source: proiecte/pmake3d/make3d_original/Make3dSingleImageStanford_version0.1/LearningCode/Inference/ReportPlaneParaMRF_Conditioned.m @ 98

Last change on this file since 98 was 37, checked in by (none), 15 years ago

Added original make3d

File size: 42.7 KB
1% *  This code was used in the following articles:
2% *  [1] Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image,
3% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng,
4% *      In ICCV workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (3dRR-07), 2007.
5% *      (best paper)
6% *  [2] 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision,
7% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng,
8% *      In ICCV workshop on Virtual Representations and Modeling
9% *      of Large-scale environments (VRML), 2007.
10% *  [3] 3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image,
11% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng.
12% *      International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Aug 2007.
13% *  [6] Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images,
14% *      Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng.
15% *      In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 18, 2005.
16% *
17% *  These articles are available at:
18% *
19% *
20% *  We request that you cite the papers [1], [3] and [6] in any of
21% *  your reports that uses this code.
22% *  Further, if you use the code in image3dstiching/ (multiple image version),
23% *  then please cite [2].
24% * 
25% *  If you use the code in third_party/, then PLEASE CITE and follow the
27% *
28% *  Finally, this code is for non-commercial use only.  For further
29% *  information and to obtain a copy of the license, see
30% *
31% *
32% *
33% *  Also, the software distributed under the License is distributed on an
35% *  express or implied.   See the License for the specific language governing
36% *  permissions and limitations under the License.
37% *
38% */
39function  ReportPlaneParaMRF_Conditioned(Default, Sup, SupOri,depthMap,VarMapRaw, ...
40                RayOri, Ray, SupNeighborTable, maskSky,maskG, MultiScaleSupTable, ...
41                StraightLineTable);
42% This function runs the RMF over the plane parameter of each superpixels
44% Input:
45% Default- all default parameters
46% Sup - Superpixel, in 2-d matrix.
47% SupOri - original superpixel before cleaning
48% DepthMap - DepthMap from Learning or coarse measuring
49% VarMap - confidance for DepthMap (latest algo VarMap used simply one since the learning not generalized well)
50% RayOri - Rays without stiching to the boundary.
51% Ray - rays after stiching
52% SupNeighborTable - A lookup table for superpixels' neighbors (2-d sparse matrix)
53% maskSky - Sky mask
54% maskG - Ground mask
55% MultiScaleSupTable - multiple scale segmentation, used to define the weights betwenn the stiching terms.
56% StraightLineTable - straight line stiching, (not used in this version, but might be very usefulif implemented).
58% ------------------------------------------Finish Input Definition ------------------------------------------------
59% Parameter setting
60% 1) Functional parameters
61FlagRemoveVerticalSupport = 1; % Enable Removing Vertical Support Depth at the second inference (risky if occluded)
62FlagEnableVarMap = 0; % Disabled
63gravity =true; % if true, apply the HoriConf and VertConf linear scale weight
64CoPST = true; % if true, apply the Straight line prior as the Co-Planar constrain
65% ============= Magic Number =============
66StickHori = 5;  %0.1; % sticking power in horizontal direction
67StickVert = 10;     % sticking power in vertical direction
68Center = 2; % Co-Planar weight at the Center of each superpixel
69HoriConf = 1; % set the confidant of the learned depth at the middle in Horizontal direction of the image
70VertConf = 0.01; % set the confidant of the learned depth at the top of the image
71BandWith = 1; % Nov29 1 Nov30 0.1 check result change to 0.1 12/1 0.1 lost detail
72ClosestDist = 1; % define the closest distance that the MRF allows
73FarestDist = 1.5*median(depthMap(:)); % tried on university % nogood effect but keep it since usually it the rangelike this   % change to 1.5 for church       
74% The hand-tuned 14 dimensional vector correspose to the weights of 14 multiple segmentation
75if ~isempty(MultiScaleSupTable)
76        MultiScaleFlag = true;  % multiple segmentaition hypothesis
77        WeiV = 2*ones(1,size(MultiScaleSupTable,2)-1);
79        MultiScaleFlag = false;
80        WeiV = 1;
82WeiV(1,1:2:end) = 6; % emphasize the middle scale three times smaller than large scale
83WeiV = WeiV./sum(WeiV);% normalize if pair of superpixels have same index in all the scale, their weight will be 10
84ShiftStick = -.1;  % between -1 and 0, more means more smoothing.
85ShiftCoP = -.5;  % between -1 and 0, more means more smoothing.
86 % =========================================================================
87% If you go up in the vertical direction in the image, the weights change in the vertical direction.
88groundThreshold = cos([ zeros(1, Default.VertYNuDepth - ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/2)+10) ...
89                                linspace(0,15,ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/2)-10)]*pi/180);
90%  v1 15 v2 20 too big v3 20 to ensure non misclassified as ground.
91%  verticalThreshold = cos(linspace(5,55,Default.VertYNuDepth)*pi/180); % give a vector of size 55 in top to down :
92verticalThreshold = cos([ 5*ones(1,Default.VertYNuDepth - ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/2)) ...
93                                linspace(5,55,ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/2))]*pi/180);
94% give a vector of size 55 in top to down :
95% 50 means suface norm away from y axis more than 50 degree
96% =========================================================================
97ceiling = 0*Default.VertYNuDepth; % set the position of the ceiling, related to No plane coming back constrain % changed for newchurch
98% ^^^^^This number means the lowest row that planes may go back just like a ceiling
99% ============= End of Magic Number ======
101% 2) Opimization parameters
102% ============== parameters for the decomposition problem
103% Optimal parameters for current code:
104% For one machine: Sedumi: (1,1)        Lpsolve:(3,1)
105% Multiple machines: Sedumi: (4,1)      LPsolve:(3,1)
106% lpsolve running time is 22 seconds for (4,2) arrangement; but numerical
107% accuracy needs to be resolved first.
