(IND1);%Min used FitDepth July 1st
70if mean(abs(StichedDeph1 - TriDepth1)) < mean( abs( StichedDeph1*Pair.DepthScale(1) - TriDepth1))
71    ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.FitDepth = ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.FitDepth/Pair.DepthScale(1);
72    ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.RawDepth = ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.RawDepth/Pair.DepthScale(1);
73    disp('Wrong Scaling');
76ScaleImg = size(I2);
77ScaleDepth = size(ImgInfo(2).Model.Depth.FitDepth);
78[IND2] = ProjPosi2Mask( ScaleImg, ScaleDepth, Pair.Xim([3 4],:));
79%StichedDeph2 = ImgInfo(2).Model.Depth.RawDepth(IND2);
80StichedDeph2 = ImgInfo(2).Model.Depth.FitDepth(IND2);%Min used FitDepth July 1st
81if mean(abs(StichedDeph2 - TriDepth2)) < mean( abs( StichedDeph2*Pair.DepthScale(2) - TriDepth2))
82    ImgInfo(2).Model.Depth.FitDepth = ImgInfo(2).Model.Depth.FitDepth/Pair.DepthScale(2);
83    ImgInfo(2).Model.Depth.RawDepth = ImgInfo(2).Model.Depth.RawDepth/Pair.DepthScale(2);
84    disp('Wrong Scaling');   
86% ==================================================================
87RayNormfactor1 = sqrt( sum(x_calib(1:3,:).^2,1));
88RayNormfactor2 = sqrt( sum(x_calib(4:6,:).^2,1));
89if FlagFirstPair
90        % 2) Ground orientaion and level
91        [GroundLevel] = CalGroundLevel(defaultPara, ImgInfo, Pair);
93    GroundLevel = LoadModelStatus(defaultPara.Fdir, defaultPara.Wrlname, Img1, 'GroundLevel');
96[D1 IND1] = PorjPosi2Depth(size(I1), size(ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.FitDepth), Pair.Xim(1:2,:), ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.FitDepth); % Need IND1
97[D2 IND2] = PorjPosi2Depth(size(I2), size(ImgInfo(2).Model.Depth.FitDepth), Pair.Xim(3:4,:), ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.FitDepth); % Need IND2
98clear I1 I2;
100% ==== General Parameters ===============
101Default.RenderFlag =  defaultPara.RenderFlag;
102[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth] = size(ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.FitDepth);
103Default.fy = 2400.2091651084;
104Default.fx = 2407.3312729885838;
105Default.Ox = 1110.7122391785729;%2272/2; %
106Default.Oy = 833.72104535435108;%1704/2; %
107Default.a_default = 2272/Default.fx; %0.70783777; %0.129; % horizontal physical size of image plane normalized to focal length (in meter)
108Default.b_default = 1704/Default.fy; %0.946584169;%0.085; % vertical physical size of image plane normalized to focal length (in meter)
109Default.Ox_default = 1-Default.Ox/2272;%0.489272914; % camera origin offset from the image center in horizontal direction
110Default.Oy_default = 1-Default.Oy/1704;%0.488886982; % camera origin offset from the image center in vertical direction
111Default.MinTriEffectPercent = 5; % 5 % higher the CoPlaner term
112Default.FarestTriDist = 20;%0.1; % unit in pixel; 1 still too samll
113%Default.TriCountSupThre = 15;
114Default.TriCountSupThre = size(ImgInfo(1).Model.Constrain.RayMatche,1)*0.1;
115% ========================================== First Model
116    % highly changable
117    Default.OutPutFolder = [ defaultPara.OutPutFolder Img1 '/'];
118    Default.ScratchFolder = Default.OutPutFolder;
