% * This code was used in the following articles: % * [1] Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng, % * In ICCV workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (3dRR-07), 2007. % * (best paper) % * [2] 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun, Andrew Y. Ng, % * In ICCV workshop on Virtual Representations and Modeling % * of Large-scale environments (VRML), 2007. % * [3] 3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng. % * International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Aug 2007. % * [6] Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images, % * Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, Andrew Y. Ng. % * In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 18, 2005. % * % * These articles are available at: % * http://make3d.stanford.edu/publications % * % * We request that you cite the papers [1], [3] and [6] in any of % * your reports that uses this code. % * Further, if you use the code in image3dstiching/ (multiple image version), % * then please cite [2]. % * % * If you use the code in third_party/, then PLEASE CITE and follow the % * LICENSE OF THE CORRESPONDING THIRD PARTY CODE. % * % * Finally, this code is for non-commercial use only. For further % * information and to obtain a copy of the license, see % * % * http://make3d.stanford.edu/publications/code % * % * Also, the software distributed under the License is distributed on an % * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either % * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing % * permissions and limitations under the License. % * % */ function [ ModelInfo] = PlaneParaMRFTriangulateOneShot... (Default, Rotation, Translation, appendOpt, ... RayMatched, ClosestDepth, SupMatched, ... SampledGroundRayMatched, SampledGroundClosestDepth, SampledGroundSupMatched, ... DepthFolder,... Sup, SupOri, MedSup,depthMap,VarMap,RayOri, Ray, SupNeighborTable,... MedRay,maskSky,maskG,Algo,k, CornerList, OccluList,... MultiScaleSupTable, StraightLineTable, HBrokeBook, VBrokeBook,previoslyStored,... Scale, CoordinateFromRef, y0); %function [Position3DFited FitDepth] = PlaneParaMRFTriangulateOneShot... % This function runs the RMF over the plane parameter of each superpixels if isempty(CoordinateFromRef) CoordinateFromRef = eye(3); end solverVerboseLevel = 0; inferenceTime = tic; fprintf(['\n : Building Matrices.... ']); % initialize parameters GridFlag = 0; NOYALMIP = 1; NoSecondStep = 0; Dual = false; displayFlag = false; RenderVrmlFlag = true; PlaneParaSegmentationFlag = false; OcclusionThre = 0.5;% 5 Meters or bigger jump means occlusion scale = 1; StickHori = 5; %0.1; % sticking power in horizontal direction StickVert = 10; % sticking power in vertical direction % 5 cause wall seperating ground Center = 5; %10 Co-Planar weight at the Center of each superpixel TriangulatedWeight = 200; phi = 1; %shift = (2+Default.TriCountSupThre)/2 % half-wei is at the shift point (used 0.5 ) 1 still too big (2 ) shift = (Default.TriCountSupThre*1.5)/2; % half-wei is at the shift point (used 0.5 ) 1 still too big (2 ) LogisticPara = [[1 1]; [0 1]]\[TriangulatedWeight; 1]; SampledGroundWeight = 10; GroundLevelWright = 500; GroundWeight = 20; VertWeight = 10; HoriConf = 1; % set the confidant of the learned depth at the middle in Horizontal direction of the image VertConf = 0.01; % set the confidant of the learned depth at the top of the image BandWith = 1; % Nov29 1 Nov30 0.1 check result change to 0.1 12/1 0.1 lost detail mapVert = linspace(VertConf,1,Default.VertYNuDepth); % modeling the gravity prior mapHori = [linspace(HoriConf,1,round(Default.HoriXNuDepth/2)) fliplr(linspace(HoriConf,1,Default.HoriXNuDepth-round(Default.HoriXNuDepth/2)))]; % ========set the range of depth that our model in ClosestDist = 1; % set the FarestDist to very 5 times to median depth FarestDist = 250;%1.5*max(ClosestDepth)% Min Modified July 1st250%1.5*median(depthMap(:)); % tried on university % nogood effect but keep it since usually it the rangelike this % change to 1.5 for church % ================================================ ceiling = 0*Default.VertYNuDepth; % set the position of the ceiling, related to No plane coming back constrain % changed for newchurch Name{1} = 'FraWOPri'; Name{2} = 'FraCoP'; if isempty(MultiScaleSupTable) Name{3} = 'Var_FraStickCoP'; else Name{3} = 'Var_FraStickCoPSTasCoP'; end if ~isempty(MultiScaleSupTable) MultiScaleFlag = true; WeiV = 2*ones(1,size(MultiScaleSupTable,2)-1); else MultiScaleFlag = false; WeiV = 1; end WeiV(1,1:2:end) = 6; % emphasize the middle scale three times smaller than large scale WeiV = WeiV./sum(WeiV);% normalize if pair of superpixels have same index in all the scale, their weight will be 10 ShiftStick = -.1; % between -1 and 0, more means more smoothing. ShiftCoP = -.5; % between -1 and 0, more means more smoothing. gravity =true; % if true, apply the HoriConf and VertConf linear scale weight CoPST = true; % if true, apply the Straight line prior as the Co-Planar constrain %ConerImprove = false; %FractionalDepthError = true; % get rid of the error point and sky point in the depthMap % set every depth bigger than FarestDistmeter to FarestDistmeters %CleanedDepthMap = (depthMapif ~previoslyStored >80).*medfilt2(depthMap,[4 4])+(depthMap<=80).*depthMap; CleanedDepthMap = depthMap; %CleanedDepthMap(depthMap>FarestDist) = FarestDist; % don't clean the point >80 sometimes it occlusion %disp('Nu of depthMap>FarestDist'); %sum(sum(depthMap>FarestDist)) CleanedDepthMap(depthMap>FarestDist) = NaN; % don't clean the point >80 sometimes it occlusion % ============ last mintune change by Min , not to render far away point %SupOri(depthMap>FarestDist) = 0; % Index 0 mean Sky %Sup(depthMap>FarestDist) = 0; % Index 0 mean Sky % =========== Posi3D = im_cr2w_cr(CleanedDepthMap,permute(Ray,[2 3 1])); if ~previoslyStored %NewMap = [rand(max(Sup(:)),3); [0 0 0]]; % Clean the Sup near sky maskSky = Sup == 0; maskSkyEroded = imerode(maskSky, strel('disk', 4) ); SupEpand = ExpandSup2Sky(Sup,maskSkyEroded); NuPatch = Default.HoriXNuDepth*Default.VertYNuDepth-sum(maskSky(:)); NuSup = setdiff(unique(Sup)',0); NuSup = sort(NuSup); NuSupSize = size(NuSup,2); % Sup index and planeParameter index inverse map Sup2Para = sparse(1,max(Sup(:))); Sup2Para(NuSup) = 1:NuSupSize; % constructinf the Straight line prior matrix Will be add in the CoPlane matrix NuLine = size(StraightLineTable,2); CoPSTList = []; for i = 1:NuLine L = StraightLineTable{i}; X = L(1:(end-1))'; Y = L(2:end)'; if isempty(X) continue; end for j = 1:size(X,1) if X(j)~=Y(j)NuSup CoPSTList = [CoPSTList; X(j) Y(j)]; end end end end % Generate the Matrix for MRF % =========================================================================================================================================== groundThreshold = cos([ zeros(1, Default.VertYNuDepth - ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/2)+10) ... linspace(0,15,ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/2)-10)]*pi/180); % v1 15 v2 20 too big v3 20 to ensure non misclassified as ground. % verticalThreshold = cos(linspace(5,55,Default.VertYNuDepth)*pi/180); % give a vector of size 55 in top to down : %verticalThreshold = cos([ 