108XNuDecompose = 1; % up to 3 is stable     
109YNuDecompose = 1;
110% ============ parameters for the decomposition problem
111solverVerboseLevel = 0; % set to 1 if you need msg out when solving optimization problem
112NoSecondStep = 0; % set to 1 if only want first level opt = no second step of vertical and horizontal objective
114% 3) Debug and evaluation paramters
115ExtractRelationInfo = 1; % set to 1 if need to storage the coplanar and connectivity weight to analyze
117% 4) Rendering parameters
118GridFlag = 0; % set to 1 if the wrl need grid of the triangle overlay
120% ==========================End of parameter setting ====================================
121inferenceTime = tic;
122fprintf(['\n     : Building Matrices....       ']);
124% ======= intermediant Data =====================================================================
125% confidence of the supporting depth changes according to the row and column =========
126mapVert = linspace(VertConf,1,Default.VertYNuDepth); % modeling the gravity prior:  the topper the row is the lower the confidence of supporting depths
127mapHori = [linspace(HoriConf,1,round(Default.HoriXNuDepth/2)) fliplr(linspace(HoriConf,1,Default.HoriXNuDepth-round(Default.HoriXNuDepth/2)))];
128% the more peripheral column the lower the confidence of supporting depths
129% ====================================================================================
130% assign the confidance of the supporting depths
131if FlagEnableVarMap
132        VarMap = zeros( size(VarMapRaw));
134        VarMap = VarMapRaw;
136CleanedDepthMap = depthMap;
137CleanedDepthMap(depthMap>FarestDist) = NaN; % set the supporting depths ti NaN means that depth is not effective in OPT, so we simply ignore the depth which is too far
138Posi3D = im_cr2w_cr(CleanedDepthMap,permute(RayOri,[2 3 1])); % given the depth and ray as input, calculate the 3-d coordinate at each point.
140% Clean the Sup near sky
141maskSky = Sup == 0;
142maskSkyEroded = imerode(maskSky, strel('disk', 4) );
143SupEpand = ExpandSup2Sky(Sup,maskSkyEroded); % extend the sky using the cloesest Sup index, which mean the some part of the sky will be include in the sup but their supporting depth will not be used.
145NuSup = setdiff(unique(Sup)',0); % unique index of sup (not including sky index which is '0')
146NuSupSize = size(NuSup,2); % number of uniquew sup
148% Sup index and planeParameter index inverse map ======= useful tool======
149% since sup index is not continuous, but the Parameter index over sup is continuous. Sup2Para is the maping stand for sup index to Parameter index
150Sup2Para = sparse(1,max(Sup(:)));
151Sup2Para(NuSup) = 1:NuSupSize;
152% ========================================================================
154% =================please ignore here since StraightLineTable = [], NuLine = 0 ========
155% constructiion of the Straight line prior matrix Will be add in the CoPlane matrix
156NuLine = size(StraightLineTable,2);
157CoPSTList = [];
159% effectively not running the straight line constraint here.
160for i = 1:NuLine
161        L = StraightLineTable{i};
162        X = L(1:(end-1))';
163        Y = L(2:end)';
164        if isempty(X)
165                continue;
166        end
167        for j = 1:size(X,1)
168                if X(j)~=Y(j)
169                        CoPSTList = [CoPSTList; X(j) Y(j)];
170                end
171        end
173% Please ignore ===============================================================
175% ============end of generating intermediant Data ===============================================
177% Generate the Matrix for MRF ==============================================================
178PosiM = sparse(0,0); % supporting depth times ray terms
179VarM = sparse(0,0); % confidence terms
180RayAllM = sparse(0,0); % collection of every ray
182% keep record of the center of the sup is lower then the ceiling
183YPointer = []; % set to one if lower then the ceiling
184YPosition = []; % keep a record of the row of the center of the sup, useful when enforcing vertical and horizontal constrain
186for i = NuSup
187        mask = SupEpand ==i; % include the Ray that will be use to expand the NonSky
188        RayAllM = blkdiag( RayAllM, Ray(:,mask)'); % RayAllM will be putting on constrain of every ray that will be rendered, so should use SupEpand as mask
190        mask = Sup ==i; % Not include the Ray that will be use to expand the NonSky   
191        [yt x] = find(mask);
193        % find the center point of the sup
194        CenterX = round(median(x));
195        CenterY = round(median(yt));
197        % if CenterY is lower than ceiling, then set YPointer for that sup to 1 so that it will not come back like a ceiling
198        YPointer = [YPointer; CenterY >= ceiling];
200        % the horizontal and vertical enforcing in the second step OPT will depends on the height of the sup, so keep record of CenterY
201        YPosition = [YPosition; CenterY];
203        % Not building PosiM and VarM, have to get rid of NaN depths
204        mask(isnan(CleanedDepthMap)) = false;
205        SupNuPatch(i) = sum(mask(:));
207        % find the center point of the sup
208        [yt x] = find(mask); % notice VarM depends on the position of mask if gravity == 1
210        if ~all(mask(:)==0)
211                if gravity
212                        if any(CleanedDepthMap(mask) <=0)
213                                CleanedDepthMap(mask)
214                        end
215                        PosiM = blkdiag(PosiM,Posi3D(:,mask)');%.*repmat( mapVert(yt)',[1 3]).*repmat( mapHori(x)',[1 3]));
216                        VarM = [VarM; VarMap(mask).*(mapVert(yt)').*( mapHori(x)')];
217                else
218                        PosiM = blkdiag(PosiM,Posi3D(:,mask)');
219                        VarM = [VarM; VarMap(mask)];
220                end
221        else
222                PosiM = blkdiag(PosiM, Posi3D(:,mask)');
223                VarM = [VarM; VarMap(mask)];
224        end
226% set 0 to -1 since this will make the sup higher than the ceiling enforce to come back, if you do not want this just keep 0 as 0
227YPointer(YPointer==0) = -1;
229% buliding CoPlane Matrix=========================================================================
231% ===============please ignore here since CoPSTList = [], ===============
232NuSTList = 0;
233if CoPST
234        NuSTList = size(CoPSTList,1);
235        if ~isempty(CoPSTList)
236                [V H] = size(SupNeighborTable);
237                SupNeighborTable( CoPSTList(:,1)*V + CoPSTList(:,2)) = 1;
238        SupNeighborTable( CoPSTList(:,2)*V + CoPSTList(:,1)) = 1;
239        end
241% ================please ignore==============================================
243CoPM1 = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize);
244CoPM2 = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize);
245CoPEstDepth = sparse(0,0);
246CoPNorM = [];
247WeiCoP = [];
248if ExtractRelationInfo == 1
249        % keeps the Wei of the relational Coplanar term here
250        WeiM = sparse(max(NuSup),max(NuSup));
253for i = NuSup
254        % pick the i's neightbot using SupNeighborTable
255        Neighbor = find( SupNeighborTable(i,:) ~=0);
256        Neighbor = Neighbor( Neighbor> i);
257        % setup the relation between sup_i and sup_j since they are neighbors
258        for j = Neighbor
259                mask = Sup == i;
260                SizeMaskAll = sum(mask(:));
261                [y x] = find(mask);
262                % Coplanar term only use the center ray of each sup to enfore the cost
263                CenterX = round(median(x));
264                CenterY = round(median(y));
265                y = find(mask(:,CenterX));
266                if ~isempty(y)
267                        CenterY = round(median(y));
268                end
269                temp1 = sparse(1, 3*NuSupSize);
270                temp2 = sparse(1, 3*NuSupSize);
271                temp1(:,(Sup2Para( i)*3-2): Sup2Para( i)*3) = ...
