/*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Routines for displaying, building, saving and restoring trees */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "defns.i" #include "types.i" #include "extern.i" #define Tab "| " #define TabSize 4 #define Width 80 /* approx max width of printed trees */ /* If lines look like getting too long while a tree is being printed, subtrees are broken off and printed separately after the main tree is finished */ short Subtree; /* highest subtree to be printed */ Tree Subdef[100]; /* pointers to subtrees */ FILE *TRf = 0, *fopen(); /* file pointer for tree i/o */ char Fn[500]; /* file name */ /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Display entire decision tree T */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ PrintTree(T) /* ---------- */ Tree T; { short s; Subtree = 0; printf("Decision Tree:\n"); Show(T, 0); printf("\n"); ForEach(s, 1, Subtree) { printf("\n\nSubtree [S%d]\n", s); Show(Subdef[s], 0); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Display the tree T with offset Sh */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ Show(T, Sh) /* ---- */ Tree T;short Sh; { DiscrValue v, MaxV; short MaxLine(); if (T->NodeType) { /* See whether separate subtree needed */ if (T != Nil && Sh && Sh * TabSize + MaxLine(T) > Width) { if (Subtree < 99) { Subdef[++Subtree] = T; printf("[S%d]", Subtree); } else { printf("[S??]"); } } else { MaxV = T->Forks; /* Print simple cases first */ ForEach(v, 1, MaxV) { if (!T->Branch[v]->NodeType) { ShowBranch(Sh, T, v); } } /* Print subtrees */ ForEach(v, 1, MaxV) { if (T->Branch[v]->NodeType) { ShowBranch(Sh, T, v); } } } } else { printf(" %s (%.1f", ClassName[T->Leaf], T->Items); if (T->Errors > 0) printf("/%.1f", T->Errors); printf(")"); } } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Print a node T with offset Sh, branch value v, and continue */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ ShowBranch(Sh, T, v) /* ----------- */ short Sh;Tree T;DiscrValue v; { DiscrValue Pv, Last; Attribute Att; Boolean FirstValue; short TextWidth, Skip, Values = 0, i; Att = T->Tested; switch (T->NodeType) { case BrDiscr: Indent(Sh, Tab); printf("%s = %s:", AttName[Att], AttValName[Att][v]); break; case ThreshContin: Indent(Sh, Tab); printf("%s %s %g ", AttName[Att], (v == 1 ? "<=" : ">"), T->Cut); if (T->Lower != T->Upper) { printf("[%g,%g]", T->Lower, T->Upper); } printf(":"); break; case BrSubset: /* Count values at this branch */ ForEach(Pv, 1, MaxAttVal[Att]) { if (In(Pv, T->Subset[v])) { Last = Pv; Values++; } } if (!Values) return; Indent(Sh, Tab); if (Values == 1) { printf("%s = %s:", AttName[Att], AttValName[Att][Last]); break; } printf("%s in {", AttName[Att]); FirstValue = true; Skip = TextWidth = strlen(AttName[Att]) + 5; ForEach(Pv, 1, MaxAttVal[Att]) { if (In(Pv, T->Subset[v])) { if (!FirstValue && TextWidth + strlen(AttValName[Att][Pv]) + 11 > Width) { Indent(Sh, Tab); ForEach(i, 1, Skip) putchar(' '); TextWidth = Skip; FirstValue = true; } printf("%s%c", AttValName[Att][Pv], Pv == Last ? '}' : ','); TextWidth += strlen(AttValName[Att][Pv]) + 1; FirstValue = false; } } putchar(':'); } Show(T->Branch[v], Sh + 1); } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Find the maximum single line size for non-leaf subtree St. */ /* The line format is */ /* <> X.xx:[ )], or */ /* = :[ ()] */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ short MaxLine(St) /* -------- */ Tree St; { Attribute a; DiscrValue v, MaxV, Next; short Ll, MaxLl = 0; a = St->Tested; MaxV = St->Forks; ForEach(v, 1, MaxV) { Ll = (St->NodeType == 2 ? 