15*ones(1,Default.VertYNuDepth - ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/2)) ... % linspace(15,55,ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/2))]*pi/180); verticalThreshold = cos([ 5*ones(1,Default.VertYNuDepth - ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/2)) ... linspace(5,55,ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/2))]*pi/180); % give a vector of size 55 in top to down : % 50 means suface norm away from y axis more than 50 degree % =========================================================================================================================================== PosiM = sparse(0,0); VarM = sparse(0,0); RayMd = sparse(0,0); RayAllOriM = sparse(0,0); RayAllM = sparse(0,0); RayMtilt = sparse(0,0); RayMCent = sparse(0,0); DepthInverseMCent = []; DepthInverseM = []; YPointer = []; YPosition = []; beta = []; EmptyIndex = []; ScalingTerm = sparse( 0, 1); for i = NuSup % mask = Sup ==i; mask = SupEpand ==i; % include the Ray that will be use to expand the NonSky RayAllOriM = blkdiag( RayAllOriM, RayOri(:,mask)'); RayAllM = blkdiag( RayAllM, Ray(:,mask)'); mask = Sup ==i; % Not include the Ray that will be use to expand the NonSky [yt x] = find(mask); CenterX = round(median(x)); CenterY = round(median(yt)); YPointer = [YPointer; CenterY >= ceiling]; % Y is zero in the top ceiling default to be 0 as the top row in the image YPosition = [YPosition; CenterY]; mask(isnan(CleanedDepthMap)) = false; SupNuPatch(i) = sum(mask(:)); % if sum(mask(:)) < 5 % EmptyIndex = [EmptyIndex; i]; % mask(:) = false; % end % find center point [yt x] = find(mask); CenterX = round(median(x)); CenterY = round(median(yt)); if ~all(mask(:)==0) if gravity if any(CleanedDepthMap(mask) <=0) CleanedDepthMap(mask) % pause end Pa2CenterRatio = median(CleanedDepthMap(mask))./CleanedDepthMap(mask); if sum(mask(:)) > 0 RayMtilt = blkdiag(RayMtilt, ... ( Pa2CenterRatio(:,[1 1 1]).*repmat(RayOri(:,CenterY,CenterX)',[ SupNuPatch(i) 1])- RayOri(:,mask)')); else RayMtilt = blkdiag(RayMtilt, RayOri(:,mask)'); end RayMCent = blkdiag(RayMCent, RayOri(:,CenterY,CenterX)'*SupNuPatch(i)*mapVert(CenterY)*mapHori(CenterX)); PosiM = blkdiag(PosiM,Posi3D(:,mask)');%.*repmat( mapVert(yt)',[1 3]).*repmat( mapHori(x)',[1 3])); if SupMatched == i ScalingTerm = [ScalingTerm; ones( sum(mask(:)), 1)]; else ScalingTerm = [ScalingTerm; zeros( sum(mask(:)), 1)]; end VarM = [VarM; VarMap(mask).*(mapVert(yt)').*( mapHori(x)')]; RayMd = blkdiag(RayMd,RayOri(:,mask)'.*repmat( mapVert(yt)',[1 3]).*repmat( mapHori(x)',[1 3])); DepthInverseMCent = [DepthInverseMCent; 1./median(CleanedDepthMap(mask)).*SupNuPatch(i)* mapVert(CenterY)'*mapHori(CenterX)]; DepthInverseM = [DepthInverseM; 1./CleanedDepthMap(mask).* mapVert(yt)'.*mapHori(x)']; else Pa2CenterRatio = CleanedDepthMap(CenterY,CenterX)./CleanedDepthMap(mask); if sum(mask(:)) > 0 RayMtilt = blkdiag(RayMtilt, ... ( Pa2CenterRatio(:,[1 1 1]).*repmat(RayOri(:,CenterY,CenterX)',[ SupNuPatch(i) 1])- RayOri(:,mask)')); else RayMtilt = blkdiag(RayMtilt, RayOri(:,mask)'); end RayMCent = blkdiag(RayMCent, RayOri(:,CenterY,CenterX)'*SupNuPatch(i)); PosiM = blkdiag(PosiM,Posi3D(:,mask)'); if SupMatched == i ScalingTerm = [ScalingTerm; ones( sum(mask(:)), 1)]; else ScalingTerm = [ScalingTerm; zeros( sum(mask(:)), 1)]; end VarM = [VarM; VarMap(mask)]; RayMd = blkdiag(RayMd,RayOri(:,mask)'); DepthInverseMCent = [DepthInverseMCent; 1./median(CleanedDepthMap(mask)).*SupNuPatch(i)]; DepthInverseM = [DepthInverseM; 1./CleanedDepthMap(mask)]; end else RayMtilt = blkdiag(RayMtilt, RayOri(:,mask)'); RayMCent = blkdiag(RayMCent, RayOri(:,mask)'); PosiM = blkdiag(PosiM, Posi3D(:,mask)'); VarM = [VarM; VarMap(mask)]; RayMd = blkdiag(RayMd, RayOri(:,mask)'); end end YPointer(YPointer==0) = -1; % =================Building up the triangulated and sampled ground constrain ======================================== PosiTriangulatedM = sparse( 0, 3*NuSupSize); count = 1; for i = SupMatched' temp = sparse(1, 3*NuSupSize); if Sup2Para(i)*3>3*NuSupSize || Sup2Para(i)*3-2<0 Sup2Para(i) NuSupSize count = count + 1; continue; end % Sup2Para(i) % i temp( (Sup2Para(i)*3-2):(Sup2Para(i)*3) ) = RayMatched(count,:)*ClosestDepth(count); PosiTriangulatedM = [PosiTriangulatedM; temp]; count = count + 1; end PosiSampledGroundM = sparse( 0, 3*NuSupSize); count = 1; for i = SampledGroundSupMatched' temp = sparse(1, 3*NuSupSize); if (Sup2Para(i)*3)>(3*NuSupSize) || (Sup2Para(i)*3-2)<0 Sup2Para(i) NuSupSize end temp( (Sup2Para(i)*3-2):(Sup2Para(i)*3) ) = SampledGroundRayMatched(count,:)*SampledGroundClosestDepth(count); PosiSampledGroundM = [PosiSampledGroundM; temp]; count = count + 1; end % ================================================================================================ % buliding CoPlane Matrix========================================================================= NuSTList = 0; if CoPST NuSTList = size(CoPSTList,1); if ~isempty(CoPSTList) [V H] = size(SupNeighborTable); SupNeighborTable( CoPSTList(:,1)*V + CoPSTList(:,2)) = 1; SupNeighborTable( CoPSTList(:,2)*V + CoPSTList(:,1)) = 1; % ClosestNList = [ClosestNList; CoPSTList]; end end CoPM1 = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize); CoPM2 = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize); CoPEstDepth = sparse(0,0); CoPNorM = []; WeiCoP = []; for i = NuSup Neighbor = find( SupNeighborTable(i,:) ~=0); Neighbor = Neighbor( Neighbor> i); % make sure Neighbor contain no sky since Sup modified to zero give % depths too far away Neighbor = intersect( Neighbor,NuSup); for j = Neighbor % if ~CornerList(i) mask = Sup == i; SizeMaskAll = sum(mask(:)); [y x] = find(mask); CenterX = round(median(x)); CenterY = round(median(y)); y = find(mask(:,CenterX)); if ~isempty(y) CenterY = round(median(y)); end temp1 = sparse(1, 3*NuSupSize); temp2 = sparse(1, 3*NuSupSize); temp1(:,(Sup2Para( i)*3-2): Sup2Para( i)*3) = ... Ray(:,CenterY,CenterX)'; temp2(:,(Sup2Para( j)*3-2): Sup2Para( j)*3) = ... Ray(:,CenterY,CenterX)'; %NuNei-NuSTList % if i < NuNei-NuSTList % only immediate connecting superpixels are weighted using MultiScaleSup % wei = WeiV*10;%*(MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(ClosestNList(i,1)),2:end) == MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(ClosestNList(i,2)),2:end))'; if MultiScaleFlag vector = (MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para( i),2:end) == MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para( j),2:end)); expV = exp(-10*(WeiV*vector' + ShiftCoP) ); wei = 1/(1+expV); else wei = 1; end % else % wei = 1; % end oneRay1 = temp1*wei; oneRay2 = temp2*wei; %CoPM1 = [CoPM1; temp1*wei]; %CoPM2 = [CoPM2; temp2*wei]; %//Min add for triangulation related CoPM wei CenterX_i = CenterX; CenterY_i = CenterY; tempWeiCoP = [SizeMaskAll]; CoPEstDepth = [CoPEstDepth; max(median(CleanedDepthMap(mask)),ClosestDist)]; mask = Sup == j; SizeMaskAll = sum(mask(:)); [y x] = find(mask); CenterX = round(median(x)); CenterY = round(median(y)); y = find(mask(:,CenterX)); if ~isempty(y) CenterY = round(median(y)); end temp1 = sparse(1, 3*NuSupSize); temp2 = sparse(1, 3*NuSupSize); temp1(:,(Sup2Para( i)*3-2): Sup2Para( i)*3) = ... Ray(:,CenterY,CenterX)'; temp2(:,(Sup2Para( j)*3-2): Sup2Para( j)*3) = ... Ray(:,CenterY,CenterX)'; % //Min add for triangulation related CoPM wei Img_i_posi = Ray(:,CenterY_i,CenterX_i); Img_i_posi = Img_i_posi(1:2)./Img_i_posi(3); Img_j_posi = Ray(:,CenterY,CenterX); Img_j_posi = Img_j_posi(1:2)./Img_j_posi(3); Img_posi = (Img_i_posi + Img_j_posi)/2; ClosetTriImgPosi = FindClosetTriImgPosi( Img_posi, RayMatched); Dist2ClosetTri = sqrt(sum((ClosetTriImgPosi - Img_posi).