272                      RayOri(:,CenterY,CenterX)';
273                temp2(:,(Sup2Para( j)*3-2): Sup2Para( j)*3) = ...
274                      RayOri(:,CenterY,CenterX)';
276                % assign wei for each pairs of neighbors
277                if MultiScaleFlag
278                        vector = (MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para( i),2:end) == MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para( j),2:end));
279                        expV = exp(-10*(WeiV*vector' + ShiftCoP) );
280                        wei = 1/(1+expV);
281                else
282                        wei = 1;
283                end
285                if ExtractRelationInfo == 1; % keep record
286                        WeiM(i,j) = wei;
287                end
289                oneRay1 = temp1*wei;
290                oneRay2 = temp2*wei;
292                tempWeiCoP = [SizeMaskAll];
293                CoPEstDepth = [CoPEstDepth; max(median(CleanedDepthMap(mask)),ClosestDist)];
295                mask = Sup == j;
296                SizeMaskAll = sum(mask(:));
297                [y x] = find(mask);
299                % Coplanar term only use the center ray of each sup to enfore the cost
300                CenterX = round(median(x));
301                CenterY = round(median(y));
302                y = find(mask(:,CenterX));
303                if ~isempty(y)
304                        CenterY = round(median(y));
305                end
307                temp1 = sparse(1, 3*NuSupSize);
308                temp2 = sparse(1, 3*NuSupSize);
309                temp1(:,(Sup2Para( i)*3-2): Sup2Para( i)*3) = ...
310                      RayOri(:,CenterY,CenterX)';
311                temp2(:,(Sup2Para( j)*3-2): Sup2Para( j)*3) = ...
312                      RayOri(:,CenterY,CenterX)';
314                % Instead of having separate L-1 terms for symmetric co-planar constraint; do the following:
315                % If the penaly was ||.||_2^2 + ||.||_2^2; then the co-efficients are
316                % some kind of average of two rays.  For one norm; we take its average.
317                % (do not divide by 2 because the penalty should be double.
319                CoPM1 = [CoPM1; temp1*wei + oneRay1 ];
320                CoPM2 = [CoPM2; temp2*wei + oneRay2 ];
322                tempWeiCoP = [tempWeiCoP; SizeMaskAll];
323                WeiCoP = [WeiCoP; tempWeiCoP];
324                CoPEstDepth = [CoPEstDepth; max(median(CleanedDepthMap(mask)),ClosestDist)];
325        end
328%== find the boundary point that might need to be stick ot each other==========================================
329HoriStickM_i = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize);
330HoriStickM_j = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize);
331HoriStickPointInd = [];
332EstDepHoriStick = [];
334MAX_POINTS_STITCH_HORI = 2;    % the actual code will be modified in another copy of the file
335MIN_POINTS_STITCH = 2;      % ERROR:  not used.
337% ================================================================
338% NOTE: The actual algorithm should be picking precisely 2 points which are
339% FARTHEST away from the candidate set of neighbors.  This algorithm
340% will ALWAYS work and produce no surprising results.
342% In some cases, one may experiment with picking only 1 point when the 2
343% points are too close ---- this will make the algorithm faster; but might
344% produce surprising (e.g. a triangle sticking out) sometimes.
345% An ideal algorithm will reduce the number of points by checking for loops
346% passing through 3 or less superpixels through this matrix; and removing
347% them such that the smallest loop passes through 4 superpixels. (see EE263
348% for a quick algorithm to do this -- involves product of matrices.
349% ==================================================================
352DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI_ONLYCOL = -0.5;    % effectively not used,
354% Ashutosh added to reduce linear dependancy of the objective =======
355SupPixelNeighborList = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) );
356SupPixelParsedList = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) );
357recordAdded1 = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) );
358recordAdded2 = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) );
359addedIndexList = [ ];
360% ===================================================================
362% locate sup boundary at horizontal and vertical dircetion only for stitching terms
363BounaryPHori = conv2(Sup,[1 -1],'same') ~=0;
364BounaryPHori(:,end) = 0;
365BounaryPVert = conv2(Sup,[1; -1],'same') ~=0;
366BounaryPVert(end,:) = 0;
368%    boundariesHoriIndex = find(BounaryPHori==1)';
369% pre-select the boundary in order with the NuSup order
370for l = NuSup
371        mask = Sup == l;
372        boundariesHoriIndex = find(BounaryPHori==1 & mask)';
373        for i = boundariesHoriIndex
374                j = i+Default.VertYNuDepth;
375                if Sup(i) == 0 || Sup(j) == 0
376                        continue;
377                end
378                SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) + 1;
380                if SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 0
381                        recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = i;     
382                elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) >= MAX_POINTS_STITCH_HORI
383                        continue;
384                elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 1  % inside this remove the close stiching terms
385                        rowN = ceil(i/55);      colN = rem(i,55);
386                        rowN_older = ceil( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55);
387                        colN_older = rem( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55);
388                        if abs(rowN - rowN_older) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI && ...
