//$$ oneShot3d.h #include #ifdef use_namespace namespace RBD_COMMON { #endif class DefaultParaValues { public: void setFolderNames(char *taskName, char *DepthPara, char *VarPara, char *GroundSkyPara, bool ScratchFlag, char *SFeaPara, char *FeaPara); //% ============== Highly changealbe parameters ======================== int SegVertYSize = 1200; int SegHoriXSize = 900; int VertYNuPatch = 55; int HoriXNuPatch = 61;//%305;%61; int VertYNuDepth = 55; int HoriXNuDepth = 305; int PopUpHoriX = 600; int PopUpVertY = 800; int batchSize = 10; int NuRow_default = 55; int WeiBatchSize = 5; int TrainVerYSize = 2272; int TrainHoriXSize = 1704; int MempryFactor =2; // % pics info double Horizon = 0.5;// % the position of the horizon in a pics (the bottom of the pic is 0 top is 1 middle is 1/2) // % segmentation info double sigm = 0.5;//%0.8%0.3; int k = 100; //%300;%200; int minp = 100; //%150;%20; // %================ camera info from kyle's code // % This can probably also be estimated from jpeg header double fx = 2400.2091651084; double fy = 7.3312729885838; double Oy = 1110.7122391785729; //%2272/2; % double Ox = 833.72104535435108; //%1704/2; % double a = 1704/fy; //%0.70783777; %0.129; % horizontal physical size of image plane normalized to focal length (in meter) double b = 2272/fx; //%0.946584169;%0.085; % vertical physical size of image plane normalized to focal length (in meter) double Ox = 1-(Ox/1704); //%0.489272914; % camera origin offset from the image center in horizontal direction double Oy = 1-(Oy/2272); //%0.488886982; % camera origin offset from the image center in vertical direction }; #ifdef use_namespace } #endif