^2)); if Dist2ClosetTri >= Default.FarestTriDist ModifiedWei = 1; else % reduce weight when close to Triangulated point %ModifiedWei = Default.MinTriEffectPercent + (1 - Default.MinTriEffectPercent)*(Dist2ClosetTri/Default.FarestTriDist); % increase weight when close to Triangulated point ModifiedWei = 1 + (Default.MinTriEffectPercent)*(1 - (Dist2ClosetTri/Default.FarestTriDist)); end % Instead of having separate L-1 terms for symmetric co-planar constraint; do the following: % If the penaly was ||.||_2^2 + ||.||_2^2; then the co-efficients are % some kind of average of two rays. For one norm; we take its average. % (do not divide by 2 because the penalty should be double. CoPM1 = [CoPM1; (temp1*wei + oneRay1)*ModifiedWei]; CoPM2 = [CoPM2; (temp2*wei + oneRay2)*ModifiedWei]; tempWeiCoP = [tempWeiCoP; SizeMaskAll]; WeiCoP = [WeiCoP; tempWeiCoP]; CoPEstDepth = [CoPEstDepth; max(median(CleanedDepthMap(mask)),ClosestDist)]; end end%========================================================================================================= %== find the boundary point that might need to be stick ot each other========================================== HoriStickM_i = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize); HoriStickM_j = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize); HoriStickPointInd = []; EstDepHoriStick = []; MAX_POINTS_STITCH_HORI = 2; % the actual code will be modified in another copy of the file MIN_POINTS_STITCH = 2; % ERROR: not used. % ================================================================ % NOTE: The actual algorithm should be picking precisely 2 points which are % FARTHEST away from the candidate set of neighbors. This algorithm % will ALWAYS work and produce no surprising results. % In some cases, one may experiment with picking only 1 point when the 2 % points are too close ---- this will make the algorithm faster; but might % produce surprising (e.g. a triangle sticking out) sometimes. % An ideal algorithm will reduce the number of points by checking for loops % passing through 3 or less superpixels through this matrix; and removing % them such that the smallest loop passes through 4 superpixels. (see EE263 % for a quick algorithm to do this -- involves product of matrices. % ================================================================== DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI = 0.4; DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI_ONLYCOL = -0.5; % effectively not used, SupPixelNeighborList = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) ); SupPixelParsedList = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) ); recordAdded1 = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) ); recordAdded2 = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) ); addedIndexList = [ ]; BounaryPHori = conv2(Sup,[1 -1],'same') ~=0; BounaryPHori(:,end) = 0; BounaryPVert = conv2(Sup,[1; -1],'same') ~=0; BounaryPVert(end,:) = 0; boundariesHoriIndex = find(BounaryPHori==1)'; for i = boundariesHoriIndex j = i+Default.VertYNuDepth; if Sup(i) == 0 || Sup(j) == 0 continue; end SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) + 1; if SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 0 recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = i; elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) >= MAX_POINTS_STITCH_HORI continue; elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 1 % inside this remove the close stiching terms rowN = ceil(i/55); colN = rem(i,55); rowN_older = ceil( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55); colN_older = rem( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55); if abs(rowN - rowN_older) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI && ... abs(colN - colN_older) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI_ONLYCOL recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = i; else continue; end elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 2 %Assuming MAX_POINTS_STITCH = 3 rowN = ceil(i/55); colN = rem(i,55); rowN_older1 = ceil( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55); colN_older1 = rem( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55); rowN_older2 = ceil( recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55); colN_older2 = rem( recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55); if abs(rowN - rowN_older1) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older1) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI && ... abs(rowN - rowN_older2) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older2) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_HORI ; else continue; end end % If you come here, it means you are probably adding it. SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) + 1; addedIndexList = [addedIndexList i]; end WeightHoriNeighborStitch = [ ]; for i = addedIndexList j = i+Default.VertYNuDepth; WeightHoriNeighborStitch = [WeightHoriNeighborStitch; SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / ... SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) ]; Target(1) = Sup2Para(Sup(i)); Target(2) = Sup2Para(Sup(j)); rayBoundary(:,1) = Ray(:,i); rayBoundary(:,2) = Ray(:,i); % betaTemp = StickHori;%*(DistStickLengthNormWei.^2)*beta(Target(I)); % betaTemp = StickHori*WeiV;%*(MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(Sup(i)),2:end) == MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(Sup(j)),2:end))';%*(DistStickLengthNormWei.^2)*beta(Target(I)); if MultiScaleFlag vector = (MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(Sup(i)),2:end) == MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(Sup(j)),2:end)); expV = exp(-10*(WeiV*vector' + ShiftStick) ); betaTemp = StickHori*(0.5+1/(1+expV)); %*(DistStickLengthNormWei.^2)*beta(Target(I)); % therr should always be sticking (know don't care about occlusion) else betaTemp = StickHori; end temp = sparse(3,NuSupSize); temp(:,Target(1)) = rayBoundary(:,1); HoriStickM_i = [HoriStickM_i; betaTemp*temp(:)']; temp = sparse(3,NuSupSize); temp(:,Target(2)) = rayBoundary(:,2); HoriStickM_j = [HoriStickM_j; betaTemp*temp(:)']; EstDepHoriStick = [EstDepHoriStick; sqrt(max(CleanedDepthMap(i),ClosestDist)*max(CleanedDepthMap(j),ClosestDist))]; HoriStickPointInd = [HoriStickPointInd i ]; end % ============================================== % ======== finding the unucessary stiching points in Vertical direction ==== VertStickM_i = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize); VertStickM_j = sparse(0,3*NuSupSize); VertStickPointInd = []; EstDepVertStick = []; MAX_POINTS_STITCH_VERT = 4; %3 DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT = 0.1; %0.3 DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT_ONLYCOL = -0.5; % effectively not used, ideally should be 0.5; i.e., the point should be farther in col direction because that is the direction of