389                                abs(colN - colN_older) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI_ONLYCOL
390                                recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = i;
391                        else
392                                continue;
393                        end
394                elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 2     %Assuming MAX_POINTS_STITCH = 3
395                        rowN = ceil(i/55);      colN = rem(i,55);
396                        rowN_older1 = ceil( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55);
397                        colN_older1 = rem( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55);
398                        rowN_older2 = ceil( recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55);
399                        colN_older2 = rem( recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55);
401                        if abs(rowN - rowN_older1) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older1) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI && ...
402                                abs(rowN - rowN_older2) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older2) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI
403                                ;
404                        else
405                                continue;
406                        end   
407                end
409                % If you come here, it means you are probably adding it.
410                SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) + 1;
411                addedIndexList = [addedIndexList i];
412        end
415%%%%    this is supposed to be where the y and nu information are computed,
416%%%%    keep an eye on this.
418% after analysis finally add to HoriStickM_j
419WeightHoriNeighborStitch = [ ];
420for i = addedIndexList
421        j = i+Default.VertYNuDepth;
422        WeightHoriNeighborStitch = [WeightHoriNeighborStitch;  SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / ...
423                                    SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) ];
425        Target(1) = Sup2Para(Sup(i));
426        Target(2) = Sup2Para(Sup(j));
427        rayBoundary(:,1) =  RayOri(:,i);
428        rayBoundary(:,2) =  RayOri(:,i);
429        if MultiScaleFlag
430                vector = (MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(Sup(i)),2:end) == MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(Sup(j)),2:end));
431                expV = exp(-10*(WeiV*vector' + ShiftStick) );
432                betaTemp = StickHori*(0.5+1/(1+expV));
433                % therr should always be sticking (know don't care about occlusion)
434        else
435                betaTemp = StickHori;
436        end
437        temp = sparse(3,NuSupSize);
438        temp(:,Target(1)) = rayBoundary(:,1);
439        HoriStickM_i = [HoriStickM_i; betaTemp*temp(:)'];
440        temp = sparse(3,NuSupSize);
441        temp(:,Target(2)) = rayBoundary(:,2);
442        HoriStickM_j = [HoriStickM_j; betaTemp*temp(:)'];
443        EstDepHoriStick = [EstDepHoriStick; sqrt(max(CleanedDepthMap(i),ClosestDist)*max(CleanedDepthMap(j),ClosestDist))];
444        HoriStickPointInd = [HoriStickPointInd i ];
447%%%%    end of y and nu computation.
449% ==============================================
451% ======== finding the unucessary stiching points in Vertical direction ====
452VertStickM_i = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize);
453VertStickM_j = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize);
454VertStickPointInd = [];
455EstDepVertStick = [];
459DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT_ONLYCOL = -0.5;    % effectively not used, ideally should be 0.5; i.e., the point should be farther in col direction because that is the direction of the edge.
461% Ashutosh added to reduce linear dependancy of the objective =======
462SupPixelNeighborList = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) );
463SupPixelParsedList = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) );
464recordAdded1 = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) );
465recordAdded2 = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) );
466addedIndexList = [ ];
467% ===============================
469% pre-select the boundary in order with the NuSup order
470for l = NuSup
471        mask = Sup == l;
472        for i = find(BounaryPVert==1 & mask)'
473                j = i+1;
474                if Sup(i) == 0 || Sup(j) == 0
475                        continue;
476                end
477                SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) + 1;
479                if SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 0
480                        recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = i;
481                elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) >= MAX_POINTS_STITCH_VERT
482                        continue;
483                elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 1  % inside this remove the close stiching terms
484                        rowN = ceil(i/55);      colN = rem(i,55);
485                        rowN_older = ceil( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55);
486                        colN_older = rem( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55);
487                        if abs(rowN - rowN_older) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT && ...
488                                abs(colN - colN_older) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT_ONLYCOL
489                                recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = i;
490                        else
491                                continue;
492                        end
493                elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 2     %Assuming MAX_POINTS_STITCH = 3
494                        rowN = ceil(i/55);      colN = rem(i,55);
495                        rowN_older1 = ceil( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55);
496                        colN_older1 = rem( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55);
497                        rowN_older2 = ceil( recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55);
498                        colN_older2 = rem( recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55);
500                        if abs(rowN - rowN_older1) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older1) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT && ...
501                                abs(rowN - rowN_older2) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older2) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT
502                                ;
503                        else
504                                continue;
505                        end       
506                end
508                % If you come here, it means you are probably adding it.
509                SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) + 1;
510                addedIndexList = [addedIndexList i];
511        end
514% after analysis finally add to VertStickM_j
515WeightVertNeighborStitch = [ ];
516for i = addedIndexList
517        j = i+1;
518        WeightVertNeighborStitch = [WeightVertNeighborStitch;  SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / ...