119    Default.Wrlname{1} = [defaultPara.Wrlname '_' Img1];
120    Default.Flag.AfterInferenceStorage = 0;
122    AappendOpt = 0; % not append since generate seperate .wrl files
123    ASupMatched = ImgInfo(1).Model.Sup(IND1)';
124    mask = ASupMatched == 0;
125    ASupMatched(mask)=[];
126    ARayMatched = (x_calib(1:3,:)./(repmat( RayNormfactor1,3,1)))';
127    ARayMatched(mask,:) = [];
128    ADepth_modified = TriDepth1.*RayNormfactor1/Pair.DepthScale(1); % /Pair.DepthScale(1) bing to Ori_scale
129    ADepth_modified(:,mask) = [];
130    Aconstrain.RayMatched = ImgInfo(1).Model.Constrain.RayMatche;
131    Aconstrain.Depth_modified = ImgInfo(1).Model.Constrain.Depth_modified;
132    Aconstrain.SupMatched = ImgInfo(1).Model.Constrain.SupMatched;
133    ASup = ImgInfo(1).Model.Sup;
134    ASupOri = ASup;
135    AdepthMap = ImgInfo(1).Model.Depth.RawDepth; % or RawDepth
136    ARayOri = ImgInfo(1).Model.Ray;
137    ARayAll = ARayOri;
138    ASupNeighborTable = ImgInfo(1).Model.SupNeighborTable;
139    AmaskSky = ImgInfo(1).Model.maskSky;
140    AmaskG = ImgInfo(1).Model.maskG;
141    AMultiScaleSupTable = ImgInfo(1).Model.MultiScaleSupTable;
143    Default.filename{1} = [ strrep(ImgInfo(1), '.jpg','') '_']; % Min Modified Aug 18th
144%    Default.filename{1} = ['../' strrep(ImgInfo(1), '.jpg','')];
145% =====================Meta Model Building =================
146if FlagFirstPair
147        Rotation = defaultPara.R;
148        Translation = defaultPara.T;
149        UniScale = defaultPara.Scale;
151        Rotation = LoadModelStatus( defaultPara.Fdir, defaultPara.Wrlname, Img1, 'R');
152        Translation = LoadModelStatus( defaultPara.Fdir, defaultPara.Wrlname, Img1, 'T');
153        UniScale = LoadModelStatus(defaultPara.Fdir, defaultPara.Wrlname, Img1, 'Scale');
156% first Img1
157Path = [ defaultPara.OutPutFolder defaultPara.Wrlname '.wrl'];
158InLinePath = ['./'  Img1 '/' Default.Wrlname{1} '.wrl'];
159R = Rotation;
160  % Possibly to be wrong ==========
161%       Angle = recoverAlphasFromU(reshape(R,1,[]));   
162%       Q = GetQauternionFrom2Rotation(zeros(3,1), Angle, false);%[1 0 0 0]';
163Q = Rotation2Q(NegI*R*NegI);% for Wrl (-) z component;
164if any(isnan(Q))
165    Q = zeros(4,1);
167  % ===============================     
168T = Translation;
169WRLT = T;
170WRLT(3) = -WRLT(3);% for Wrl (-) z component;
171Scale = UniScale;
172BuildVrmlMetaModel(FlagFirstPair, defaultPara.OutPutFolder, Path, InLinePath, Q, WRLT, repmat(Scale,3,1));
173% ============================================================
174    if true
175     [ ImgInfo(1).Model.PlaneParaInfo] = PlaneParaMRFTriangulateOneShot( Default, Rotation, Translation, AappendOpt, ...
176                           [ ARayMatched; Aconstrain.RayMatched],...
177                           [ ADepth_modified Aconstrain.Depth_modified]',...
178                           [ ASupMatched; Aconstrain.SupMatched],...
179                           [ ], [ ], [ ], [],...
180                           ASup, ASupOri, [], AdepthMap, zeros(size(AdepthMap)), ARayOri, ARayAll, ...
181                           ASupNeighborTable, [], AmaskSky, AmaskG,...
182                           'cvx_allL1Norm',1,...