the edge. SupPixelNeighborList = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) ); SupPixelParsedList = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) ); recordAdded1 = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) ); recordAdded2 = sparse( max(Sup(:)), max(Sup(:)) ); addedIndexList = [ ]; for i = find(BounaryPVert==1)' j = i+1; if Sup(i) == 0 || Sup(j) == 0 continue; end SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) + 1; if SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 0 recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = i; elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) >= MAX_POINTS_STITCH_VERT continue; elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 1 % inside this remove the close stiching terms rowN = ceil(i/55); colN = rem(i,55); rowN_older = ceil( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55); colN_older = rem( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55); if abs(rowN - rowN_older) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT && ... abs(colN - colN_older) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT_ONLYCOL recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = i; else continue; end elseif SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) == 2 %Assuming MAX_POINTS_STITCH = 3 rowN = ceil(i/55); colN = rem(i,55); rowN_older1 = ceil( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55); colN_older1 = rem( recordAdded1(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55); rowN_older2 = ceil( recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / 55); colN_older2 = rem( recordAdded2(Sup(i),Sup(j)), 55); if abs(rowN - rowN_older1) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older1) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT && ... abs(rowN - rowN_older2) + (55/305)*abs(colN - colN_older2) > DIST_STICHING_THRESHOLD_VERT ; else continue; end end % If you come here, it means you are probably adding it. SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) = SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) + 1; addedIndexList = [addedIndexList i]; end WeightVertNeighborStitch = [ ]; for i = addedIndexList j = i+1; WeightVertNeighborStitch = [WeightVertNeighborStitch; SupPixelParsedList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) / ... SupPixelNeighborList(Sup(i),Sup(j)) ]; Target(1) = Sup2Para(Sup(i)); Target(2) = Sup2Para(Sup(j)); rayBoundary(:,1) = Ray(:,i); rayBoundary(:,2) = Ray(:,i); if MultiScaleFlag vector = (MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(Sup(i)),2:end) == MultiScaleSupTable(Sup2Para(Sup(j)),2:end)); expV = exp(-10*(WeiV*vector' + ShiftStick) ); betaTemp = StickVert*(0.5+1/(1+expV)); % therr should always be sticking (know don't care about occlusion) else betaTemp = StickVert; end temp = sparse(3,NuSupSize); temp(:,Target(1)) = rayBoundary(:,1); VertStickM_i = [VertStickM_i; betaTemp*temp(:)']; temp = sparse(3,NuSupSize); temp(:,Target(2)) = rayBoundary(:,2); VertStickM_j = [VertStickM_j; betaTemp*temp(:)']; EstDepVertStick = [EstDepVertStick; sqrt(max(CleanedDepthMap(i),ClosestDist)*max(CleanedDepthMap(j),ClosestDist))]; VertStickPointInd = [VertStickPointInd i ]; end % ====finished finding the unucessary stiching points in Vertical direction === % ======================================Finish building up matrix=====================hard work====================== % ================================================================================================================ depthfile = strrep(Default.filename{k},'img','depth_learned'); % % Start Decompose the image align with superpixels ================================================================================== % define the decomposition in X direction only % ============== parameters for the decomposition problem % Optimal parameters for current code: % For one machine: Sedumi: (1,1) Lpsolve:(3,1) % Multiple machines: Sedumi: (4,1) LPsolve:(3,1) % lpsolve running time is 22 seconds for (4,2) arrangement; but numerical % accuracy needs to be resolved first. XNuDecompose = 2; YNuDecompose = 1; % ============ parameters for the decomposition problem TotalRectX = 2*XNuDecompose-1; TotalRectY= 2*YNuDecompose-1; PlanePara = NaN*ones(3*NuSupSize,1); % setup the lookuptable for the solved plane parameter opt = sdpsettings('solver','sedumi','cachesolvers',1,'sedumi.eps',1e-6,'verbose',solverVerboseLevel); % opt = sdpsettings('solver','lpsolve','cachesolvers',1,'verbose',5); % opt = sdpsettings('solver','lpsolve','cachesolvers',1,'showprogress',1, 'verbose',4); % opt = sdpsettings('solver','glpk','cachesolvers',1, 'usex0', 1); % opt = sdpsettings('solver','glpk', 'usex0', 1); %opt = sdpsettings('solver','linprog','cachesolvers',1); % opt = sdpsettings('solver','bpmpd'); for k = 0:(TotalRectX-1) l = rem(k*2,(TotalRectX)); RangeX = (1+ceil(Default.HoriXNuDepth/XNuDecompose)*l/2):... min((1+ceil(Default.HoriXNuDepth/XNuDecompose)*(l/2+1)),Default.HoriXNuDepth); RangeX = ceil(RangeX); for q = 0:(TotalRectY-1) l = rem(q*2,(TotalRectY)); RangeY = (1+ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/YNuDecompose)*l/2):... min((1+ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/YNuDecompose)*(l/2+1)),Default.VertYNuDepth); RangeY = ceil(RangeY); mask = zeros(size(Sup)); mask(RangeY,RangeX) = 1; mask =logical(mask); SubSup = sort(setdiff(unique( reshape( Sup(RangeY,RangeX),1,[])),0)); BoundarySup = []; % for m = SubSup if any(SubSup <=0) SubSup(SubSup<=0) end BoundarySup = find(sum(SupNeighborTable(SubSup,:), 1) ~=0); BoundarySup = unique(setdiff(BoundarySup,[0 SubSup] )); % chech if BoundarySup non-NaN in PlanePara checkNoNNaN = ~isnan(PlanePara(Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3)); BoundarySup = BoundarySup(checkNoNNaN); TotalSup = sort([SubSup BoundarySup]); SubSupPtr = [ Sup2Para(SubSup)*3-2;... Sup2Para(SubSup)*3-1;... Sup2Para(SubSup)*3]; SubSupPtr = SubSupPtr(:); BoundarySupPtr = [ Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3-2;... Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3-1;... Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3]; BoundarySupPtr = BoundarySupPtr(:); NuSubSupSize = size(SubSup,2); NewRayAllM = RayAllM(:,SubSupPtr); tar = sum(NewRayAllM ~= 0,2) == 3; NewRayAllM = NewRayAllM(tar,:); NewPosiM = PosiM(:,SubSupPtr); tar = sum(NewPosiM ~= 0,2) == 3; NewPosiM = NewPosiM(tar,:); NewScalingTerm = ScalingTerm(tar); NewVarM = VarM(tar); NewPosiTriangulatedM = PosiTriangulatedM(:,SubSupPtr); tar = sum(NewPosiTriangulatedM ~= 0,2) == 3; NewPosiTriangulatedM = NewPosiTriangulatedM(tar,:); NewPosiSampledGroundM = PosiSampledGroundM(:,SubSupPtr); tar = sum(NewPosiSampledGroundM ~= 0,2) == 3; NewPosiSampledGroundM = NewPosiSampledGroundM(tar,:); NewCoPM = CoPM1(:,SubSupPtr) - CoPM2(:,SubSupPtr); NewCoPMBound = CoPM1(:,BoundarySupPtr) - CoPM2(:,BoundarySupPtr); tar = sum(NewCoPM ~= 0,2) + sum(NewCoPMBound ~= 0,2)==6; NewCoPMBound = NewCoPMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr); NewCoPM = NewCoPM(tar,:); NewCoPMBound = NewCoPMBound(tar); NewCoPEstDepth = CoPEstDepth(tar); NewHoriStickM = HoriStickM_i(:,SubSupPtr)-HoriStickM_j(:,SubSupPtr); NewHoriStickMBound = HoriStickM_i(:,BoundarySupPtr)-HoriStickM_j(:,BoundarySupPtr); tar = sum(NewHoriStickM ~= 0,2)+ sum(NewHoriStickMBound ~= 0,2) ==6; NewHoriStickM = NewHoriStickM(tar,:); NewEstDepHoriStick = EstDepHoriStick(tar); NewHoriStickMBound = NewHoriStickMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr); NewHoriStickMBound = NewHoriStickMBound(tar); NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch = WeightHoriNeighborStitch(tar); NewVertStickM = VertStickM_i(:,SubSupPtr)-VertStickM_j(:,SubSupPtr); NewVertStickMBound = VertStickM_i(:,BoundarySupPtr)-VertStickM_j(:,BoundarySupPtr); tar = sum(NewVertStickM ~= 0,2) + sum(NewVertStickMBound ~= 0,2)==6; NewVertStickM = NewVertStickM(tar,:); NewEstDepVertStick = EstDepVertStick(tar); NewVertStickMBound = NewVertStickMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr); NewVertStickMBound = NewVertStickMBound(tar); NewWeightVertNeighborStitch = WeightVertNeighborStitch(tar); ParaTar = NewPosiM(:, 3:3:(3*NuSubSupSize)) + NewPosiM(:, 2:3:(3*NuSubSupSize)) +NewPosiM(:, 1:3:(3*NuSubSupSize)); [row col] = find(ParaTar); TriParaTar = NewPosiTriangulatedM(:, 3:3:(3*NuSubSupSize)) + NewPosiTriangulatedM(:, 2:3:(3*NuSubSupSize)) +NewPosiTriangulatedM(:, 1:3:(3*NuSubSupSize)); [TriRow TriCol] = find(TriParaTar); TriCountSup = histc(TriCol,1:NuSubSupSize); % Min add to count the Tri per sup TriColConfident = find( TriCountSup > Default.TriCountSupThre); TriLogisticWei = (1./(1+exp( - phi.*( TriCountSup(TriCol) - shift)))) *LogisticPara(1)+LogisticPara(2); if isempty(TriLogisticWei) TriLogisticWei = zeros(0,1); end ParaPPCP = sdpvar(3*NuSubSupSize, 1); ScaleP = sdpvar( NuSubSupSize, 1); F = set(ParaPPCP(3*(1:NuSubSupSize)-1).*YPointer(Sup2Para(SubSup))<=0)... +set(NewRayAllM*ParaPPCP <=1/ClosestDist)... +set(NewRayAllM*ParaPPCP >=1/FarestDist)... +set( ScaleP( setdiff( 1:NuSubSupSize, TriColConfident)) == 1);% only triangulated sup can shift (optional) % ================================================================ WeightsSelfTerm = 1 ./ exp(abs(NewVarM)/BandWith); % ============ solver specific options ====== if strcmp(opt.solver, 'glpk') disp('Using x0 for GPLK'); ParaPPCP = NewPosiM \ ones(size(NewPosiM,1),1); end fprintf([' ' num2str( toc(inferenceTime) ) '\n : In 1st level Optimization, using ' opt.solver '. ' ... '(' num2str(k+1) '/' num2str((TotalRectX-1)+1) ',' num2str(l+1) '/' num2str((TotalRectY-1)+1) ')']); % sol = solvesdp(F, norm( (NewPosiM*ParaPPCP-( ScaleP(col).*NewScalingTerm +ones(size(NewPosiM,1) ,1)) ) .* WeightsSelfTerm,1)... %sol = solvesdp(F, norm( (NewPosiM*ParaPPCP-ScaleP(col) ) .* WeightsSelfTerm,1)... sol = solvesdp(F, norm( (NewPosiM*ParaPPCP-1 ) .* WeightsSelfTerm,1)... + norm( (NewPosiTriangulatedM*ParaPPCP-ones(size(NewPosiTriangulatedM,1), 1)).*TriLogisticWei, 1)... + Center*norm(((NewCoPM)*ParaPPCP + NewCoPMBound).*NewCoPEstDepth, 1)...%//Min + norm(((NewHoriStickM)*ParaPPCP + NewHoriStickMBound).*... NewEstDepHoriStick.*NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch,1)... + norm(((NewVertStickM)*ParaPPCP + NewVertStickMBound).*... NewEstDepVertStick.*NewWeightVertNeighborStitch,1) ... , opt); % + SampledGroundWeight*norm( NewPosiSampledGroundM*ParaPPCP-ones(size(NewPosiSampledGroundM,1), 1), 1)+... ParaPPCP = double( ParaPPCP); ScaleP = double( ScaleP); ParaPPCP = reshape( ParaPPCP, 3, [])./ repmat(ScaleP', 3, 1); ParaPPCP = ParaPPCP(:); sum(isnan(ParaPPCP))/prod(size(ParaPPCP)) % pause yalmip('clear'); PlanePara(SubSupPtr) = ParaPPCP; end end % build the whole image PlanePara = reshape(PlanePara,3,[]); %any(any(isnan(PlanePara))) % porject the ray on planes to generate the ProjDepth FitDepthPPCP = FarestDist*ones(1,Default.VertYNuDepth*Default.HoriXNuDepth); FitDepthPPCP(~maskSkyEroded) = (1./sum(PlanePara(:,Sup2Para(SupEpand(~maskSkyEroded ))).*Ray(:,~maskSkyEroded ),1))'; NaNMark = isnan(FitDepthPPCP); FitDepthPPCP(NaNMark) = CleanedDepthMap(NaNMark); FitDepthPPCP(isnan( FitDepthPPCP)) = FarestDist; FitDepthPPCP = reshape(FitDepthPPCP,Default.VertYNuDepth,[]); sum(isnan(FitDepthPPCP(:))) % pause % ===================================================== [Position3DFitedPPCP] = im_cr2w_cr(FitDepthPPCP,permute(Ray,[2 3 1])); if NoSecondStep %RenderVrmlFlag && i==3 [a b c] = size(Position3DFitedPPCP); % ============transfer to world coordinate % Position3DFitedPPCP = Rotation*Position3DFitedPPCP(:,:) + repmat(Translation, 1, length(Position3DFitedPPCP(:,:))); Position3DFitedPPCP = reshape(Position3DFitedPPCP, a, b, []); % ======================================== Position3DFitedPPCP(3,:) = -Position3DFitedPPCP(3,:); Position3DFitedPPCP = permute(Position3DFitedPPCP,[2 3 1]); RR =permute(Ray,[2 3 1]); temp = RR(:,:,1:2)./repmat(RR(:,:,3),[1 1 2]); PositionTex = permute(temp./repmat(cat(3,Default.a_default,Default.b_default),[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1])+repmat(cat(3,Default.Ox_default,Default.Oy_default),[Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1]),[3 1 2]); PositionTex = permute(PositionTex,[2 3 1]); if appendOpt == 1 % [VrmlName] = new_vrml_test_faceset_goodSkyBoundary( Default.ScratchFolder, ['../' Default.filename{1}], permute( Position3DFitedPPCP,[3 1 2]), [], permute(Ray,[2 3 1]), [ Default.Wrlname{1} '1st'], ... % [], [], 0, logical(zeros(55,305)), logical(zeros(55,305)), 1, 0, Default.a_default, Default.b_default, Default.Ox_default, Default.Oy_default, 1); WrlFacestHroiReduce(Position3DFitedPPCP,PositionTex,SupOri, [ Default.filename{1} ],[ Default.Wrlname{1} '1st'], ... Default.OutPutFolder, GridFlag, 1); else % [VrmlName] = new_vrml_test_faceset_goodSkyBoundary( Default.ScratchFolder, ['../' Default.filename{1}], permute( Position3DFitedPPCP,[3 1 2]), [], permute(Ray,[2 3 1]), [ Default.Wrlname{1} '1st'], ... % [], [], 0, logical(zeros(55,305)), logical(zeros(55,305)), 1, 0, Default.a_default, Default.b_default, Default.Ox_default, Default.Oy_default, 0); WrlFacestHroiReduce(Position3DFitedPPCP,PositionTex,SupOri, [ Default.filename{1} ],[ Default.Wrlname{1} '1st'], ... Default.OutPutFolder, GridFlag, 0); end system(['gzip -9 -c ' Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '1st.wrl > ' ... Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '1st.wrl.gz']); system(['cp ' Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '1st.wrl.gz ' ... Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '1st.wrl']); delete([Default.OutPutFolder Default.filename{1} '1st.wrl.gz']); end % Trial for segmentaion of the plane parameters if PlaneParaSegmentationFlag TempSup = Sup;%imresize(Sup,[330 610]); TempSup(TempSup==0) = max(TempSup(:))+1; TempSup2Para = Sup2Para; TempSup2Para(end+1) = size(PlanePara,2); TempPlanePara = PlanePara; TempPlanePara(:,end+1) = 0; PlaneParaPics = TempPlanePara(:,TempSup2Para( TempSup)); PlaneParaPics = PlaneParaPics./repmat( 2*max(abs(PlaneParaPics),[],2), 1, size(PlaneParaPics,2)); PlaneParaPics = permute( reshape( PlaneParaPics, 3, 55, []), [2 3 1])+0.5; MergedPlaneParaPics = segmentImgOpt( Default.sigm*scale, Default.k*scale, Default.minp*10*scale, PlaneParaPics, '', 0) + 1; if Default.Flag.DisplayFlag figure(400); imaegsc( PlaneParaPics); imaegsc( MergedPlaneParaPics); end save('/afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/testE/PlaneParaPics.mat','PlaneParaPics','MergedPlaneParaPics'); end %return; %==================Finished for one step MRF========================================================================================================== if NoSecondStep Position3DFited = Position3DFitedPPCP; FitDepth = FitDepthPPCP; return; end % ====================================following are 2nd step MRF to give more visually pleasing result======================================= ;% generating new PosiMPPCP using the new position % save([Default.ScratchDataFolder '/data/VertShiftVrml.mat' ] ); % groundThreshold = cos(5*pi/180); % make small range % verticalThreshold = cos(50*pi/180); normPara = norms(PlanePara); normalizedPara = PlanePara ./ repmat( normPara, [3 1]); %groundPara = abs(normalizedPara(2,:)) >= groundThreshold(YPosition); % assuming ground has [0; 1; 0] surface norm % Check Y component of the Surface Norm (Normalized PlaneParameter ) groundPara = abs(CoordinateFromRef(:,2)'*normalizedPara) >= groundThreshold(YPosition); % CoordinateFromRef(:,2) is the new ground surface norm groundParaInd = find(groundPara); % verticalPara = abs(normalizedPara(2,:)) <= verticalThreshold(YPosition); % ssuming ground has [0; 1; 0] surface norm verticalPara = abs( CoordinateFromRef(:,2)'*normalizedPara) <= verticalThreshold(YPosition); % CoordinateFromRef(:,2) is the new ground surface norm verticalParaInd = find(verticalPara); indexVertical = find( verticalPara)*3-1; indexGroundX = find( groundPara)*3-2; indexGroundZ = find( groundPara)*3; PosiMPPCP = sparse(0,0); VarM2 = sparse(0,0); % VertVar = 10^(-2); % forming new supporting matrix using new depth and get rid of the support of the vertical plane for i = NuSup mask = Sup == i; if any(verticalParaInd == Sup2Para(i)) %still keep the vertical para spatial support mask = logical(zeros(size(Sup))); end PosiMPPCP = blkdiag(PosiMPPCP, Posi3D(:,mask)'); VarM2 = [VarM2; VarMap(mask)]; end % Start Decompose image ========================= XNuDecompose = 2; YNuDecompose = 1; TotalRectX = 2*XNuDecompose-1; TotalRectY = 2*YNuDecompose-1; PlanePara = NaN*ones(3*NuSupSize,1); % setup the lookuptable for the solved plane parameter opt = sdpsettings('solver','sedumi','cachesolvers',1, 'verbose', solverVerboseLevel); % opt = sdpsettings('solver','lpsolve','cachesolvers',1); % opt = sdpsettings('solver','glpk','cachesolvers',1); for k = 0:(TotalRectX-1) l = rem(k*2,(TotalRectX)); RangeX = (1+ceil(Default.HoriXNuDepth/XNuDecompose)*l/2):... min((1+ceil(Default.HoriXNuDepth/XNuDecompose)*(l/2+1)),Default.HoriXNuDepth); RangeX = ceil(RangeX); for q = 0:(TotalRectY-1) l = rem(q*2,(TotalRectY)); RangeY = (1+ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/YNuDecompose)*l/2):... min((1+ceil(Default.VertYNuDepth/YNuDecompose)*(l/2+1)),Default.VertYNuDepth); RangeY = ceil(RangeY); mask = zeros(size(Sup)); mask(RangeY,RangeX) = 1; mask =logical(mask); % SubSup = sort(setdiff(reshape( Sup(RangeY,RangeX),[],1),0))'; SubSup = sort(setdiff( unique( reshape( Sup(RangeY,RangeX),1,[])),0)); BoundarySup = []; % for m = SubSup BoundarySup = find(sum(SupNeighborTable(SubSup,:), 1) ~=0); % maskList = ClosestNList(:,1) == m; % BoundarySup = [ BoundarySup ClosestNList(maskList,2)']; % end BoundarySup = unique(setdiff(BoundarySup,[0 SubSup] )); % chech if BoundarySup non-NaN in PlanePara checkNoNNaN = ~isnan(PlanePara(Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3)); BoundarySup = BoundarySup(checkNoNNaN); TotalSup = sort([SubSup BoundarySup]); % TotalSupPtr = [ Sup2Para(TotalSup)*3-2;... % Sup2Para(TotalSup)*3-1;... % Sup2Para(TotalSup)*3]; % TotalSupPtr = TotalSupPtr(:); SubSupPtr = [ Sup2Para(SubSup)*3-2;... Sup2Para(SubSup)*3-1;... Sup2Para(SubSup)*3]; SubSupPtr = SubSupPtr(:); BoundarySupPtr = [ Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3-2;... Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3-1;... Sup2Para(BoundarySup)*3]; BoundarySupPtr =BoundarySupPtr(:); % NuSubSupSize = size(TotalSup,2); NuSubSupSize = size(SubSup,2); % TotalSup2Para = sparse(1,max(TotalSup)); % TotalSup2Para(TotalSup) = 1:NuSubSupSize; SubSup2Para = sparse(1,max(SubSup)); SubSup2Para(SubSup) = 1:NuSubSupSize; % BoundarySupPtrSub = [ TotalSup2Para(BoundarySup)*3-2;... % TotalSup2Para(BoundarySup)*3-1;... % TotalSup2Para(BoundarySup)*3]; % BoundarySupPtrSub =BoundarySupPtrSub(:); % SubSupPtrSub = [ TotalSup2Para(SubSup)*3-2;... % TotalSup2Para(SubSup)*3-1;... % TotalSup2Para(SubSup)*3]; % SubSupPtrSub =SubSupPtrSub(:); % clearn RayAllM PosiM CoPM1 HoriStickM_i VertStickM_i % NewRayAllM = RayAllM(:,TotalSupPtr); NewRayAllM = RayAllM(:,SubSupPtr); tar = sum(NewRayAllM ~= 0,2) ==3; NewRayAllM = NewRayAllM(tar,:); % NewPosiMPPCP = PosiMPPCP(:,TotalSupPtr); NewPosiMPPCP = PosiMPPCP(:,SubSupPtr); tar = sum(NewPosiMPPCP ~= 0,2) ==3; NewPosiMPPCP = NewPosiMPPCP(tar,:); NewVarM = VarM2(tar); NewPosiTriangulatedM = PosiTriangulatedM(:,SubSupPtr); tar = sum(NewPosiTriangulatedM ~= 0,2) == 3; NewPosiTriangulatedM = NewPosiTriangulatedM(tar,:); NewPosiSampledGroundM = PosiSampledGroundM(:,SubSupPtr); tar = sum(NewPosiSampledGroundM ~= 0,2) == 3; NewPosiSampledGroundM = NewPosiSampledGroundM(tar,:); % NewCoPM = CoPM1(:,TotalSupPtr) - CoPM2(:,TotalSupPtr); NewCoPM = CoPM1(:,SubSupPtr) - CoPM2(:,SubSupPtr); NewCoPMBound = CoPM1(:,BoundarySupPtr) - CoPM2(:,BoundarySupPtr); % tar = sum( NewCoPM ~= 0,2) ==6; tar = sum( NewCoPM ~= 0,2) + sum( NewCoPMBound ~= 0,2) ==6; NewCoPM = NewCoPM(tar,:); NewCoPMBound = NewCoPMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr); % column vertor NewCoPMBound = NewCoPMBound(tar); NewCoPEstDepth = CoPEstDepth(tar); % NewHoriStickM = HoriStickM_i(:,TotalSupPtr)-HoriStickM_j(:,TotalSupPtr); NewHoriStickM = HoriStickM_i(:,SubSupPtr)-HoriStickM_j(:,SubSupPtr); NewHoriStickMBound = HoriStickM_i(:,BoundarySupPtr)-HoriStickM_j(:,BoundarySupPtr); % tar = sum(NewHoriStickM ~= 0,2) ==6; tar = sum(NewHoriStickM ~= 0,2) + sum( NewHoriStickMBound ~= 0,2)==6; NewHoriStickM = NewHoriStickM(tar,:); NewHoriStickMBound = NewHoriStickMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr); % column vertor NewHoriStickMBound = NewHoriStickMBound(tar); NewEstDepHoriStick = EstDepHoriStick(tar); NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch = WeightHoriNeighborStitch(tar); % NewVertStickM = VertStickM_i(:,TotalSupPtr)-VertStickM_j(:,TotalSupPtr); NewVertStickM = VertStickM_i(:,SubSupPtr)-VertStickM_j(:,SubSupPtr); NewVertStickMBound = VertStickM_i(:, BoundarySupPtr)-VertStickM_j(:,BoundarySupPtr); % tar = sum(NewVertStickM ~= 0,2) ==6; tar = sum(NewVertStickM ~= 0,2) + sum(NewVertStickMBound ~= 0,2)==6; NewVertStickM = NewVertStickM(tar,:); NewVertStickMBound = NewVertStickMBound*PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr); % column vertor NewVertStickMBound = NewVertStickMBound(tar); NewEstDepVertStick = EstDepVertStick(tar); NewWeightVertNeighborStitch = WeightVertNeighborStitch(tar); % try reduce the vertical constrain %NonVertPtr = setdiff( 1:(3*NuSubSupSize), SubSup2Para( NuSup( (intersect( indexVertical,SubSupPtr ) +1)/3))*3-1 ); YNoComingBack = YPointer(Sup2Para(SubSup)); % YNoComingBack(SubSup2Para( NuSup( (intersect( indexVertical,SubSupPtr ) +1)/3))) = []; % YCompMask = zeros(1,3*NuSubSupSize); % YCompMask(3*(1:NuSubSupSize)-1) = 1; % YCompMask = YCompMask(NonVertPtr); XCompMask = zeros(1,3*NuSubSupSize); % XCompMask( SubSup2Para( NuSup( (intersect( indexGroundX,SubSupPtr ) +2)/3))*3-2 ) = 1; XCompMask = SubSup2Para( NuSup( (intersect( indexGroundX,SubSupPtr ) +2)/3)); VertMask = intersect( find(verticalPara), ( SubSupPtr( 3:3:( size(SubSupPtr,1)) )/3 ) ) ; % XCompMask = XCompMask(NonVertPtr); YCompMask = zeros(1,3*NuSubSupSize); YCompMask = SubSup2Para( NuSup( (intersect( indexVertical,SubSupPtr )+1 )/3)); % ZCompMask = ZCompMask(NonVertPtr); GroundMask = intersect( find(groundPara), ( SubSupPtr( 3:3:( size(SubSupPtr,1)) )/3 ) ) ; Para = sdpvar( 3*NuSubSupSize,1); % F = set(Para(3*(1:NuSubSupSize)-1).