519                                    SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) ];
520        Target(1) = Sup2Para(Sup(i));
521        Target(2) = Sup2Para(Sup(j));
522        rayBoundary(:,1) =  RayOri(:,i);
523        rayBoundary(:,2) =  RayOri(:,i);
524        if MultiScaleFlag
525                vector = (MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(Sup(i)),2:end) == MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(Sup(j)),2:end));
526                expV = exp(-10*(WeiV*vector' + ShiftStick) );
527                betaTemp = StickVert*(0.5+1/(1+expV));
528                % therr should always be sticking (know don't care about occlusion)
529        else
530                betaTemp = StickVert;
531        end
532        temp = sparse(3,NuSupSize);
533        temp(:,Target(1)) = rayBoundary(:,1);
534        VertStickM_i = [VertStickM_i; betaTemp*temp(:)'];
535        temp = sparse(3,NuSupSize);
536        temp(:,Target(2)) = rayBoundary(:,2);
537        VertStickM_j = [VertStickM_j; betaTemp*temp(:)'];
538        EstDepVertStick = [EstDepVertStick; sqrt(max(CleanedDepthMap(i),ClosestDist)*max(CleanedDepthMap(j),ClosestDist))];
539        VertStickPointInd = [VertStickPointInd i ];
541% ====finished finding the unucessary stiching points in Vertical direction ===
543% ======================================Finish building up matrix=====================hard work======================
546% ================================================================================================================
547% Start Decompose the image align with superpixels ==================================================================================
548% define the decomposition in both X and Y direction
550TotalRectX = 2*XNuDecompose-1;
551TotalRectY= 2*YNuDecompose-1;
552PlanePara = NaN*ones(3*NuSupSize,1); % setup the lookup table for the solved plane parameter
554for k = 0:(TotalRectX-1)
555        l = rem(k*2,(TotalRectX));
556        RangeX = (1+ceil(Default.HoriXNuDepth/XNuDecompose)*l/2):...
557                 min((1+ceil(Default.HoriXNuDepth/XNuDecompose)*(l/2+1)),Default.HoriXNuDepth);
558        RangeX = ceil(RangeX);
559        for q = 0:(TotalRectY-1)
560                l = rem(q*2,(TotalRectY));
561                RangeY = (1+ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/YNuDecompose)*l/2):...
562                         min((1+ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/YNuDecompose)*(l/2+1)),Default.VertYNuDepth);
563                RangeY = ceil(RangeY);
564                mask = zeros(size(Sup));
565                mask(RangeY,RangeX) = 1;
566                mask =logical(mask);
567                SubSup = sort(setdiff(unique( reshape( Sup(RangeY,RangeX),1,[])),0));
568                BoundarySup = [];
570                if any(SubSup <=0)
571                        SubSup(SubSup<=0)
572                end
573                BoundarySup = find(sum(SupNeighborTable(SubSup,:), 1) ~=0);
574                BoundarySup = unique(setdiff(BoundarySup,[0 SubSup] ));
576                % chech if BoundarySup non-NaN in PlanePara
577                checkNoNNaN = ~isnan(PlanePara(Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3));
578                BoundarySup = BoundarySup(checkNoNNaN);
579                TotalSup = sort([SubSup BoundarySup]);
581                % define the pointer to extract the data for this specific decomposition
582                SubSupPtr = [ Sup2Para(SubSup)*3-2;...
583                              Sup2Para(SubSup)*3-1;...
584                              Sup2Para(SubSup)*3];
585                SubSupPtr = SubSupPtr(:);
586                BoundarySupPtr = [ Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3-2;...
587                                   Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3-1;...
588                                   Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3];
589                BoundarySupPtr = BoundarySupPtr(:);
590                NuSubSupSize = size(SubSup,2);
592                % simply extract  NewRayAllM NewPosiM NewCoPM =========================================
593                % NewHoriStickM NewVertStickM for the specific decomposition
594                NewRayAllM = RayAllM(:,SubSupPtr);
595                tar = sum(NewRayAllM ~= 0,2) == 3;
596                NewRayAllM = NewRayAllM(tar,:);
597                NewPosiM = PosiM(:,SubSupPtr);
598                tar = sum(NewPosiM ~= 0,2) == 3;
599                NewPosiM = NewPosiM(tar,:);
600                NewVarM = VarM(tar);
602                NewCoPM = CoPM1(:,SubSupPtr) - CoPM2(:,SubSupPtr);
603                NewCoPMBound = CoPM1(:,BoundarySupPtr) - CoPM2(:,BoundarySupPtr);
605                tar = sum(NewCoPM ~= 0,2) + sum(NewCoPMBound ~= 0,2)==6;
606                NewCoPMBound = NewCoPMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr);
607                NewCoPM = NewCoPM(tar,:);
608                NewCoPMBound = NewCoPMBound(tar);
609                NewCoPEstDepth = CoPEstDepth(tar);   
611                NewHoriStickM = HoriStickM_i(:,SubSupPtr)-HoriStickM_j(:,SubSupPtr);
612                NewHoriStickMBound = HoriStickM_i(:,BoundarySupPtr)-HoriStickM_j(:,BoundarySupPtr);
614                tar = sum(NewHoriStickM ~= 0,2)+  sum(NewHoriStickMBound ~= 0,2) ==6;
615                NewHoriStickM = NewHoriStickM(tar,:);   
616                NewEstDepHoriStick = EstDepHoriStick(tar);
617                NewHoriStickMBound = NewHoriStickMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr);
618                NewHoriStickMBound = NewHoriStickMBound(tar);
619                NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch = WeightHoriNeighborStitch(tar);
621                NewVertStickM = VertStickM_i(:,SubSupPtr)-VertStickM_j(:,SubSupPtr);
622                NewVertStickMBound = VertStickM_i(:,BoundarySupPtr)-VertStickM_j(:,BoundarySupPtr);
624                tar = sum(NewVertStickM ~= 0,2) + sum(NewVertStickMBound ~= 0,2)==6;
625                NewVertStickM = NewVertStickM(tar,:);
626                NewEstDepVertStick = EstDepVertStick(tar);
627                NewVertStickMBound = NewVertStickMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr);
628                NewVertStickMBound = NewVertStickMBound(tar);
629                NewWeightVertNeighborStitch = WeightVertNeighborStitch(tar);
631                WeightsSelfTerm = 1 ./ exp(abs(NewVarM)/BandWith);
632                % ==========================end of extraction ====================
634                fprintf(['     ' num2str( toc(inferenceTime) ) '\n     : In 1st level Optimization, using new solver.' ...
635                        '(' num2str(k+1) '/' num2str((TotalRectX-1)+1) ',' num2str(l+1) '/' num2str((TotalRectY-1)+1) ')']);
637                global A b S inq
639                A = [ sparse(1:length(WeightsSelfTerm),1:length(WeightsSelfTerm),WeightsSelfTerm ) * NewPosiM;...
640                        sparse(1:length(NewCoPEstDepth),1:length(NewCoPEstDepth),NewCoPEstDepth*Center ) * NewCoPM;...