183                           [], [], AMultiScaleSupTable, [], [], [], false, Scale, Rotation, GroundLevel);% eye(3), GroundLevel might be wrong //Min check
184    end
186    % Important Storage the Triangulated info in local scale
187    ImgInfo(1).Model.Constrain.RayMatche = [ ARayMatched; Aconstrain.RayMatched];
188    ImgInfo(1).Model.Constrain.Depth_modified = [ ADepth_modified Aconstrain.Depth_modified];
189    ImgInfo(1).Model.Constrain.SupMatched = [ ASupMatched; Aconstrain.SupMatched];
190    model = ImgInfo(1).Model;
191    ImgName = strrep(ImgInfo(1),'.jpg','');
192    save( [defaultPara.ScratchFolder ImgName '/' defaultPara.Wrlname '_' ImgName '_NonMono.mat'], 'model'); % add prefix defaultPara.Wrlname to distinguish model
193% =================================== Second Model
194    Default.OutPutFolder = [ defaultPara.OutPutFolder Img2 '/'];
195    Default.ScratchFolder = Default.OutPutFolder;
196    Default.Wrlname{1} = [defaultPara.Wrlname '_' Img2];
197    Default.Flag.AfterInferenceStorage = 0;
199    Default.RenderFlag =  1;%defaultPara.LastImgFlag;//Min changed to render anyway
200    AappendOpt = 0; % not append since generate seperate .wrl files
201    ASupMatched = ImgInfo(2).Model.Sup(IND2)';
202    mask = ASupMatched == 0;
203    ASupMatched(mask)=[];
204    ARayMatched = (x_calib(4:6,:)./(repmat( RayNormfactor2,3,1)))';
205    ARayMatched(mask,:) = [];
206    ADepth_modified = TriDepth2.*RayNormfactor2/Pair.DepthScale(2);% /Pair.DepthScale(2) Bing to Ori_Scale
207    ADepth_modified(:,mask) = [];
208    Aconstrain.RayMatched = ImgInfo(2).Model.Constrain.RayMatche;
209    Aconstrain.Depth_modified = ImgInfo(2).Model.Constrain.Depth_modified;
210    Aconstrain.SupMatched = ImgInfo(2).Model.Constrain.SupMatched;
211    ASup = ImgInfo(2).Model.Sup;
212    ASupOri = ASup;
213    AdepthMap = ImgInfo(2).Model.Depth.RawDepth; % or RawDepth
214    ARayOri = ImgInfo(2).Model.Ray;
215    ARayAll = ARayOri;
216    ASupNeighborTable = ImgInfo(2).Model.SupNeighborTable;
217    AmaskSky = ImgInfo(2).Model.maskSky;
218    AmaskG = ImgInfo(2).Model.maskG;
219    AMultiScaleSupTable = ImgInfo(2).Model.MultiScaleSupTable;
221    Default.filename{1} = [ strrep(ImgInfo(2), '.jpg','') '_']; % Min Modified Aug 18th
222%    Default.filename{1} = ['../' strrep(ImgInfo(2), '.jpg','')];
223% ========Add model or modify model in Global Meta Model file=================
224% Second Img2
225Path = [ defaultPara.OutPutFolder defaultPara.Wrlname '.wrl'];
226InLinePath = ['./'  Img2 '/' Default.Wrlname{1} '.wrl'];
227R = Rotation*Pair.R';
228Q = Rotation2Q(NegI*R*NegI);
229if any(isnan(Q))
230    Q = zeros(4,1);
232  % ===============================     
233T = Translation + Rotation*(-Pair.R'*(Pair.T/Pair.DepthScale(1)*UniScale ));
234WRLT = T;
235WRLT(3) = -WRLT(3);% for Wrl (-) z component;
236Scale = Pair.DepthScale(2)/Pair.DepthScale(1)*UniScale;
237BuildVrmlMetaModel(0, defaultPara.OutPutFolder, Path, InLinePath, Q, WRLT, repmat(Scale,3,1));
238% ============================================================================true
239if true;%Default.RenderFlag % Since using inline to link VRML render it anyway
240     [ ImgInfo(2).Model.PlaneParaInfo] = PlaneParaMRFTriangulateOneShot( Default, R, T, AappendOpt, ...
241                           [ ARayMatched; Aconstrain.RayMatched],...
242                           [ ADepth_modified Aconstrain.Depth_modified]',...
243                           [ ASupMatched; Aconstrain.SupMatched],...
244                           [ ], [ ], [ ], [],...
245                           ASup, ASupOri, [], AdepthMap, zeros(size(AdepthMap)), ARayOri, ARayAll, ...
246                           ASupNeighborTable, [], AmaskSky, AmaskG,...
247                           'cvx_allL1Norm',1,...
248                           [], [], AMultiScaleSupTable, [], [], [], false, Scale, R, GroundLevel); % eye(3), GroundLevel might be wrong //Min check
251    % Important Storage the Triangulated info in local scale
252    ImgInfo(2).Model.Constrain.RayMatche = [ ARayMatched; Aconstrain.RayMatched];
253    ImgInfo(2).Model.Constrain.Depth_modified = [ ADepth_modified Aconstrain.Depth_modified];
254    ImgInfo(2).Model.Constrain.SupMatched = [ ASupMatched; Aconstrain.SupMatched];
255    model = ImgInfo(2).Model;
256    ImgName = strrep(ImgInfo(2),'.jpg','');
257    save( [defaultPara.ScratchFolder ImgName '/' defaultPara.Wrlname '_' ImgName '_NonMono.mat'], 'model');% add prefix defaultPara.Wrlname to distinguish model
260% Save GroundLevel, R, T, and, Scale info in /data/ModelStatus for adding
261% new  image into the current model
262SaveModelSatus( defaultPara, defaultPara.Wrlname, {Img1,Img2}, GroundLevel, R, T, Scale, FlagFirstPair)
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