*YPointer(Sup2Para(SubSup))<=0)... % +set( Para( SubSup2Para( NuSup( (intersect( indexVertical,SubSupPtr ) +1)/3))*3-1) == 0); % +set(Para(BoundarySupPtrSub) == PlanePara(BoundarySupPtr) )... % Special constrain for decomp fix the solved neighbor plane parameter % +set(Para(indexGroundX) == 0)... % +set(Para(indexGroundZ) == 0); % if FractionalDepthError % % size(PosiMPPCP) fprintf([ ' ' num2str( toc(inferenceTime) ) '\n : In 2nd level Optimization, using ' opt.solver '. ' ... '(' num2str(k+1) '/' num2str((TotalRectX-1)+1) ',' num2str(l+1) '/' num2str((TotalRectY-1)+1) ')']); if ~isempty(y0) disp('y0 constrain'); %NewAlphaGround = Rotation'*[0; 1/y0; 0]*Scale/(1-Translation'*[0; 1/y0; 0]); % the same as Rotation(2,1)'./(y0 - Translation(2)) F = set( CoordinateFromRef(:,2)'*reshape(Para,3,[]).*YNoComingBack'<=0)... +set(NewRayAllM*Para <=1/ClosestDist)... +set(NewRayAllM*Para >=1/FarestDist)... +set( Para( XCompMask*3-2) == Rotation(2,1)*Scale./(y0 - Translation(2)) )... +set( Para( XCompMask*3-1) == Rotation(2,2)*Scale./(y0 - Translation(2)) )... +set( Para( XCompMask*3) == Rotation(2,3)*Scale./(y0 - Translation(2)) ); %+set( Para( XCompMask*3-2) == Rotation(2,1)'./(y0 - Translation(2)) )... %+set( Para( XCompMask*3-1) == Rotation(2,2)'./(y0 - Translation(2)) )... %+set( Para( XCompMask*3) == Rotation(2,3)'./(y0 - Translation(2)) )... %; size(NewPosiMPPCP*Para-ones(size(NewPosiMPPCP,1),1)) size( abs(NewVarM)/BandWith) size( ( CoordinateFromRef(:,1)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [XCompMask*3-2; XCompMask*3-1 ;XCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, []) )) size( normPara( GroundMask )) size( ( CoordinateFromRef(:,2)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [YCompMask*3-2; YCompMask*3-1 ;YCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, []))) size( normPara( VertMask )) tempG1 = ( CoordinateFromRef(:,1)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [XCompMask*3-2; XCompMask*3-1 ;XCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, []) ); tempG2 = ( CoordinateFromRef(:,3)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [XCompMask*3-2; XCompMask*3-1 ;XCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, []) ); if size(tempG1,2) == 0 tempG1 = zeros(0,0); tempG2 = zeros(0,0); end tempV = ( CoordinateFromRef(:,2)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [YCompMask*3-2; YCompMask*3-1 ;YCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, [])); if size(tempV,2) == 0 tempV = zeros(0,0); end TriParaTar = NewPosiTriangulatedM(:, 3:3:(3*NuSubSupSize)) + NewPosiTriangulatedM(:, 2:3:(3*NuSubSupSize)) +NewPosiTriangulatedM(:, 1:3:(3*NuSubSupSize)); [TriRow TriCol] = find(TriParaTar); TriCountSup = histc(TriCol,1:NuSubSupSize); % Min add to count the Tri per sup TriLogisticWei = (1./(1+exp( - phi.*( TriCountSup(TriCol) - shift)))) *LogisticPara(1)+LogisticPara(2); if isempty(TriLogisticWei) TriLogisticWei = zeros(0,1); end % sol=solvesdp(F,norm( ( NewPosiMPPCP*Para-ones(size(NewPosiMPPCP,1),1))./exp(abs(NewVarM)/BandWith),1)... % Objective = []; if isempty(tempG1) % Objective = GroundWeight*norm( tempG1./... % normPara( GroundMask ), 1)... % +GroundWeight*norm( tempG2./... % normPara( GroundMask ), 1); GroundMask = logical(zeros(size( tempG1))); end if isempty(tempV) % Objective = Objective +VertWeight*norm( tempV./... % normPara( VertMask ), 1); VertMask = logical(zeros(size( tempV))); end % if isempty(Objective) % sol=solvesdp(F,norm( ( NewPosiMPPCP*Para-ones(size(NewPosiMPPCP,1),1)),1)... % +TriangulatedWeight*norm( NewPosiTriangulatedM*Para-ones(size(NewPosiTriangulatedM,1), 1), 1)+... % +SampledGroundWeight*norm( NewPosiSampledGroundM*Para-ones(size(NewPosiSampledGroundM,1), 1), 1)+... % +Center*norm(( NewCoPM*Para + NewCoPMBound).*NewCoPEstDepth, 1)... % +norm(( NewHoriStickM*Para + NewHoriStickMBound).*... % NewEstDepHoriStick.*NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch,1)... % +norm(( NewVertStickM*Para + NewVertStickMBound).*... % NewEstDepVertStick.*NewWeightVertNeighborStitch,1)... % , opt); % else sol=solvesdp(F,norm( ( NewPosiMPPCP*Para-ones(size(NewPosiMPPCP,1),1)),1)... +norm( (NewPosiTriangulatedM*Para-ones(size(NewPosiTriangulatedM,1), 1)).*TriLogisticWei, 1)+... +SampledGroundWeight*norm( NewPosiSampledGroundM*Para-ones(size(NewPosiSampledGroundM,1), 1), 1)+... +Center*norm(( NewCoPM*Para + NewCoPMBound).*NewCoPEstDepth, 1)... +norm(( NewHoriStickM*Para + NewHoriStickMBound).*... NewEstDepHoriStick.*NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch,1)... +norm(( NewVertStickM*Para + NewVertStickMBound).*... NewEstDepVertStick.*NewWeightVertNeighborStitch,1)... +GroundWeight*norm( tempG1./... normPara( GroundMask ), 1)... +GroundWeight*norm( tempG2./... normPara( GroundMask ), 1) ... +VertWeight*norm( tempV./... normPara( VertMask ), 1) ... , opt); % test tri satisfied or not disp('resudual of Tri point') norm( NewPosiTriangulatedM*double(Para)-ones(size(NewPosiTriangulatedM,1), 1), 1) % end % +GroundWeight*norm( ( CoordinateFromRef(:,1)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [XCompMask*3-2; XCompMask*3-1 ;XCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, []) )./... % normPara( GroundMask ), 1)... % +GroundWeight*norm( ( CoordinateFromRef(:,3)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [XCompMask*3-2; XCompMask*3-1 ;XCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, []))./... % normPara( GroundMask ), 1) ... % +VertWeight*norm( ( CoordinateFromRef(:,2)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [YCompMask*3-2; YCompMask*3-1 ;YCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, []))./... % normPara( VertMask ), 1) ... % +GroundLevelWright*norm( Para( XCompMask*3-2) - Rotation(2,1)'./(y0 - Translation(2)), 1)... % +GroundLevelWright*norm( Para( XCompMask*3-1) - Rotation(2,2)'./(y0 - Translation(2)), 1)... % +GroundLevelWright*norm( Para( XCompMask*3) - Rotation(2,3)'./(y0 - Translation(2)), 1)... else F = set( CoordinateFromRef(:,2)'*reshape(Para,3,[]).*YNoComingBack'<=0)... +set(NewRayAllM*Para <=1/ClosestDist)... +set(NewRayAllM*Para >=1/FarestDist); sol=solvesdp(F,norm( ( NewPosiMPPCP*Para-ones(size(NewPosiMPPCP,1),1))./exp(abs(NewVarM)/BandWith),1)... +TriangulatedWeight*norm( NewPosiTriangulatedM*Para-ones(size(NewPosiTriangulatedM,1), 1), 1)+... +SampledGroundWeight*norm( NewPosiSampledGroundM*Para-ones(size(NewPosiSampledGroundM,1), 1), 1)+... +Center*norm(( NewCoPM*Para + NewCoPMBound).*NewCoPEstDepth, 1)... +norm(( NewHoriStickM*Para + NewHoriStickMBound).*... NewEstDepHoriStick.*NewWeightHoriNeighborStitch,1)... +norm(( NewVertStickM*Para + NewVertStickMBound).