4 : strlen(AttValName[a][v])) + 1; /* Find the appropriate branch */ Next = v; if (!St->Branch[Next]->NodeType) { Ll += strlen(ClassName[St->Branch[Next]->Leaf]) + 6; } MaxLl = Max(MaxLl, Ll); } return strlen(AttName[a]) + 4 + MaxLl; } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Indent Sh columns */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ Indent(Sh, Mark) /* ------ */ short Sh;char *Mark; { printf("\n"); while (Sh--) printf("%s", Mark); } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Save entire decision tree T in file with extension Extension */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ SaveTree(T, Extension) /* --------- */ Tree T;String Extension; { static char *LastExt = ""; if (strcmp(LastExt, Extension)) { LastExt = Extension; if (TRf) fclose(TRf); strcpy(Fn, FileName); strcat(Fn, Extension); if (!(TRf = fopen(Fn, "w"))) Error(0, Fn, " for writing"); } putc('\n', TRf); OutTree(T); SaveDiscreteNames(); } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Save tree T as characters */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ OutTree(T) /* -------- */ Tree T; { DiscrValue v; int Bytes; StreamOut((char *) &T->NodeType, sizeof(short)); StreamOut((char *) &T->Leaf, sizeof(ClassNo)); StreamOut((char *) &T->Items, sizeof(ItemCount)); StreamOut((char *) &T->Errors, sizeof(ItemCount)); StreamOut((char *) T->ClassDist, (MaxClass + 1) * sizeof(ItemCount)); if (T->NodeType) { StreamOut((char *) &T->Tested, sizeof(Attribute)); StreamOut((char *) &T->Forks, sizeof(short)); switch (T->NodeType) { case BrDiscr: break; case ThreshContin: StreamOut((char *) &T->Cut, sizeof(float)); StreamOut((char *) &T->Lower, sizeof(float)); StreamOut((char *) &T->Upper, sizeof(float)); break; case BrSubset: Bytes = (MaxAttVal[T->Tested] >> 3) + 1; ForEach(v, 1, T->Forks) { StreamOut((char *) T->Subset[v], Bytes); } break; } ForEach(v, 1, T->Forks) { OutTree(T->Branch[v]); } } } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Retrieve entire decision tree with extension Extension */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ Tree GetTree(Extension) /* -------- */ String Extension; { Tree Hold, InTree(); static char *LastExt = ""; if (strcmp(LastExt, Extension)) { LastExt = Extension; if (TRf) fclose(TRf); strcpy(Fn, FileName); strcat(Fn, Extension); if (!(TRf = fopen(Fn, "r"))) Error(0, Fn, ""); } if (!TRf || getc(TRf) == EOF) return Nil; Hold = InTree(); RecoverDiscreteNames(); return Hold; } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Retrieve tree from saved characters */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ Tree InTree() /* ------- */ { Tree T; DiscrValue v; int Bytes; T = (Tree) malloc(sizeof(TreeRec)); StreamIn((char *) &T->NodeType, sizeof(short)); StreamIn((char *) &T->Leaf, sizeof(ClassNo)); StreamIn((char *) &T->Items, sizeof(ItemCount)); StreamIn((char *) &T->Errors, sizeof(ItemCount)); T->ClassDist = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxClass + 1, sizeof(ItemCount)); StreamIn((char *) T->ClassDist, (MaxClass + 1) * sizeof(ItemCount)); if (T->NodeType) { StreamIn((char *) &T->Tested, sizeof(Attribute)); StreamIn((char *) &T->Forks, sizeof(short)); switch (T->NodeType) { case BrDiscr: break; case ThreshContin: StreamIn((char *) &T->Cut, sizeof(float)); StreamIn((char *) &T->Lower, sizeof(float)); StreamIn((char *) &T->Upper, sizeof(float)); break; case BrSubset: T->Subset = (Set *) calloc(T->Forks + 1, sizeof(Set)); Bytes = (MaxAttVal[T->Tested] >> 3) + 1; ForEach(v, 1, T->Forks) { T->Subset[v] = (Set) malloc(Bytes); StreamIn((char *) T->Subset[v], Bytes); } } T->Branch = (Tree *) calloc(T->Forks + 1, sizeof(Tree)); ForEach(v, 