641                        sparse(1:length(NewEstDepHoriStick), 1:length(NewEstDepHoriStick), NewEstDepHoriStick.*NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch) * NewHoriStickM;...
642                        sparse(1:length(NewEstDepVertStick), 1:length(NewEstDepVertStick), NewEstDepVertStick.*NewWeightVertNeighborStitch) * NewVertStickM;...
643                        ];
645                b = [ ones(size(NewPosiM,1),1) .* WeightsSelfTerm;...
646                        -NewCoPMBound.*NewCoPEstDepth*Center;...
647                        -NewHoriStickMBound.*NewEstDepHoriStick.*NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch;...
648                        -NewVertStickMBound.*NewEstDepVertStick.*NewWeightVertNeighborStitch];
650                temp = zeros(1, NuSubSupSize*3);
651                temp(3*(1:NuSubSupSize)-1) = YPointer(Sup2Para(SubSup));
652                temp = sparse(1:length(temp), 1:length(temp), temp);
653                temp( sum(temp,2) ==0,:) = [];
654                S = [temp;...
655                        NewRayAllM;...
656                        -NewRayAllM];
657                inq = [ sparse(size(temp,1), 1);...
658                        - 1/ClosestDist*ones(size(NewRayAllM,1),1);...
659                        1/FarestDist*ones(size(NewRayAllM,1),1)];
660                Para.ClosestDist = ClosestDist;
661                Para.FarestDist = FarestDist;
662                Para.ptry = [];
663                Para.ptrz = [];
664                Para.Dist_Start = [];
666                % solve the OPT problem using the new solver
667                [x_ashIterator, alfa, status, history, T_nt_hist] = ...
668                        SigmoidLogBarrierSolver( Para, [], [], [], '', [], [], solverVerboseLevel);
670                % check if the constrian still satisfied
671                if any(S*x_ashIterator+inq > 0 )
672                        disp('Inequality not satisfied');
673                        max( S*x_ashIterator+inq)
674                elseif status == 2
675                        fprintf([' Success with alfa=' num2str(alfa)]);
676                end
678                % assign the solution of specific decomposition to the corresponding entries of the whole problems
679                PlanePara(SubSupPtr) = x_ashIterator;
680        end
683% build the whole image
684PlanePara = reshape(PlanePara,3,[]);
685% porject the ray on planes to generate the ProjDepth
686FitDepthPPCP = FarestDist*ones(1,Default.VertYNuDepth*Default.HoriXNuDepth);
687FitDepthPPCP(~maskSkyEroded) = (1./sum(PlanePara(:,Sup2Para(SupEpand(~maskSkyEroded ))).*Ray(:,~maskSkyEroded ),1))';
688FitDepthPPCP = reshape(FitDepthPPCP,Default.VertYNuDepth,[]);
689[Position3DFitedPPCP] = im_cr2w_cr(FitDepthPPCP,permute(Ray,[2 3 1]));
691if NoSecondStep % if no second step
692        Position3DFitedPPCP(3,:) = -Position3DFitedPPCP(3,:);
693        Position3DFitedPPCP = permute(Position3DFitedPPCP,[2 3 1]);
694        RR =permute(Ray,[2 3 1]);
695        temp = RR(:,:,1:2)./repmat(RR(:,:,3),[1 1 2]);
696        PositionTex = permute(temp./repmat(cat(3,Default.a_default,Default.b_default),[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1])+repmat(cat(3,Default.Ox_default,Default.Oy_default),[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1]),[3 1 2]);
697        PositionTex = permute(PositionTex,[2 3 1])
698        disp('First level Wrl');
700        % write wrl file
701        WrlFacestHroiReduce(Position3DFitedPPCP,PositionTex,SupOri, [ Default.filename{1} '1st'],[ Default.filename{1} '1st'], ...
702                            Default.OutPutFolder, GridFlag, 0);
703        system(['gzip -9 -c ' Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '1st.wrl > ' ...
704               Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '1st.wrl.gz']);
705        copyfile([ Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '1st.wrl.gz '], ...
706               [ Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '1st.wrl'],'f');
707        delete([Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '1st.wrl.gz']);
709%==================Finished for one step MRF==================================================================================================
711if NoSecondStep
712        return;
715% ====================================following are 2nd step MRF to give more visually pleasing result=======================================
716% generating new PosiMPPCP using the new position
717normPara = norms(PlanePara);
718normalizedPara = PlanePara ./ repmat( normPara, [3 1]);
719groundPara = abs(normalizedPara(2,:)) >= groundThreshold(YPosition);
720groundParaInd = find(groundPara);
721verticalPara = abs(normalizedPara(2,:)) <= verticalThreshold(YPosition); % change to have different range of vertical thre ================
722verticalParaInd = find(verticalPara);
724indexVertical = find( verticalPara)*3-1;
725indexGroundX = find( groundPara)*3-2;
726indexGroundZ = find( groundPara)*3;
728PosiMPPCP = sparse(0,0);
729VarM2 = sparse(0,0);
731% forming new supporting matrix using new depth and get rid of the support of the vertical plane
732for i = NuSup
733        mask = Sup == i;
734        if any(verticalParaInd == Sup2Para(i)) & FlagRemoveVerticalSupport % Remove Vertical Depths Supports
735                mask = logical(zeros(size(Sup)));
736        end
737        PosiMPPCP = blkdiag(PosiMPPCP, Position3DFitedPPCP(:,mask)');
738        VarM2 = [VarM2; VarMap(mask)];
739        if length( find(isnan(PosiMPPCP)) )
740                disp('PosiMPPCP is NaN');
741        end
744% Start Decompose image =========================
745TotalRectX = 2*XNuDecompose-1;
746TotalRectY = 2*YNuDecompose-1;
747PlanePara = NaN*ones(3*NuSupSize,1); % setup the lookuptable for the solved plane parameter
749for k = 0:(TotalRectX-1)
750        l = rem(k*2,(TotalRectX));