*... NewEstDepVertStick.*NewWeightVertNeighborStitch,1)... +10*norm( ( CoordinateFromRef(:,1)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [XCompMask*3-2; XCompMask*3-1 ;XCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, []) )./... normPara( GroundMask ), 1)... +10*norm( ( CoordinateFromRef(:,3)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [XCompMask*3-2; XCompMask*3-1 ;XCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, []))./... normPara( GroundMask ), 1) ... +10*norm( ( CoordinateFromRef(:,2)'*reshape( Para( reshape( [YCompMask*3-2; YCompMask*3-1 ;YCompMask*3], [], 1) ) , 3, []))./... normPara( VertMask ), 1) ... , opt); end % ==============not used ============ % +10*norm( ( Para( XCompMask ))./... % normPara( intersect( find(groundPara), ( SubSupPtr( 3:3:( size(SubSupPtr,1)) )/3 ) ) )', 1)... % +10*norm( ( Para( ZCompMask))./... % normPara( intersect( find(groundPara), ( SubSupPtr( 3:3:( size(SubSupPtr,1)) )/3 ) ) )', 1) ... % sqrt( max(CoPM1*ParaPPCP(:), 1/FarestDist).*max(CoPM2*ParaPPCP(:), 1/FarestDist)), 1)... % +norm(((VertStickM_i-VertStickM_j)*Para)./... % sqrt( max(VertStickM_i*ParaPPCP(:), 1/FarestDist).*max(VertStickM_j*ParaPPCP(:), 1/FarestDist)),1)... % pause; % +1000*norm( Para(indexVertical)./ normPara( find(verticalPara) )',1) ... % +norm(((HoriStickM_i-HoriStickM_j)*Para)./sqrt((VertStickM_i*ParaPPCP(:)).*(VertStickM_j*ParaPPCP(:))),1)... % % else % not used anymore % solvesdp(F,norm( RayMd*Para - DepthInverseM,1)... % +Center*norm((CoPM1 - CoPM2)*Para,1)... % +norm((VertStickM_i-VertStickM_j)*Para,1)... % +norm((HoriStickM_i-HoriStickM_j)*Para,1)... % +1000*norm( Para(indexVertical)./ normPara( find(verticalPara) )',1) ... % +1000*norm( Para(indexGroundX)./ normPara( find(groundPara) )', 1) ... % +1000*norm( Para(indexGroundZ)./ normPara( find(groundPara) )', 1) ... % , opt); % % +0.01*norm( RayMtilt*ParaPPCP,1)... % % +norm(spdiags(WeiCoP,0,size(CoPM1,1),size(CoPM1,1))*(CoPM1 - CoPM2)*ParaPPCP,1)... % % +norm( (CoPM1 - CoPM2)*ParaPPCP,1 )... % end % ================================== Para = double(Para); %sum(isnan(Para)) yalmip('clear'); tempPara = zeros(3*NuSubSupSize,1); tempPara = Para; % tempPara(NonVertPtr) = Para; % PlanePara(TotalSupPtr) = Para; PlanePara(SubSupPtr) = tempPara; end end %pause PlanePara = reshape(PlanePara,3,[]); FitDepth = FarestDist*ones(1,Default.VertYNuDepth*Default.HoriXNuDepth); FitDepth(~maskSkyEroded) = (1./sum(PlanePara(:,Sup2Para(SupEpand(~maskSkyEroded))).*Ray(:,~maskSkyEroded),1))'; FitDepth = reshape(FitDepth,Default.VertYNuDepth,[]); % ---Min add July 1st FitDepth(isnan(FitDepth)) = FarestDist; % ------------------- % ===============Occlusion detection ====================== if false DiffHori = conv2(FitDepth, [1 -1], 'valid'); DiffVert = conv2(FitDepth, [1; -1], 'valid'); maskH = [ (DiffHori./FitDepth(:,2:end) > OcclusionThre) zeros(size(FitDepth,1),1)]; maskH(end,:) = 0; maskV = [ (DiffVert./FitDepth(2:end,:) > OcclusionThre); zeros(1, size(FitDepth,2))]; maskV(:,end) = 0; SupOri(logical( maskH) ) = 0; SupOri(logical( maskV) ) = 0; end % ========================================================= % ==========Storage ============== if Default.Flag.AfterInferenceStorage save([ Default.ScratchFolder '/' strrep( Default.filename{1},'.jpg','') '_AInf.mat' ], 'FitDepth', ... 'Sup', 'SupOri', 'MedSup', 'RayOri','Ray','SupNeighborTable','maskSky','maskG','MultiScaleSupTable'); end % =============================== %sum(isnan(FitDepth(:))) [Position3DFited] = im_cr2w_cr(FitDepth,permute(Ray,[2 3 1])); [a b c] = size(Position3DFited); % ============transfer to world coordinate % Position3DFited = Rotation*Position3DFited(:,:) + repmat(Translation, 1, length(Position3DFited(:,:))); Position3DFited = reshape(Position3DFited, a, b, []); % ======================================== Position3DFited(3,:) = -Position3DFited(3,:); Position3DFited = permute(Position3DFited,[2 3 1]); RR =permute(Ray,[2 3 1]); temp = RR(:,:,1:2)./repmat(RR(:,:,3),[1 1 2]); PositionTex = permute(temp./repmat(cat(3,Default.a_default,Default.b_default),... [Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1])... +repmat(cat(3,Default.Ox_default,Default.Oy_default),... [Default.VertYNuDepth Default.HoriXNuDepth 1]),[3 1 2]); PositionTex = permute(PositionTex,[2 3 1]); % =============== Building up ModelInfo================== ModelInfo.PlanePara = PlanePara; ModelInfo.Sup2Para = Sup2Para; ModelInfo.SupEpand = SupEpand; ModelInfo.maskSkyEroded = maskSkyEroded; ModelInfo.Ray = Ray; ModelInfo.PositionTex = PositionTex; ModelInfo.FitDepth = FitDepth; ModelInfo.Position3DFited = Position3DFited; ModelInfo.SupOri = SupOri; % ======================================================= if Default.RenderFlag fprintf([' ' num2str( toc(inferenceTime) ) '\n : Writing WRL.']); if appendOpt == 1 % [VrmlName] = new_vrml_test_faceset_goodSkyBoundary( Default.ScratchFolder, ['../' Default.filename{1}], permute( Position3DFited,[3 1 2]), [], permute(Ray,[2 3 1]), [ Default.Wrlname{1} ], ... % [], [], 0, logical(zeros(55,305)), logical(zeros(55,305)), 1, 0, Default.a_default, Default.b_default, Default.Ox_default, Default.Oy_default, 1); WrlFacestHroiReduce(Position3DFited, PositionTex, SupOri, Default.filename{1}, Default.Wrlname{1}, ... Default.OutPutFolder, GridFlag, 1); else % [VrmlName] = new_vrml_test_faceset_goodSkyBoundary( Default.ScratchFolder, ['../' Default.filename{1}], permute( Position3DFited,[3 1 2]), [], permute(Ray,[2 3 1]), [ Default.Wrlname{1} ], ... % [], [], 0, logical(zeros(55,305)), logical(zeros(55,305)), 1, 0, Default.a_default, Default.b_default, Default.Ox_default, Default.Oy_default, 0); WrlFacestHroiReduce(Position3DFited, PositionTex, SupOri, Default.filename{1}, Default.Wrlname{1}, ... Default.OutPutFolder, GridFlag, 0); end end % system(['gzip -9 -c ' Default.OutPutFolder Default.Wrlname{1} '.wrl > ' ... % Default.OutPutFolder Default.Wrlname{1} '.wrl.gz']); % system(['cp ' Default.OutPutFolder Default.Wrlname{1} '.wrl.gz ' ... % Default.OutPutFolder Default.Wrlname{1} '.wrl']); % delete([Default.OutPutFolder Default.Wrlname{1} '.wrl.gz']); % Trial for segmentaion of the plane parameters if PlaneParaSegmentationFlag TempSup = Sup;%imresize(Sup,[330 610]); TempSup(TempSup==0) = max(TempSup(:))+1; TempSup2Para = Sup2Para; TempSup2Para(end+1) = size(PlanePara,2); TempPlanePara = PlanePara; TempPlanePara(:,end+1) = 0; PlaneParaPics = TempPlanePara(:,TempSup2Para( TempSup)); PlaneParaPics = PlaneParaPics./repmat( 2*max(abs(PlaneParaPics),[],2), 1, size(PlaneParaPics,2)); PlaneParaPics2 = permute( reshape( PlaneParaPics, 3, 55, []), [2 3 1])+0.5; MergedPlaneParaPics = segmentImgOpt( Default.sigm*scale, Default.k*scale, Default.minp*10*scale, PlaneParaPics, '', 0) + 1; if Default.Flag.DisplayFlag figure(400); imaegsc( PlaneParaPics); imaegsc( MergedPlaneParaPics); end save('/afs/cs/group/reconstruction3d/scratch/testE/PlaneParaPics2.mat','PlaneParaPics2','MergedPlaneParaPics'); end % save depth Map ++++++++++++++++ % depthMap = FitDepth; % system(['mkdir ' Default.ScratchDataFolder '/VNonSupport_' DepthFolder '/']); % save([Default.ScratchDataFolder '/VNonSupport_' DepthFolder '/' depthfile '.mat'],'depthMap'); % ============================= % return;