1, T->Forks) { T->Branch[v] = InTree(); } } return T; } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Stream characters to/from file TRf from/to an address */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ StreamOut(s, n) /* --------- */ String s;int n; { while (n--) putc(*s++, TRf); } StreamIn(s, n) /* --------- */ String s;int n; { while (n--) *s++ = getc(TRf); } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Free up space taken up by tree Node */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ ReleaseTree(Node) /* ------- */ Tree Node; { DiscrValue v; if (Node->NodeType) { ForEach(v, 1, Node->Forks) { ReleaseTree(Node->Branch[v]); } cfree(Node->Branch); if (Node->NodeType == BrSubset) { cfree(Node->Subset); } } cfree(Node->ClassDist); cfree(Node); } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Construct a leaf in a given node */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ Tree Leaf(ClassFreq, NodeClass, Cases, Errors) /* ---- */ ItemCount *ClassFreq;ClassNo NodeClass;ItemCount Cases, Errors; { Tree Node; Node = (Tree) calloc(1, sizeof(TreeRec)); Node->ClassDist = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxClass + 1, sizeof(ItemCount)); memcpy(Node->ClassDist, ClassFreq, (MaxClass + 1) * sizeof(ItemCount)); Node->NodeType = 0; Node->Leaf = NodeClass; Node->Items = Cases; Node->Errors = Errors; return Node; } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Insert branches in a node */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ Sprout(Node, Branches) /* ------ */ Tree Node;DiscrValue Branches; { Node->Forks = Branches; Node->Branch = (Tree *) calloc(Branches + 1, sizeof(Tree)); } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Count the nodes in a tree */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ TreeSize(Node) /* -------- */ Tree Node; { int Sum = 0; DiscrValue v; if (Node->NodeType) { ForEach(v, 1, Node->Forks) { Sum += TreeSize(Node->Branch[v]); } } return Sum + 1; } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Return a copy of tree T */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ Tree CopyTree(T) /* --------- */ Tree T; { DiscrValue v; Tree New; New = (Tree) malloc(sizeof(TreeRec)); memcpy(New, T, sizeof(TreeRec)); New->ClassDist = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxClass + 1, sizeof(ItemCount)); memcpy(New->ClassDist, T->ClassDist, (MaxClass + 1) * sizeof(ItemCount)); if (T->NodeType) { New->Branch = (Tree *) calloc(T->Forks + 1, sizeof(Tree)); ForEach(v, 1, T->Forks) { New->Branch[v] = CopyTree(T->Branch[v]); } } return New; } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Save attribute values read with "discrete N" */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ SaveDiscreteNames() /* ----------------- */ { Attribute Att; DiscrValue v; int Length; ForEach(Att, 0, MaxAtt) { if (SpecialStatus[Att] != DISCRETE) continue; StreamOut((char *) &MaxAttVal[Att], sizeof(int)); ForEach(v, 1, MaxAttVal[Att]) { Length = strlen(AttValName[Att][v]) + 1; StreamOut((char *) &Length, sizeof(int)); StreamOut((char *) AttValName[Att][v], Length); } } } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Recover attribute values read with "discrete N" */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ RecoverDiscreteNames() /* -------------------- */ { Attribute Att; DiscrValue v; int Length; ForEach(Att, 0, MaxAtt) { if (SpecialStatus[Att] != DISCRETE) continue; StreamIn(&MaxAttVal[Att], sizeof(int)); ForEach(v, 1, MaxAttVal[Att]) { StreamIn(&Length, sizeof(int)); AttValName[Att][v] = (char *) malloc(Length); StreamIn(AttValName[Att][v], Length); } } }