751        RangeX = (1+ceil(Default.HoriXNuDepth/XNuDecompose)*l/2):...
752                min((1+ceil(Default.HoriXNuDepth/XNuDecompose)*(l/2+1)),Default.HoriXNuDepth);
753        RangeX = ceil(RangeX);
754        for q = 0:(TotalRectY-1)
755                l = rem(q*2,(TotalRectY));
756                RangeY = (1+ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/YNuDecompose)*l/2):...
757                        min((1+ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/YNuDecompose)*(l/2+1)),Default.VertYNuDepth);
758                RangeY = ceil(RangeY);
759                mask = zeros(size(Sup));
760                mask(RangeY,RangeX) = 1;
761                mask =logical(mask);
762                SubSup = sort(setdiff( unique( reshape( Sup(RangeY,RangeX),1,[])),0));
763                BoundarySup = [];
764                BoundarySup = find(sum(SupNeighborTable(SubSup,:), 1) ~=0);
765                BoundarySup = unique(setdiff(BoundarySup,[0 SubSup] ));
767                % chech if BoundarySup non-NaN in PlanePara
768                checkNoNNaN = ~isnan(PlanePara(Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3));
769                BoundarySup = BoundarySup(checkNoNNaN);
770                TotalSup = sort([SubSup BoundarySup]);
772                SubSupPtr = [ Sup2Para(SubSup)*3-2;...
773                                Sup2Para(SubSup)*3-1;...
774                                Sup2Para(SubSup)*3];
775                SubSupPtr = SubSupPtr(:);
776                BoundarySupPtr = [ Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3-2;...
777                                        Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3-1;...
778                                        Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3];
779                BoundarySupPtr =BoundarySupPtr(:);
780                NuSubSupSize = size(SubSup,2);
781                SubSup2Para = sparse(1,max(SubSup));
782                SubSup2Para(SubSup) = 1:NuSubSupSize;
784                % clearn RayAllM PosiM CoPM1 HoriStickM_i VertStickM_i
785                NewRayAllM = RayAllM(:,SubSupPtr);
786                tar = sum(NewRayAllM ~= 0,2) ==3;
787                NewRayAllM = NewRayAllM(tar,:);
789                NewPosiMPPCP = PosiMPPCP(:,SubSupPtr);
790                tar = sum(NewPosiMPPCP ~= 0,2) ==3;
791                NewPosiMPPCP = NewPosiMPPCP(tar,:);
792                NewVarM = VarM2(tar);
794                NewCoPM = CoPM1(:,SubSupPtr) - CoPM2(:,SubSupPtr);
795                NewCoPMBound = CoPM1(:,BoundarySupPtr) - CoPM2(:,BoundarySupPtr);
796                tar = sum( NewCoPM ~= 0,2) + sum( NewCoPMBound ~= 0,2) ==6;
797                NewCoPM = NewCoPM(tar,:);
798                NewCoPMBound = NewCoPMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr); % column vertor
799                NewCoPMBound = NewCoPMBound(tar);
800                NewCoPEstDepth = CoPEstDepth(tar);   
802                NewHoriStickM = HoriStickM_i(:,SubSupPtr)-HoriStickM_j(:,SubSupPtr);
803                NewHoriStickMBound = HoriStickM_i(:,BoundarySupPtr)-HoriStickM_j(:,BoundarySupPtr);
804                tar = sum(NewHoriStickM ~= 0,2) + sum( NewHoriStickMBound ~= 0,2)==6;
805                NewHoriStickM = NewHoriStickM(tar,:);
806                NewHoriStickMBound = NewHoriStickMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr); % column vertor
807                NewHoriStickMBound = NewHoriStickMBound(tar);
808                NewEstDepHoriStick = EstDepHoriStick(tar);
809                NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch = WeightHoriNeighborStitch(tar);
811                NewVertStickM = VertStickM_i(:,SubSupPtr)-VertStickM_j(:,SubSupPtr);
812                NewVertStickMBound = VertStickM_i(:, BoundarySupPtr)-VertStickM_j(:,BoundarySupPtr);
813                tar = sum(NewVertStickM ~= 0,2) + sum(NewVertStickMBound ~= 0,2)==6;
814                NewVertStickM = NewVertStickM(tar,:);
815                NewVertStickMBound = NewVertStickMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr); % column vertor
816                NewVertStickMBound = NewVertStickMBound(tar);
817                NewEstDepVertStick = EstDepVertStick(tar);
818                NewWeightVertNeighborStitch = WeightVertNeighborStitch(tar);
820                %    try reduce the vertical constrain
821                NonVertPtr = setdiff( 1:(3*NuSubSupSize), SubSup2Para( NuSup( (intersect( indexVertical,SubSupPtr ) +1)/3))*3-1 );
822                YNoComingBack = YPointer(Sup2Para(SubSup));
823                YNoComingBack(SubSup2Para( NuSup( (intersect( indexVertical,SubSupPtr ) +1)/3))) = [];
824                YCompMask = zeros(1,3*NuSubSupSize);
825                YCompMask(3*(1:NuSubSupSize)-1) = 1;
826                YCompMask = YCompMask(NonVertPtr);
827                XCompMask = zeros(1,3*NuSubSupSize);
828                XCompMask( SubSup2Para( NuSup( (intersect( indexGroundX,SubSupPtr ) +2)/3))*3-2 ) = 1;
829                XCompMask = XCompMask(NonVertPtr);
830                ZCompMask = zeros(1,3*NuSubSupSize);
831                ZCompMask( SubSup2Para( NuSup( (intersect( indexGroundZ,SubSupPtr ) )/3))*3 ) = 1;
832                ZCompMask = ZCompMask(NonVertPtr);
833                GroundMask = intersect( find(groundPara), ( SubSupPtr( 3:3:( size(SubSupPtr,1)) )/3 ) ) ;
835                % version written by Ashutosh
837                tempGroundX = sparse(1:length(XCompMask), 1:length(XCompMask), XCompMask);
838                tempGroundX( logical(XCompMask) ) = tempGroundX( logical(XCompMask) )./normPara( GroundMask );
839                tempGroundX( sum(tempGroundX,2) == 0,:) = [];
840                tempGroundZ = sparse(1:length(ZCompMask), 1:length(ZCompMask), ZCompMask );
841                tempGroundZ( logical(ZCompMask) ) = tempGroundZ( logical(ZCompMask) )./normPara( GroundMask );
842                tempGroundZ( sum(tempGroundZ,2) == 0,:)= [];
844                A = [   sparse(1:length(NewVarM),1:length(NewVarM),1./exp(abs(NewVarM)/BandWith)) * NewPosiMPPCP(:, NonVertPtr);...
845                        sparse(1:length(NewCoPEstDepth), 1:length(NewCoPEstDepth), NewCoPEstDepth * Center) * NewCoPM(:, NonVertPtr);...
846                        sparse(1:length(NewEstDepHoriStick), 1:length(NewEstDepHoriStick), NewEstDepHoriStick.*NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch) * NewHoriStickM(:, NonVertPtr);...
847                        sparse(1:length(NewEstDepVertStick), 1:length(NewEstDepVertStick), NewEstDepVertStick.*NewWeightVertNeighborStitch) * NewVertStickM(:, NonVertPtr);...
848                        tempGroundX;...
849                        tempGroundZ...
850                        ];
851                %        +10*norm( ( Para( logical(XCompMask) ))./...
852                %                            normPara( GroundMask )', 1)...
853                %                 +10*norm( ( Para( logical(ZCompMask)))./...
854                %                            normPara( GroundMask )', 1) ...
856                b = [   1./exp(abs(NewVarM)/BandWith); ...
857                        -Center*NewCoPMBound.*NewCoPEstDepth; ...
858                        -NewHoriStickMBound.*NewEstDepHoriStick.*NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch;...
859                        -NewVertStickMBound.*NewEstDepVertStick.*NewWeightVertNeighborStitch;...
860                        sparse(size(tempGroundX,1),1);...
861                        sparse(size(tempGroundZ,1),1)...
862                        ];
864                temp = YCompMask;
865                temp(logical(YCompMask)) = YNoComingBack;
866                temp = sparse(1:length(temp), 1:length(temp), temp);
867                temp( sum(temp,2) ==0,:) = [];
868                S = [   temp;...
869                        NewRayAllM(:,NonVertPtr);...
870                        -NewRayAllM(:,NonVertPtr);...
871                        ];
872                inq = [ sparse(size(temp,1), 1);...
873                        - 1/ClosestDist*ones(size(NewRayAllM,1),1);...
874                        1/FarestDist*ones(size(NewRayAllM,1),1);...
875                        ];
877                Para.ClosestDist = ClosestDist;
878                Para.FarestDist = FarestDist;
880                % build up ptry and ptrz adapt fot NonVertPtr
881                Para.ptry = zeros(size(NewRayAllM,2),1);
882                Para.ptry(2:3:size(NewRayAllM,2)) = 1;
883                Para.ptry = logical(Para.ptry(NonVertPtr));
884                Para.ptrz = zeros(size(NewRayAllM,2),1);
885                Para.ptrz(3:3:size(NewRayAllM,2)) = 1;
886                Para.ptrz = logical(Para.ptrz(NonVertPtr));
887                Para.Dist_Start = size(temp,1)+1;
888                [x_ashIterator, alfa, status] = SigmoidLogBarrierSolver(Para, [], [], [], '', [], [], solverVerboseLevel);
889                if any(S*x_ashIterator+inq > 0 )
890                        disp('Inequality not satisfied');
891                        max( S*x_ashIterator+inq)
892                elseif status==2
893                        fprintf([' Success with alfa=' num2str(alfa)]);
894                end
896                Para = x_ashIterator;
898                tempPara = zeros(3*NuSubSupSize,1);
899                tempPara(NonVertPtr) = Para;
900                PlanePara(SubSupPtr) = tempPara;
901        end
904% porject the ray on planes to generate the FitDepth
905PlanePara = reshape(PlanePara,3,[]);
906FitDepth = FarestDist*ones(1,Default.VertYNuDepth*Default.HoriXNuDepth);
907FitDepth(~maskSkyEroded) = (1./sum(PlanePara(:,Sup2Para(SupEpand(~maskSkyEroded))).*Ray(:,~maskSkyEroded),1))';
908FitDepth = reshape(FitDepth,Default.VertYNuDepth,[]);
909% ==========Storage ==============
910if Default.Flag.AfterInferenceStorage
911        save([ Default.ScratchFolder '/' strrep( Default.filename{1},'.jpg','') '_AInfnew.mat' ], 'FitDepth', 'depthMap', ...
912            'Sup', 'SupOri', 'RayOri','Ray','SupNeighborTable','maskSky','maskG','MultiScaleSupTable','WeiM','VarMapRaw');
914% ===============================
915[Position3DFited] = im_cr2w_cr(FitDepth,permute(Ray,[2 3 1]));
916Position3DFited(3,:) = -Position3DFited(3,:);
917Position3DFited = permute(Position3DFited,[2 3 1]);
918RR =permute(Ray,[2 3 1]);
919temp = RR(:,:,1:2)./repmat(RR(:,:,3),[1 1 2]);
920PositionTex = permute(temp./repmat(cat(3,Default.a_default,Default.b_default),...
921                [Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1])...
922                +repmat(cat(3,Default.Ox_default,Default.Oy_default),...
923                [Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1]),[3 1 2]);
924PositionTex = permute(PositionTex,[2 3 1]);
926% write wrl file
927fprintf(['     ' num2str( toc(inferenceTime) ) '\n     : Writing WRL.']);
928WrlFacestHroiReduce(Position3DFited, PositionTex, SupOri, Default.filename{1}, Default.filename{1}, ...
929Default.OutPutFolder, GridFlag, 0);
931system(['gzip -9 -c ' Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '.wrl > ' ...
932        Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '.wrl.gz']);
933copyfile([Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '.wrl.gz'], ...
934        [Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '.wrl'],'f');
935delete([Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '.wrl.gz']);
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